
  • 网络Hefei Port;PORT OF HEFEI
  1. 随着近年来大建设的推进,不仅城市变美了,合肥港船民的腰包也鼓起来了。

    The large-scale construction of the city in recent years not only makes the city more beautiful , but also enriches people working on vessels .

  2. 随着合肥港综合码头工程的进展,一些大型集装箱将实现在合肥港的运输,一改合肥集装箱运输只能通过南京、芜湖、上海等港口中转的局面。

    With the completion of the wharf , some huge containers will be shipped at Hefei Port , instead of shipment transfers at Nanjing , Wuhu and Shanghai .