
  • 网络breathing tube;snorkel
  1. 我买了面镜、蛙鞋和一个呼吸管。

    I did buy a mask and fins and a snorkel .

  2. 这是戴呼吸管的完整划臂动作。

    This is full stroke swimming with a front-mount snorkel .

  3. 现在我们的呼吸管上有一个充气的套环

    At present , we have an inflated cuff round our tracheotomy tube

  4. 通常我会借用别人的潜水镜、呼吸管和脚蹼。

    I normally borrow someones mask , snorkel and fins .

  5. 如果这就是所谓的“让人惊叹的潜水之旅”,还不如把用海藻把水下呼吸管堵死算了。

    If this is amazing snorkeling , please jam our snorkels with seaweed .

  6. 亨德森让即刻给他插入一个呼吸管。

    Henderson ordered a breathing tube inserted immediately .

  7. 最近睡觉时没有喘气…呼吸管它的,反正不好玩

    I got sleep apnes ... apnea . Whatever . It 's not fun .

  8. 他们把呼吸管从我喉咙里拿出来?

    Right after surgery this time ?

  9. 我们现在准备给你换呼吸管了亲爱的准备好了吗哈利

    We 're going to change your tubes right now , darling . Ready , Harry ?

  10. 一种隔离式柱塞泵的研究与应用&呼吸管柱塞泵

    Study on the Theory and Application of an Isolating Plunger Pump & Plunger Pump with Air Tube

  11. 配套的水呼吸器,戴呼吸管潜泳并且水运动衣服(优秀定价)。

    An underwater diver who uses scuba gear . Scuba , Snorkeling and Water-sports apparel ( excellent pricing ) .

  12. 接受鼻腔切除的患者,我们以鼻咽呼吸管当做鼻腔之支架以维持呼吸道通畅。

    Nasopharyngeal airway tubes were inserted as a stent in those who underwent lateral rhinotomy to keep airway open .

  13. 医生会在病人的气管中插入一根呼吸管,与呼吸器相连。

    A breathing tube may be put into the person 's windpipe . The tube is connected to a respirator machine .

  14. 德比夏尔现在是赫斯菲尔德特殊学校的一名小学生,他的喉咙中一直插着一根气管造口术呼吸管。

    Derby Xia now is Hess a Fielder Special educational institution elementary student , in his throat in-line trachea ostomy breather pipe .

  15. 长腿的水栖昆虫,前腿适于抓握猎物,腹部延伸出一个长的呼吸管。

    Long-legged aquatic insect having the front legs fitted for seizing and holding prey and the abdomen extended by a long breathing tube .

  16. 他身穿黑色的猫王式连身衣,身上背了个氧气罐,鼻子上插着一根呼吸管。

    Decked out in a black Elvis-type jumpsuit , Vigil pulled an oxygen tank behind him with a breathing tube attached to his nose .

  17. 有人声称土偶不同寻常的外观类似某种太空服,可以想像护目镜、盔甲和呼吸管均已配齐。

    The unusual appearance of the Dogu has been claimed to resemble some sort of space suit , supposedly complete with goggles , armor and hoses .

  18. 另外,记得你上次说呼吸管不结实,这次展览会上我们带有更好的呼吸管。

    By the way , last time you mentioned the breath tube is not strong enough , this time we will take our better ones to the exhibition .

  19. 在滑一段特别雪道时,或许还用得上水下呼吸管;事后,同伴告诉我,我头上积有6英寸厚的粉雪,都可以滑雪了。

    After one particular run when a snorkel would have been useful , a companion told me I had six inches of skiable powder clinging to my head .

  20. 由于水的压迫,你很难吸入空气,这也是为什么呼吸管只在浅水里才有用。

    It 's hard to suck in air against the weight of the water , which is why snorkels can only work when your lungs are near the surface .

  21. 游客可以用呼吸管潜泳或蛙潜、划独木舟或是皮艇、在波科奇塔礁上露营以及观赏各种霸气外露的野生动物,比如海牛和鳄鱼。

    Visitors can snorkel , scuba dive , go canoeing or kayaking , camp on Boca Chita Key , and view some seriously cool wildlife , like manatees and crocodiles .

  22. 其中一个早上,伯努瓦给我们找到一处绝佳的赏鱼处——这是巨型蝠鲼汇聚的地方,我们带着呼吸管出没于它们中间,仿佛自己也变成了海洋生灵。

    One morning , Benoit found us a site where vast manta rays tend to gather and we snorkelled in and out among them as if we , too , had become creatures of the sea .

  23. 我们与其他游客一起坐船去那儿,包括带小孩的一大家子法国人,午餐是在海滩上吃烧烤,之后有些人使用呼吸管去潜游,另一些人则去徒手潜水。

    We travelled there by boat with other guests , including a gorgeous French family with small children , and after a barbecue lunch on the beach , some of us went snorkelling and others diving .

  24. 在得到这份工作之前,他必需在岛上进行一个为期四天的深入面试。这个面试要求候选人戴着呼吸管在清澈的海水中潜水、在海滨烧烤填饱肚子,并在水疗中放松。

    Before getting the job he had to spend four days on the island for an extended interview process , which required applicants to snorkel through crystalline waters , gorge themselves at a beachside barbecue and relax at a spa .

  25. 想要潜水人可选择使用水下呼吸器或者一根呼吸管。水肺通常只有专业人员才使用,但一般潜水的人也可以只用一根呼吸管来享受水面下的世界。

    Divers can choose to use the scuba or go with a snorkel.The scuba is usually used by professionals only , but casual divers can enjoy the water with nothing more than a snorkel.Renting a mask and a snorkel does not cost much , and learning how to use it for diving only takes a short time.With a snorkel ,

  26. 带呼吸囊管式背心抗荷服的热负荷测定

    Determination of indexes of heat stress in wearing capstan pressure vest anti-G suit with breathing bladder

  27. 机械通气呼吸回路延长管临床应用效果评价

    The effect evaluation of respiration bain circuit extension tube clinical apply under mechanical ventilation

  28. 鼻粘膜呼吸部淋巴管的检出率明显高于嗅部。

    The incidence of lymphatics in the respiratory region of the nose is higher than that in the olfactory region .

  29. 结果使用生物过滤器后医院下呼吸道感染发生率显著下降,呼吸回路螺纹管内几乎无细菌寄居。

    RESULT After the filter used , the rate of nosocomial lower respiratory tract infection is reduced obviously , and breathing circuit almost have no bacteria colonized .

  30. 方法对142例15kg以下的先天性心脏病低体重婴幼儿(3岁以下)术后根据其生理特点,严密做好循环系统、呼吸系统、引流管、感染等监护措施,防止相关并发症的发生。

    Methods Take good postoperative care of 142 low body weight infants with congenital cardiopathy according to their physiological features to prevent from complications .