
hé zuò jiào yù
  • cooperative education
  1. 将STC与合作教育、生涯教育、STW运动理念进行比较,分析STC理念的新发展。

    Through the comparison between STC and Cooperative Education , Career Education , and components of STW movement , the new developments of STC are figured out .

  2. 产学研合作教育培养水产养殖应用型人才

    The Cultivation of Aquaculture Application Talents by the Industry-University-Research Cooperative Education

  3. 电子商务专业产学研合作教育新模式&校企联合共建ERP实验中心

    A New Mode of Integrated Production-learning-research Education on E-commerce : A Coordination ERP Lab Centre by College and Enterprise

  4. 围绕PLC教学、科研以及各种PLC教学仪器设备的研制与生产,对开展的产学研合作教育进行了总结。

    With the PLC teaching , research and manufacture of every kind of PLC teaching instrument , cooperative teaching of PTR is summed up .

  5. 国际合作教育已经成为不以人的意志为转移的世界潮流。

    International cooperation in education has become an unchangeable world trend .

  6. 产学合作教育是高职高专院校教育教学改革的必由之路。

    Production and education cooperation is necessary for universities and colleges .

  7. 产学合作教育与宝石学学科建设

    Education of learning combined with production and construction of gemmology discipline

  8. 国外大学学、研、产合作教育分析及启示

    Analysis and Inspiration of Teaching-Research-Industry Integration Education Model of Foreign Universities

  9. 美国辛辛纳提大学的合作教育及其启示

    The Cooperative Education in Cincinnati University of America and its Inspiration

  10. 高职高专IT类专业校企合作教育模式的探索

    Exploration of Cooperative Teaching Mode of IT Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges

  11. 因此,工程教育必须要回归工程实践,而产学研合作教育则是工程教育改革的一条有效途径。

    Therefore , engineering education must turn back the actual engineering practice .

  12. 浅谈健美操的功能产学合作教育培养民航创新人才的探索

    Functions of Enterprise and College Cooperation in Cultivation of Civil Aviation Talents

  13. 我国发展合作教育的现实意义

    On Realistic Significance of Developing Cooperative Education in Our Country

  14. 创新合作教育模式培养优质航空乘务人才

    Innovate Mode of Co-Education : Train Flight Attendance to Excellence

  15. 校企全方位合作教育模式及实践

    The all-dimensional institute-enterprise integration : its educational pattern and practice

  16. 开发利用社会资源发挥社会育人功能&社区管理专业合作教育途径探索

    Developing the Social Resources Giving Play to the Function of Social Education

  17. 高等职业教育发展的方向:产学研合作教育

    University and Research Institute Development Trends of advanced vocational ed

  18. 本科院校旅游专业校企合作教育研究

    Research on School-Enterprise Cooperation in Tourism Education in Undergraduate Institutions

  19. 略论合作教育在我国素质教育中的地位和作用

    Research on position and profit of co-operation education in Chinese quality education

  20. 高等职业教育产学研合作教育模式的构建

    Construction of Education Mode for Cooperation of Production-Study-Research in Higher Vocational Education

  21. 论合作教育学对我国教育改革实验的影响&以愉快教育和成功教育为例

    On the Influence of Cooperative Pedagogy On Chinese Educational Reforms and Experiments

  22. 中国董事会合作教育模式特点及相关问题思考

    Analysis of Cooperative Education Modes of the Board Of Directors in China

  23. 从系统论的观点认识产学合作教育

    On the Cooperative Education Between Production and Study By the Systemic Theory

  24. 中美合作教育社会环境比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Chinese And American Social Environments of Cooperative Education

  25. 金融证券专业搞好产学研合作教育的实践分析

    A Practical Analysis of Production-Teaching-Research Combined Education for Securities Major in Economic Colleges

  26. 产学合作教育的内涵及模式研究

    On the Connotation and Pattern of Cooperative Education between Enterprises and Educational Institutions

  27. 美国合作教育最新发展与面临的问题

    The Latest Developing Situation of American Cooperative Education and the Problems in It

  28. 浅谈合作教育思想与英语教学

    Discuss on " Cooperative Education " and English Teaching

  29. 合作教育思潮与当代教学实践

    The Thoughts of Cooperative Education and the Teaching Practice in the Present Age

  30. 影响合作教育的因素有哪些?

    What are the factors that affect cooperative education ?