
shòu shěn nénɡ lì
  • capacity of standing for trial
  1. 结果:BPRS的思维障碍因子、激活性因子、PANSS的P分对受审能力具有显著影响;

    Result : Thinking disorder factor and active factor of BPRS and P value of PANSS affect the competency to stand trial significantly ;

  2. 试论精神病人的受审能力

    Mental Patients ' Competence to Stand Trail

  3. 精神病人受审能力影响因素研究

    Study of Affecting Fac to rs of Mental Disorder Offender ′ s Competency to Stand Trial

  4. 然而审判实践中遇到的涉及精神病患者受审能力的案件却日益增多。

    However , the cases that encountered in practice trials involving competence to stand trial of mentally disordered patients are growing .

  5. 我国对受审能力的研究还处于起步阶段,立法上还有许多空白之处。

    Analysis of competence to stand trial in our country is still in a stage of beginning , and there is lots of blank space in legislature .

  6. 笔者结合国内外有关文献,对精神分裂症患者所致司法案件的作案特征以及患者的责任能力、受审能力、服刑能力的研究进行综述。

    The characteristics of schizophrene ′ s misdeed and the peace breaker ′ s responsibility , competence to stand trial and to serve a sentence were reviewed .

  7. 在理论上,国内对于受审能力的研究非常分散、零碎;而立法上几乎是一片空白,对受审能力尚无明确的法律规定。

    In theory , the domestic study is scattered , fragmented . In legislation , there is almost a blank ; we have not clear legal provisions in competence to stand trial .

  8. 同时,笔者介绍了美国和英国在受审能力鉴定的程序方面的法律制度,为我国构建精神病患者受审能力的法律制度提供一定的参考价值。

    At the same time , the author introduces the legal system of United States and British in competence to stand trial provide reference for the structure of our legal system in competence to stand trial .

  9. 西方国家,辩护律师对被告人受审能力的提出和评定比对刑事责任能力的评定要多很多。而我国理论上和立法上对受审能力的研究却很少。

    In Western countries , the defense counsel requests for the evaluation of competence to stand trial of the accused are much more than that of criminal responsibility . But in our country , the study is few .

  10. 在这部分中,笔者按照受审能力评定的流程,重点介绍了大陆法系和英美法系关于受审能力鉴定的启动模式,并进行了深入的比较研究,分析其各自的优势和主要缺陷。

    N this part , according to the process of evaluation of competence to stand trial , the author focus on introducing the start-up patterns of civil law system and common law system , then conduct an in-depth comparative study of their respective main advantages and shortcomings .