- conception;fertilization;become pregnant;androlepsis;syllepsis;ingravidation

[become pregnant] 怀孕
Jonathan Tilly says his work could also lead to fertility treatments that might improve the chances for more traditional fertilization methods .
Ultrasonically guided aspiration of oocyte in in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
About one in six couples has difficulty conceiving
DNA was extracted from fetuses at mid-gestation , about 10 days past conception . DNA
It is the latest trend in baby pictures - an image on the day of conception .
Mechanism of Antiandrogen Flutamide Causing Hypospadias on Pregnant SD Rat
Methods Eight time - bred rabbits were randomly assigned to four groups ( 2 rabbits each group ) .
The Comparison of the Pregnant Rate in Wistar Rats Matched with Different Female / Male Ratio
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine says pregnancy rates from minimal-stimulation IVF are likely to be lower than with traditional IVF .
In many cases , IVF offers the last hope to conceive a child .
Objective To compare insulin-like growth factor ⅱ( IGF - ⅱ) gene imprinting in twin placentas with singleton ones and to determine whether imprinting was influenced by assisted reproductive technology , zygosity and fetal sex .
Objective : To research the effects of CC and small dosage diethylstilbestrol on the inner film thick of womb and pregnancy .
[ Background and Objective ] Infertility is defied that the couple with normal sexual life who can not conceive two years without contraception .
Female and male rats at the ovulation period were put in the same cage . Seen vaginal plug was set as 0.5 day after coitus .
Conclusion Ovarian poor response may have no significant effect on incidences of hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy after IVF-ET.
Supplemental Se significantly improved cows ' reproductive performances including the reduction of services per conception and the incidence of obstetrical diseases such as retained placenta and endometritis .
Her son , Cameron , was conceived naturally and this was hailed in some quarters as proof that IVF really'works ' .
Effects of Primiparous / Multiparous and Cohabiting Hours on Pregnant Rate and Caesarean Birth Survival Rate in NIH Mice
The fecundation index was 18.2 % lower in the 2500 mg / kg / day female rats than controls , but the difference was not statistically significantly ( P0.05 ) .
In July , the company took another step . It launched Glow Nurture , a separate mobile application tailored to pregnancy rather than fertility .
Research has found that ICSI babies have three times the rate of birth defects of naturally conceived infants .
METHOD : Sperm from 20 infertility patients was liquefied by trypsase and injected into uterus ( group A ) . Only one patient was successfully pregnant . The rest 19 patients received sperm washing technique ( group B ) .
Objective : To explore some serious problems probably occured , such as integrating consanguinity and social ethics , which was caused by gestational amounts of artificial insemination donor ( AID ) in human sperm bank .
[ Methods ] Thirty female Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups randomly , 10 rats in each group : 1.control group ; 2 . medication abortion group ;
Women who have tried to conceive using in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) methods are painfully aware that timing is of the essence .
Objective To understand the difference in newborn IVF-ET and spontaneous pregnant baby 's body heath index , then analyze the safety of IVF-ET.
Women trying to get pregnant are paying thousands of pounds for unregulated doses of new IVF drugs that may be unnecessary and harmful to health .
She heard about minimal-stimulation IVF from her OB-GYN and did one cycle at the Maine location of Boston IVF . Her cost this time : $ 5,000 .
Conclusions There is an adverse effect of CC on the endometrial proliferation , while GnRH-a and HMG could thicken the endometrium and improve the pregnancy rate .
The research , published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B , focused on a " natural fertility " population of women in 1800s Utah , so the results may not apply in today 's in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) world .