
  • 网络In Control;controlled state;Control Condition;State of Control
  1. 监理工程师做到积极支持、配合、监督施工单位认真进行施工技术交底工作,将该项工作自始至终地坚持下去,确保施工过程始终处于良好的受控状态。

    Engineers support , cooperate with and supervise actively the contractor to carry out construction technical clarification seriously , persist in the work for the whole time and ensure construction to be in good control condition ;

  2. FDA要求医疗器械制造商是在受控状态下运行。

    FDA requires manufacturers of medical devices to operate in a state-of-control .

  3. 当产品的质量指标服从p元正态分布时,可用t~2控制图和∧控制图联合起来判断产品生产过程是否处于受控状态。

    When the quality indexes of the product be a p-variate normal distribution , we can analyze the product process whether out of control or not with using T ~ 2 chart and A chart .

  4. 研究结果表明,SQA技术的应用能保证实验室始终处于统计受控状态,确保测试数据的有效性,有利于分析测试实验室质量保证活动的开展。

    Application of SQA techniques can be continuously ensure that analytical and testing data of the laboratories are in statistical _ control state , thus guaranteeing the data quality and indicating areas of potential improvement for the laboratories .

  5. 运用传统OGY控制法对混沌系统进行控制时,一个明显的缺点是系统进入到受控状态所需要的等待时间太长,致使OGY方法的控制效率较低。

    When the conventional OGY method is used to control chaotic systems , an obvious defect is that the waiting time the system needs to enter into the controlled state is too long , which brings about a low control efficiency .

  6. 研究了两个机器人在受控状态下的碰撞问题。

    State Painting Collision problem of two controlled robots was researched .

  7. 爆炸性的受控状态下的热能产生。

    An explosive thermal energy under a controlled state is produced .

  8. 嗯,实际上完全处于受控状态。

    Well , actually , it was more of a controlled burn .

  9. 在对这样的运行模式进行识别时显然无法对受控状态进行任何分布假设。

    In this operating mode we cannot give an assumption of in-control distribution .

  10. 以质量管理为中心的管理全部进入受控状态。

    The management with the quality management as the center enters the controlled status completely .

  11. 规范仓库管理,确保物资在进出及保管的三个环节中处于受控状态。

    To manage warehouse operations to ensure in , out and storage are under control .

  12. 根据分析结果,改进工艺方法,使生产过程处于受控状态。

    Based on the results , processes are improved to bring the production process under control .

  13. 在第三章中研究了受控状态下系统解的存在性。

    In the third chapter , we investigate the existence of solution to the control system .

  14. 施工安全的受控状态浅谈水利工程施工的安全管理

    The Control State of Construction Safety

  15. 强化质量控制及实证分析,从过程控制方法等几个方面,保证辽化机械厂产品质量形成全过程处于受控状态。

    Fifth , take process control into account ; assure the whole process of quality formation being controlled .

  16. 更重要的是,它是一种闭环测试方法,测试过程中系统处在受控状态。

    Most important , it is a kind of closed-loop test and lead to the least effect on process .

  17. 介绍了汽车变速箱的总成试车台设计原理及其组成装置,以保证重型变速箱质量在合理工艺指导下处于最佳受控状态

    The design principle and the composition units of the test board for heavy transmission box are introduced in this paper

  18. 当过程存在趋势项时,可能将统计受控状态的过程误判为存在异因。

    If there is trended term in the process , the in-control process can be wrongly judged to be out of control .

  19. 生产计划系统可以全面改善生产计划编制工作,并将生产导向产量更高、受控状态更好和用户满意度更高的方向。

    Production Planning System improves the production planning overall and leads your operations towards increased and more controllable production with higher customer satisfaction .

  20. 建立教学质量体系的目的是把影响教学质量的全部因素贯穿在教学质量体系中,使之始终处于受控状态。

    The purpose of constructing the teaching quality system is to put all factors influencing teaching quality to the system and controlled state .

  21. 合理选择淬火冷却介质和确定零件的材料使产品质量取于受控状态和确保产品质量的提高。

    The rational selections of quenching medium and material of parts will help product quality be a controlled condition and ensure raising product quality .

  22. 制造统计过程质量控制以通用图法为工具来分析制造工序状态,保证制造过程处于受控状态。

    The model can accomplish the inspection plan designing , quality controlling , harmonization of manufacturing process , and quality statistical analysis behind manufacturing .

  23. 便于安全质量、进度目标的比较、分析、决策、纠正和检查,使安全质量进度始终处于受控状态。

    To facilitate comparison , analysis , determination , correction and examination of safety quality and progress objectives and keep safety quality progress under control .

  24. 温度的升高会影响废料以及围岩的物理状态,因此必须使之保持受控状态。

    The increase in temperature influences the physical behaviour of the waste and the surrounding rocks and must , therefore , be kept under control .

  25. 前验证完成后,建立变更控制系统,以确保灭菌器保持在受控状态。

    After the prospective validation has been completed , change control systems are established to ensure that sterilizers are maintained in a state of control .

  26. 其结果是一个组织能够以所谓“受控状态”运行其医疗器械设计,工艺设计,生产流程及记录。

    The result is an organization that is operating in a known state-of-control for the device design , process design , manufacturing processes , and records .

  27. 制药公司应该明确关键的称重、测量或分装操作受到见证或处在等同的受控状态下。

    Companies should define the critical weighing , measuring or subdividing operations which should be witnessed or subject to an equivalent control to the minimum number .

  28. 根据奇异摄动理论将受控状态变量分为快变量和慢变量,然后根据非线性动态逆理论分别对内环和外环进行设计。

    The flight state variables are separated into fast and slow variables in terms of perturbation theory . Nonlinear dynamic inversion is adopted to design them separately .

  29. 它将其开环控制状态转换为闭环控制状态,使产品时刻处于受控状态。

    It is in a state of opened loop control replaced with closed loop control , the produc is in a state of controled at all times .

  30. 动力设备部定期测定设备和工艺装备的精度和完好率,应确保所有的运行设备和工艺装备处于受控状态,以满足生产的要求。

    Power Equipment Department shall check the precision and condition of equipment and tools as scheduled to ensure they are in good , controlled condition and serviceable .