
kòu zhěn
  • percussion
叩诊 [kòu zhěn]
  • [percussion] 叩击 [身体的一部分] 使发出音响、振动或感觉作为诊断的辅助手段

叩诊[kòu zhěn]
  1. 腹部叩诊常被省略。

    Percussion of the abdomen is often omitted .

  2. 听诊显示下肺野有湿性罗音,肺底叩诊呈浊音。

    Auscultation revealed crackles in the lower lung fields and dullness to percussion at the bases .

  3. 对某人的胸部进行叩诊。

    Sound a person 's chest , ie by tapping it .

  4. 用金属器械对健康的牙齿作叩诊则发出金属声。

    A healthy tooth percussed with a metal instrument gives a metallic sound .

  5. 锌合金电镀手柄,橡塑叩诊头,可以按照客人的要求丝印图案。

    Zinc alloy handle with PVC head , Logo printing and engraving is available .

  6. 让我叩诊你肺部。

    Let me sound your lungs .

  7. 大肠经隐性感传线特异叩诊音的研究

    Study on the specific percussion sound of the line of latent propagated sensation along the channel of large intestine

  8. 隐性循经感传线叩诊音的特异性及其观察(初步报告)

    The specific percussion sound of the line of latent propagated sensation along channel and its observation ( preliminary report )

  9. 仅通过物理检查和细心地叩诊,Henschen能描述左右心腔的扩大。

    Using only physical examination , and careful percussion , he was able to describe enlargement of both the left and right heart .

  10. 方法:腹部叩诊&尿意法即产妇首次排尿后,护士由脐平向下间接叩诊,同时询问产妇有无尿意,将耻上叩诊出现尿意者定为叩诊尿潴留阳性。

    Method : Patients lie on her back after micturition , then nurses percuss the abdomen from the umbilicus downwards and ask the patient 's emiction sense .

  11. 虽然高新技术发展日新月异,但是目前基本检查(视诊、触诊、叩诊、听诊、嗅诊)仍很重要。

    Although the high-new technology development is very quickly , the basic examination ( inspection , palpation 、 percussion , auscultation , olfactory examination ) itself remains important .

  12. 埃里克获得音乐奖学金在犹他州州立大学,但在课堂教学叩诊在当地的中学,他很快改变了方向,并开始了一项教育,绘画。

    Eric received a music scholarship at Utah State University but after teaching a percussion class at a local middle school , he quickly changed direction and embarked upon an education in painting .

  13. 当一边用叩诊锤叩击肋骨,同时一边用听诊器在周围的腹壁上听诊,能听到敲打钢管的声音,并且以此作为诊颤的依据。

    When button up the shot rib , use the stethoscope to hear diagnosis on the circumferential stomach wall , the voice that is similar to pound the steel pipe can be heard .