
fǎn lǒnɡ duàn fǎ
  • Anti monopoly law;antimonopoly law
  1. 成文法国家反垄断法的特点与启示

    The Feature and Enlightenment of Antimonopoly Law in Formal Law Countries

  2. 反垄断法的域外效力与适用刍议

    Discussion on Application outside the Country in the Antimonopoly Law

  3. 陪审团裁决全国橄榄球联盟触犯了反垄断法。

    The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws .

  4. 经济全球化进程的加快要求我国健全经济法制,尽快制定反垄断法,对竞争领域的有关问题做出规定。

    The acceleration of economic globalization requires the formulation of the anti-monopoly law and regulations of competition .

  5. 因此,对于建立在哈佛学派SCP模型基础上的传统反垄断法必须进行创新。

    So , must carry on innovation to the traditional antimonopoly law based oa school SCP model of Harvard .

  6. 在WTO背景下,我国反垄断法的价值取向应该是建立一种符合我国国情的反垄断制度,即温和型的反垄断法,使公平竞争的社会主义市场经济有序并畅通发展。

    Under the WTO background , the value-orientation of China 's Anti-monopoly Law ought to establish a mild anti-monopoly system according with the national conditions of our country , which can promote the fair competition of orderly and smooth marketing economy of socialism .

  7. 美国芯片制造商高通(Qualcomm)周一同意支付创纪录的9.75亿美元罚款,以了结中国政府提出的有关该公司违反中国反垄断法的指控,从而结束了长达两年的专利争端,并帮助高通股价在盘后交易中上涨3%。

    Qualcomm on Monday agreed to pay a record $ 975m fine to settle allegations by Chinese authorities that it violated the country 's anti-monopoly law , ending a two-year patents fight and helping send its shares up 3 per cent in after-market trading .

  8. 规制效率、反垄断法与行政垄断行业改革

    Regulation Efficiency , Anti-Monopoly Law and Reform of Administrative Monopoly Industries

  9. 论外资并购的反垄断法规制

    On the Regulation of Anti-trust Law in Foreign Funds ' Incorporation

  10. 论市场中介组织的《反垄断法》规制

    On the Market Intermediary Organizations " Anti-monopoly Law " Regulation

  11. 第四章比较了中日韩三国反垄断法的具体条文。

    The forth chapter compare specifically the antitrust laws of three countries .

  12. 从制度层面上说,美、欧和加拿大等国也将竞争法等同于反垄断法。

    America , Canada and European think competition law as anti-monopolization law .

  13. 加快制定有中国特色的反垄断法

    On Drawing up an Law of Anti-monopoly with Chinese Characteristics

  14. 反垄断法的终极目的及其司法保障

    The Ultimate Aim of Antitrust Law and its Judicial Protection

  15. 论反垄断法实施体制运作的推动力量

    The Impetus to the Operation of an Anti-monopoly Implementing Regime

  16. 行业协会反垄断法规制的法律思考

    Legal Thinking About Anti-Monopoly Rules And Regulations Of Trade Association

  17. 反垄断法豁免制度是关于反垄断法适用与否的制度。

    The exemption system is suitable about the counter-monopoly law .

  18. 浅议我国反垄断法规制方法的选择

    The Choice of Regulating Model of China 's Anti - dumping Laws

  19. 西方国家反垄断法的规制方式及其启示

    Regulatory Way of Antimonopoly Law of Western Countries and Enlightenment to China

  20. 对我国反垄断法调整对象的立法建议

    A Legislative Suggestion on the Object Regulated by Antimonopoly Law

  21. 然而并非所有的垄断都是反垄断法所禁止的。

    However not all the monopoly are prohibited by the anti-monopoly law .

  22. 反垄断法构建的法律问题研究

    A Study on Legal Issue of Antimonopoly Law 's Construction

  23. 论维持转售价格的反垄断法规制

    The Study of Resale Price Maintenance Regulated by Antitrust Law

  24. 这些经济学研究促进了反垄断法不断调整和改善。

    These economic studies promote the anti-monopoly law to constantly adjust and improve .

  25. 对我国《反垄断法草案》的内容评述和修改建议

    Review of the Chinese Antimonopoly Law Draft and Suggestions

  26. 企业合资行为的反垄断法考察

    The Antitrust Laws ' Assess of Joint Venture Act

  27. 关于中国建立反垄断法体系的几个基本问题

    Some Basic issues in the Establishment in China of an Anti-Monopoly Legal System

  28. 国际反垄断法与我国反垄断立法的研究

    Study on International Anti-monopoly Law & Making-Antimonopoly-Law of China

  29. 但是并不是所有的垄断限制行为都必须要反垄断法来规制。

    But not all monopoly limitative conduct must be anti-monopoly law to regulate .

  30. 日本反垄断法实施中的竞争政策和产业政策

    Competition Policy and Industrial Policy in the Implementation of Anti-Monopoly Law in Japan