
  • 网络Geminids;Geminid meteor shower;Gemini meteor shower;Geminid Meteor
  1. 双子座流星雨于本周早些时候达到了它的顶峰,流星数量达到了每小时几十颗之多。使得全世界那些有幸得以在晴朗夜空中欣赏这次奇观的观测者们振奋不已。

    The Geminids peaked earlier this week with dozens of meteors falling per hour , delighting sky-watchers around the world lucky enough to enjoy the spectacle via clear skies .

  2. 1862年,第一次双子座流星雨突然出现。

    The first Geminids meteors suddenly appeared in 1862 .

  3. 双子座流星雨的高峰期预计将在十二月13/14晚。

    The Geminids are predicted to peak on the night of December 13 / 14 .

  4. 昨天自然科学老师教我们流星雨的形成过程,还提到即将到来的流星雨。早先的双子座流星雨没有给人留下深刻印象。

    Yesterday , our science teacher taught us about the forming of meteor showers and told us about the coming meteor shower .

  5. 2009年的今天,双子座流星雨,一条绿色的光尾在接近美国加利福尼亚州巴斯托的巴莫哈韦沙漠闪烁着划过。

    2009-Geminid Meteor , a bright meteor with a greenish tinge flashes through the sky over the Mojave Desert near Barstow , California , USA.

  6. 据空军太空监视雷达发布的信号,一个特殊的系统将流星做成可听到的声音,就像双子座流星雨那样。

    By tapping in the signals from airforce space surveillance radar , a special program turns a streaking meteor into an audible sound , like this example from the Geminids meteor shower .

  7. 尘埃碎片从地球上神秘的,第3200号小行星“法厄同”穿过,使得每年的双子座流星雨成为了一年中最好的流星雨。

    Mojave Desert near Barstow , California , USA. Created as planet Earth sweeps through dusty debris from mysterious , asteroid-like , 3200 Phaethon , the annual Geminid Meteor Shower should be the best meteor shower of the year .

  8. 双子座流星雨昨夜大爆发。双子座流星雨的预计出现时间为12月13日至16日,今夜这一宇宙盛事将迎来大爆发,观测者们今夜可以大饱眼福,看到流星陨落的美景。

    Geminid meteor shower peaks December 14 . While the Gemini meteor shower is scheduled to happen between December 12th and the 16th , tonight the cosmic event will peak allowing viewers to watch shooting stars throughout the night sky .

  9. 在这张2009年的双子座流星雨图片上,一条绿色的光尾在接近美国加利福尼亚州巴斯托的巴莫哈韦沙漠闪烁着划过,背景是明亮的北斗七星群。这种情景简称流星连胜。

    In this picture from the 2009 Geminid shower , a bright meteor with a greenish tinge flashes through the sky over the Mojave Desert near Barstow , California , USA. Recognizable in the background are bright stars in the northern asterism known as the Big Dipper , framing the meteor streak .