
  • Price including tax;RMB;Tax Price
  1. 瑞银预计,高端手机(含税价超过500美元)市场在中国智能手机销售总额中占比约20%。2013年,苹果公司在中国高端手机市场上的份额为33%。

    UBS estimates the high-end ( + $ 500 w / VAT ) represents roughly 20 % of Chinese smartphone sales , of which Apple had a 33 % share in 2013 .

  2. 美国是发达国家中油品零售价最低的,但它的汽、柴油含税零售价也比我国高出20%~30%。

    The retail price of oil products in the United States is lower than in any other developed country , but retail prices of gasoline and diesel , including taxes , are still 20 % - 30 % higher than in China .