
hé zī qǐ yè
  • joint venture;business corporation
合资企业[hé zī qǐ yè]
  1. 我们是一家中美合资企业,注册资本为1亿美元。

    We are a Sino-US joint venture with a registered capital of USD 100 million .

  2. 在本合同中,Board指的是本合资企业的董事会。

    In this contract , Board shall mean the board of director of the joint venture .

  3. 一些合资企业专注于南极洲已待攫取的资源,像丰富的海洋生物。

    Some of the ventures focus on the Antarctic resources that are already up for grabs , like abundant sea life .

  4. 根据框架协议,双方将成立合资企业,在中国生产梅赛德斯&奔驰E级和C级轿车。

    The agreement formed a joint venture between the parties to produce Mercedes-Benz E-Class and C-Class models locally in China .

  5. 在日本(Japan),这类说法通常是指建合资企业,然而这些合资企业会反过来拖累母公司。

    In Japan , that kind of talk often leads to joint ventures that come back to haunt the parent companies .

  6. 美国康菲石油与澳大利亚originenergy有成立一家合资企业,但它的处境更不稳定,因为它尚未签下一个大客户。

    Conoco , which has a joint venture with origin energy of Australia , is in a more precarious position because it has not yet signed up a big customer .

  7. 特汽车公司(FordMotorCo。)及其在华合作伙伴正试图获得正式批准以重组它们的三方合资企业。

    Ford Motor Co. ( F ) and its partners in China are trying to gain official approval to re structure their three-way joint venture .

  8. 麦格理集团(MacquarieGroup)获准在中国成立一家合资企业,提供企业银行和资产管理服务,从而扩大了该银行在华业务。

    Macquarie Group has enlarged its footprint in China , by securing approval to launch a joint venture offering corporate banking and asset management services .

  9. 2006年底,eBay关闭了在中国的主站,与总部位于香港的Tom在线(TomOnline)建立了一家合资企业。

    At the end of 2006 , Ebay shut its main website in China and formed a joint venture with Hong Kong - headquartered Tom Online .

  10. 依维柯与国有企业上汽(saic)组建了一家合资企业,在中国生产汽车。

    Iveco manufactures in China under a joint venture with state-owned SAIC .

  11. 达能在合资企业的利益主要由财务总监StephenYau代表。

    Danone 's interests in the JVs were represented primarily by Stephen Yau , a finance director .

  12. 格兰杰谈到了《时尚先生》与百货公司JCPenny新近成立的合资企业&一个名为Clad的男性时尚电子商务网站。

    Granger talked up a new venture between Esquire and JC penny , called clad , an e-commerce fashion site for men .

  13. 特别是加入WTO后,国内、国际市场竞争的压力、国外技术、设备和雄厚的资本支持,都对合资企业存在着很大的威胁。

    However , with China ' entry into the WTO , joint ventures are threatened by fierce competition in the international and domestic markets and import of advanced technology , equipment and capital from abroad .

  14. 公司(SNECMA)也设在法国。这是一家在跨大西洋合资企业CFM国际集团(CFMInternational)中与通用航空公司(GEAviation)各占50%股份的合作伙伴。

    But France is also home to SNECMA , the50-50 partner with GE Aviation in the trans-Atlantic joint venture , CFM International .

  15. 不过,它已退出了与法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)建立的合资企业&上海巴黎国际银行(InternationalBankofParisandShanghai),并减少了在与某韩国银行成立的另一家合资企业的持股。

    However , it has withdrawn from a joint venture with BNP Paribas called International Bank of Paris and Shanghai and has reduced its stake in another joint venture with a Korean bank .

  16. 案例部分以时间为序,介绍了2000年到2001年间,中德合资企业SIM移动电话公司的市场营销管理问题。

    In " the case " , the marketing management status of SIM Mobile Phones Company from 2000 to 2001 is presented in time sequence .

  17. 围绕福特汽车公司(Ford)和丰田汽车公司(Toyota)建立合资企业的舆论造势让我想起了一句老话:大公司的新闻总是宣布的那天听起来最美妙。

    The buildup surrounding the new joint venture between Ford and Toyota reminded me of an old adage : big corporate events always sound best on the day they are announced .

  18. 包括摩根大通(JPMorgan)和巴克莱(Barclays)在内的数家外资银行,正争先恐后地在中国内地申请证券合资企业牌照,以便承销首次公开发行(IPO),并交易中国国内股票。

    Several foreign banks , including JPMorgan and Barclays , are scrambling to obtain mainland licences for securities joint ventures able to underwrite initial public offerings and trade domestic stocks .

  19. BSG表示,该合资企业希望在6月底前敲定计划。

    The venture hoped to finalise the plan by the end of June , BSG said .

  20. 上海哲奔咨询公司(Z-Ben)表示,英国银行巴克莱(Barclays)也将其在中国合资企业新华信托(NewChinaTrust)中的股份从19.5%大幅削减至6%。

    Barclays , the UK bank , has also reduced its stake in its Chinese joint venture , New China Trust , significantly , from 19.5 per cent to 6 per cent , according to Z-Ben , the Shanghai-based consultancy .

  21. 此外,麦格理已经与恒泰证券(hengtaisecurities)签署了初步协议,目前正在等待中国监管机构批准其投资于一家在华证券合资企业。

    Macquarie is also awaiting regulatory approval to invest in a mainland securities joint venture , having inked a preliminary agreement with Hengtai securities .

  22. 通过收购现有保险公司的股权,包括汇丰银行(hsbc)在内的少数海外集团进入了中国市场;还有许多海外保险集团与中国国内的合作伙伴开创了合资企业。

    A handful of overseas groups , including HSBC , entered the Chinese market by acquiring an equity stake in existing insurance companies , while many started joint ventures with domestic partners .

  23. 黑石集团的主打私募股权基金早就已经进行能源投资,比如最近宣布与AltaResources成立10亿美元的合资企业,计划在北美收购和开发非传统油气资产。

    Blackstone already makes energy investments out of its main private equity fund , such the recently-announced $ 1 billion joint venture with Alta resources to acquire and develop unconventional oil and gas assets in North America .

  24. 相对较晚进入中国市场的乐购(Tesco)在中国仅有不到100家大卖场和生活方式商场,该公司还组建了一家合资企业,以拓展零售空间。

    Tesco , a relative latecomer , has just under 100 hypermarkets and lifestyle malls and has set up a joint venture to develop retail spaces .

  25. 金•马洛塔(KimMarotta)是啤酒酿造巨头米勒康胜公司(MillerCoors)企业社会责任部的负责人。米勒康胜是南非米勒酿酒公司(SABMillier)和康胜啤酒酿造公司(MolsonCoorsBrewingCompany)的合资企业。

    Kim Marotta runs corporate social responsibility at giant brewer MillerCoors , a joint venture between SABMiller and Molson Coors Brewing Company ( TAP ) .

  26. 券商奥本海默(Oppenheimer)分析师法德尔•盖特确定无疑的是,英国石油公司与秋明石油公司组建合资企业时,该公司就明白自己是在自找麻烦。

    Oppenheimer analyst Fadel Gheit has no doubt that BP knew that it was courting trouble when it formed the joint venture with TNK .

  27. 鉴于其中许多合资企业陷入亏损,在中国保监会(circ)提高资本金要求之际,它们的资本金正受到侵蚀。

    With many of these ventures losing money , their capital is being eroded at a time when the China Insurance Regulatory Commission is raising capital requirements .

  28. 本文选取8833家中外合资企业和合作企业,运用OLS和二元Logistic回归对外商的投资违约行为进行实证研究。

    This paper uses OLS and Binary Logistic regression to carry out empirical study on foreign investment breaking contract in 8833 Sino-foreign equity joint ventures and Sino-foreign contractual joint ventures , and educes involved empirical conclusions .

  29. 持有秋明bp50%股权的aar表示,将在斯德哥尔摩的一家仲裁法庭对英国石油提起诉讼,以废除关于借调英国石油员工到该合资企业的框架协议。

    AAR , which holds 50 per cent of TNK-BP , said it would take action against BP in a Stockholm arbitration court to annul a framework agreement on the secondment of BP employees to the venture .

  30. 提出了跨国合资企业(IJV)稳定性的三个判断要素:现实贡献率、依赖度和合作满意度;

    This paper puts forward three basic elements to judge IJV stability : Real Contribution Rate , Reliance Degree and Cooperation Satisfying Degree .