
hū xī qì ɡuān
  • respiratory organ
  1. 以上结果说明一定浓度的SO2吸入不仅影响小鼠呼吸器官,而且对多种脏器都有作用,同时显示雌、雄小鼠对SO2的敏感性不同。

    It indicated that SO 2 above certain concentration could make effects not only on respiratory organ , but also on other organs , and the susceptibility of the male and the female mice to SO 2 was different .

  2. 目的观察胸腹体罩对中下肺及膈肌呼吸器官运动在X,Y,Z轴上的影响,为中下肺癌和肝癌确定计划靶区(PTV)提供参考数据。

    Objective To observe effect of ventral thoracic covering on the respiratory organ movement in the direction of X , Y and Z axis so as to provide reference data to determine PTV of middle or bottom pulmonary carcinoma and hepatocarcinoma .

  3. 呼吸器官包括鼻、咽喉及肺。

    The breathing apparatus includes the nose , throat and lungs .

  4. Ca2+、BR对玉米呼吸器官耐冷性的影响

    Physiological Effects of Ca 2 + and BR on Chilling Tolerance in Maize Seedlings

  5. 这些结果提示亚硫酸盐可引起小鼠多种脏器细胞的DNA损伤,而不仅只作用于呼吸器官,是一种全身性DNA损伤因子,一种全身性毒物。

    Combined analysis of these experimental results mentioned , in conclusion that sulfite could cause DNA damage to multiple organs of mice , and become a systemic DNA damaging agent and also a systemic toxic agent , not only to respiratory system .

  6. 将M41标准毒株与上海株IBV的致病力进行比较,发现2个毒株引起的呼吸器官病变基本相同,但M41毒株对肾的致病力较轻,未见间质性肾炎和输尿管炎病理变化。

    Pathogenicity comparison among the Shanghai strain , M_ ( 41 ), and the standard strain showed that M_ ( 41 ) strain resulted in degeneration of renal parenchyma and could not cause interstitial nephritis and ureteritis .

  7. 呼吸器官的功能部分减退甚至消失。

    The functions of respiratory organs partly failed or even abolished .

  8. 自然在安排呼吸器官的运作上,是一时一刻都不休息的。

    Nature is uninterrupted to arrange the operation of breath organ .

  9. 鳃上器是某些鱼类所特有的辅助性呼吸器官。

    Suprabranchial organ is a special organ of some fishes .

  10. 黄鼬呼吸器官的组织学研究

    Study on histology of respiration organ of Mustela sibirica

  11. 浅谈动物的呼吸器官及方式

    On the Respiratory Apparatus and Breathing Ways of Animals

  12. 吸入过多的臭氧,会引起呼吸器官的多种疾病。

    If you breathe too much ozone it can cause all kinds of respiratory problems .

  13. 鳃是青蛤主要呼吸器官,同时,外套膜也起到辅助呼吸的作用;

    Gill is the main respiratory organ ; mantle also plays the role of assistant respiration .

  14. 新生儿呼吸器官&气管和肺的结构已基本发育完全。

    The respiratory system of the newborn , especially trachea and the lungs has basically developed .

  15. 目前发现血管紧张素转换酶2与心血管、肾脏、肺等疾病有关,并且是严重急性呼吸器官综合症冠状病毒的功能受体。

    ACE2 is now implicated in cardiovascular , renal , lung disease and serves as a receptor for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus .

  16. 毒蕈碱受体激动剂增加呼吸器官、汗腺、唾液、泪腺的腺泡细胞的水分分泌。

    Background : Muscarinic receptor agonists increase water secretion from the acinar cells of respiratory , sweat , salivary , and lacrimal glands .

  17. 文章介绍了原生动物、腔肠动物、软体动物、节肢动物、鱼类、两栖类、爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类动物的呼吸器官及呼吸方式。

    This article has introduced the respiratory apparatus and breathing ways of protozoan , coelenterates , mollusks , arthropods , fish , amphibians , reptiles , birds and mammals .

  18. 对中国沿海常见蓝子鱼科鱼类的外部形态、呼吸器官、感觉器官、消化器官、骨骼系统等形态特征进行了比较研究。

    The study was focused on the comparison of the morphological characters , including the body shapes , respiratory and sense organs , digestive system and osteological feathers of Chinese siganids .

  19. 一般来说,严重急性呼吸器官综合症首先在2002年出现在中国,然后在2003年主要通过航空旅行和随后的医院内传播的方式散布全球。

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ( SARS ) is thought to have first appeared in China in2002 and spread around the world in2003 , mainly by airline travel and then within hospitals .

  20. 运用急性和慢性染毒方法,定期观察染毒期间和染毒后小鼠的行为变化,并观察染毒后呼吸器官的大体解剖和组织学变化。

    Action changes in both the period of exposure and convalescence were observed periodically using acute and chronic inhalation , and changes of anatomy and histology of respiratory organ were observed , too .

  21. 鳃是鱼类用来呼吸的器官。

    Gills are the organ through which fish breathe .

  22. 消化[呼吸]器官

    The digestive [ respiratory ] apparatus

  23. 早产儿易于发生呼吸问题、器官发育不全、感染和脑性麻痹。

    Premature babies are vulnerable to breathing problems , underdeveloped organs , infections and cerebral palsy .

  24. 个体在修习禅定的过程中,身体、呼吸以及内脏器官,尤其是大脑,都会有着细微的变化。

    Individuals in the process of repairing meditate on , the body , breathing and internal organs , especially the brain , can have slight change .

  25. 结论用胸腹体罩可减少呼吸所产生的器官上下(Z轴)移动的范围,对减少PTV范围有显著意义。

    Conclusion The organ motion range in the direction of Z axis induced by respiration is reduced by ventral thoracic covering , which is important to reduce the range of PTV .

  26. 伴呼吸衰竭的多器官功能障碍综合征46例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 46 Cases With Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome With Respiratory Failure

  27. 症状:扩大后的肝脏可能导致呼吸困难,身体器官的妥协腔空间。

    Symptoms : The enlarged liver may cause breathing difficulties as the organ compromises the body cavity space .

  28. 叶片是植物进行光合作用和呼吸作用的主要器官,并最终与作物产量的形成密切相关。

    Leaves are the primary organs required by plants to carry out photosynthesis and respiration , and they are closely related to agricultural yield .

  29. 结果早期主要并发症为室性心律失常、低心排血量综合征、呼吸衰竭和多器官功能衰竭。

    Results Ventricular arrhythmia , low cardiac output , respiratory failure and multiple system organ failure ( MSOF ) were the most frequent early complications .

  30. 而叶片是光合作用和呼吸作用的直接器官,其颜色、形状和大小直接影响水稻的株型,并通过影响水稻的光合作用进而影响产量和品质。

    At the same time its leaves are the primary organs of photosynthesis and respiration . Their color , type and size could affect plant types and photosynthesis directly , output and quality of rice also be influenced consequently .