
  • 网络respiratory management
  1. 30例静脉麻醉中应用Bain麻醉回路行呼吸管理,观察其对血气影响。

    The effects of Bain 's circuit of anesthesia on blood gases were observed when the circuit was utilized for respiratory management in 30 surgical patients under intravenous anesthesia .

  2. 目的总结10kg以下先天性心脏病(先心病)伴肺动脉高压(肺高压)术后呼吸管理的经验,探讨防止和减少呼吸道并发症的对策。

    Objective To conclude the experience of postoperative respiratory management in congenital heart diseases ( CHD ) children less than 10 kg with pulmonary hypertension .

  3. 同时,呼吸管理团队能有效缩短中重度COPD患者的平均住院日,再次入院率及平均医疗费,降低疾病经济负担,节约医疗卫生资源。

    At the same time , Respiratory Team can shorten the average days in hospital , reduce the hospital readmission rate , cut down the average medical treatment cost and reduce the disease burden of economy , further save medical and health resources for patients with COPD .

  4. 体质量小于10kg的婴幼儿先天性心脏病的外科治疗10kg以下先心病伴肺动脉高压患儿术后呼吸管理策略

    Surgical treatment of infants with CHD weighting less than 10 kg The experience of postoperative respiratory management in congenital heart diseases children less than 10 kg with pulmonary hypertension

  5. 气管内吸引术(endotrachealsuctioning,ETS)是常用的护理措施,用于减少危重病人肺部并发症;作为呼吸管理的基本部分,它在颅脑外伤病人中的应用极其重要。

    Endotracheal suctioning ( ETS ) is a routine nursing practice for critical patients to reduce pulmonary complications , and as an essential part of the respiratory management , it is important to use ETS in traumatic brain-injured patients .

  6. 目的分析我院46例体质量<6kg婴儿先天性心脏病并肺动脉高压患儿的临床资料,总结低体质量小婴儿先天性心脏病并肺动脉高压围手术期的呼吸管理经验。

    Objective To analyze the clinical data of 46 infants with congenital heart disease ( CHD ) and pulmonary hyperten - sion ( PH ) weighed less than 6 kg in our department and review the experience of breathing management during peri-operation .

  7. 婴幼儿心内直视术后早期呼吸管理

    Early respiratory nursing of infants with intracardiac repair under direct vision

  8. 急诊科严重胸外伤病人的呼吸管理

    Respiratory Management for Patients with Chest Trauma in Emergency Room

  9. 新生儿心脏术后呼吸管理策略

    The strategy for respiratory care in neonates after cardiac surgery

  10. 急诊垂危病人的气管插管时机与呼吸管理

    Right moment of endotracheal intubation and respiration management in critically ill patients

  11. 130例颈椎脊髓损伤围手术期的呼吸管理

    Postoperative Respiratory Management of 130 Cases Cervical Spine Trauma

  12. 心脏瓣膜直视术术后呼吸管理

    Respiratory Management after Cardiac Valve Replacement by Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  13. 胸腔镜手术中麻醉的呼吸管理

    Respiratory management in the anesthesia of video-assisted thoracic surgery

  14. 气管、支气管重建术的麻醉和呼吸管理

    Anaesthesia and Respiratory Control of Tracheal and Bronchial Reconstruction

  15. 右腋下直切口心内直视术术后病人的呼吸管理

    Respiratory management of postoperative patients underwent intracardiac operation under direct vision via armpit vertical incision

  16. 做好病人呼吸管理,保证呼吸道的通畅是护理工作的重点。

    The most important nursing works were managed respiratory and keep unobstructed respiratory tract of patients .

  17. 强调了动脉血气监测及呼吸管理的重要性。

    Therefore , it is important to emphasize the monitoring of artery blood gas and management of respiration .

  18. 结论:血气分析对术前心脏病诊断、术中监测体外循环灌注及术后呼吸管理具有重要价值。

    Conclusion : The blood gas analysis has important value in diagnosis , monitoring and administrating CPB and respiration .

  19. 目的探讨颈椎脊髓损伤围手术期的呼吸管理,为提高临床疗效提供有效的保障。

    Objective To investigate the respiratory control over the patients with cervical spinal cords injuries so as to improve clinical outcomes .

  20. 目的采用不同的呼吸管理模式建立大鼠心肌梗死模型,比较远期存活率并分析相关影响因素。

    OBJECTIVE To establish and assess the rat model of myocardial infarction in different respiratory controlling methods and improve the survival rates .

  21. 目的:探讨先天性食管闭锁伴气管食管瘘手术的麻醉方法及呼吸管理。

    Objective : To probe the anesthesia methods and management of respiration in the operation on congenital esophageal atresia accompanying tracheo-esophageal fistula .

  22. 简化了麻醉设备,进一步完善术中呼吸管理,确保手术安全;

    The method simplified the equipment used for anesthesia , and further perfected the respiratory management during the operation to ensure intra-operative safty .

  23. 结论采用体位疗法、加强呼吸管理、注意监测血糖、提倡主动转运及宫内转运等方法联合应用能有效地提高有并发症早产儿的治愈率。

    Conclusion : Position therapy , respiratory management , attention to glycemia and active conveyance are important methods to improve the conditions of preterm infants .

  24. 结论电视胸腔镜下肺大泡手术的麻醉管理应着重强调麻醉平稳、防治张力性气胸、正确定位双腔气管导管、加强单肺通气的呼吸管理和防治低氧血症。

    Conclusion The key points of anesthetic management for lung bullae surgery with video-assisted thoracoscopy were stable anesthesia , correct position of DLT , ventilation management of OLV , prevention and treatment of tension pneumothorax and hypoxemia .

  25. 结论靶控输注瑞芬太尼在人流术中有一定的优点,但需注意术中的呼吸管理,从综合效应看效应部位浓度2ng/ml优于3ng/ml。

    Results Target-controlled infusion of remifentanil used in painless induced abortion had some advantage , but attention must be paid to respiration management . Compared with the dose of 3ng / ml remifentanil , 2ng / ml remifentanil had some advantages .

  26. 极低出生体重儿呼吸病管理体会

    Experiences in managing respiratory diseases of very low birth weight infants

  27. 水泥生产作业场所呼吸粉尘管理浓度研究

    Study on Administrative Standard Recommendable Values for Respirable Dust Concentration in the Air of Cement Workplaces

  28. 结论:完善术前准备,选择适当手术时机,术后加强循环系统监护,完善呼吸系统管理,积极预防与治疗各种并发症是保证手术成功的关键。

    Conclusion : Preferable preoperative preparation , proper choice of operation , careful monitoring of circulation system and respiratory system and prevention of complications are the keys to ensure the success of operation .

  29. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者围术期的呼吸和呼吸道管理

    Management of Breath and Airway of COPD Patients During Perioperative Stage

  30. 室间隔缺损合并肺动脉高压术后呼吸系统的管理

    Postoperative Management of Respiratory System of Patients with Ventricular Septal Defect Complicated with Pulmonary Hypertension