
hū xī yīn
  • breathing;breath sound;respiration
  1. 奥斯汀弗林特氏呼吸音

    Noise deadening Austin Flint respiration

  2. 肺部呼吸音减低或细湿啰音4例(26.7%),出现明显肺部影像学表现10例(66.7%)。

    The diminution of respiration and pulmonary thin moist rales were auscultated in 4 cases . The chest imaging manifestations were accounted for ( 66.7 % ) .

  3. 异常呼吸音的AR谱分析

    Autoregressive Spectral Analysis of Abnormal Breath Sounds

  4. 呼吸音减低则可以在胸腔积液、慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)、肺不张和气胸时被发现。

    Decreased breath sounds may be noted with a pleural effusion , COPD , atelectasis and pneumothorax .

  5. 本文应用自回归(AR)模型方法于异常呼吸音的分析,AR模型阶次由阿凯克信息准则确定。

    In our study , the abnormal breath sounds were analysed by means fo autoregressive model , and the AR model order of abnormal breath sounds were computed by AKaike information theoretic criterion ( AIC ) .

  6. 术中监测气道峰压、血氧饱和度(SPO2)及双肺呼吸音,比较两组结果。

    During the operation , the airway peak pressure and SPO2 were monitored , and lung respiratory sound was auscultated .

  7. 经对比,初步认为HFJV下肺音与正常呼吸音相同。

    After comparison , it is suggested that the lung sounds undergoing HFJV is similar with the normal breath sounds .

  8. 而常用的包络提取方法如Hilbert变换需要与滤波器结合,才能有效的应用,因此,本研究提出了基于复小波变换的呼吸音包络特征提取新方法。

    And it needs to be combined with filters with conventional methods ( Hilbert transform , for example ) . So a novel method of respiratory sounds envelope extraction based on complex wavelet transform is put forward in this paper .

  9. 但我接下来想很快地为大家介绍的是另一项前沿科技,为什么说听诊器快落伍了呢,因为通过GE引进的手持超声装置,我们的可听域超出了肠蠕动音、呼吸音的范围,

    But what I want to get to , the next frontier , very quickly , and why the stethoscope is on its way out , is because we can transcend listening to the valve sounds , and the breath sounds , because now , introduced by G.E. is a handheld ultra-sound .

  10. 用声学分析婴幼儿呼吸音的有效性和可靠性

    Validity and reliability of acoustic analysis of respiratory sounds in infants

  11. 肺通气功能正常的支气管哮喘患者气管呼吸音分析的研究

    The study on respiratory sounds of asthmatics with normal lung ventilation function

  12. 呼吸音正常,没有呼吸障碍。

    He has normal breath sounds and no respiratory distress .

  13. 听诊右肺呼吸音弱。

    The auscultation right lung respiratory murmur is weak .

  14. 特征提取是呼吸音识别的核心问题。

    Feature extraction is the core of pattern recognition .

  15. 基于蓝牙的心音、呼吸音无线电子听诊监护系统

    Electronic Heart Sounds and Respiratory Sounds Auscultation and Monitoring System Based on Bluetooth

  16. 呼吸音的定量分析及其应用

    The quantitative analysis of breath sound and its application

  17. 支气管激发试验中呼吸音分析的研究

    Bronchial Provocation Test Using Computerized Respiratory Sounds Analysis

  18. 驻极体电容式呼吸音传感器

    The Breath Sounds Transducer with Electret-Condense Microphone

  19. 呼吸音信号采集分析系统研制及临床应用

    The Preparation and Clinical Application of Breath Sounds Sampling and An alyzing ( BSSA ) System

  20. 她的肺部听起来较正常呼吸音低,但是我没有发现淤血症状。

    Her lung sounds were a bit quieter than normal but I did not detect any congestion .

  21. 呼吸音的相干分析

    Coherence Analysis of Breath Sounds

  22. 分析了正常的呼吸音、干性罗音和湿性罗音波形的特点。

    There 's also an analysis of undulate form feature of vesicular breath sounds dry rale and wet rale .

  23. 本系统尤其适用于烈性传染病人的心音和呼吸音的监护,具有较高的临床实用价值和社会价值。

    The monitor system is particularly useful for fulminating infections diseases and has high values of medical and society .

  24. 听诊右肺呼吸音弱,左肺呼吸音正常,双肺可闻及少量干湿性啰音。

    Respiratory sounds in right lung were weak . A small amount of rhonchus and moist rales could be heard .

  25. 68·2%(15例)患者肺呼吸音正常或稍粗。

    68.2 % ( 15 / 22 ) of the patients had normal or mild coarse breath sounds on auscultation .

  26. 研究表明,不同呼吸音信号的时域波形以及不同变换后的波形都存在着差异。

    It is found that the waveforms in time domain and in transform domain of different respiratory sound signals are different .

  27. 目的:探讨支气管哮喘和慢性喘息型支气管炎(慢喘支)患者发作期呼吸音的频谱特点,并对两者进行分析比较。

    Objective : To evaluate and compare the spectral characteristics of the breath sounds in asthmatics and chronic asthmatic bronchitis during episode .

  28. 在肺胸系统正常和机能异常情况下对肺泡呼吸音、哮鸣音、喘鸣音和破裂音进行了分析。

    Vesicular breath sounds , wheezes , stridors and crackles in the normal lung-thorax system mechanism and abnormal lung-thorax system mechanism were analyzed .

  29. 目的观察肺通气功能正常的支气管哮喘患者气道炎症对呼吸音的影响。

    Objective In order to investigate whether respiratory sounds can be influenced by inflammatory changes of clinically stable asthma with normal lung ventilation function .

  30. 肺部听诊揭示异常呼吸音,如湿罗音,提示肺部积液。

    Listening to the chest with a stethoscope ( auscultation ) reveals abnormal breath sounds , such as crackles that suggest fluid in the lungs .