
guó jì gē
  • The Internationale
国际歌 [guó jì gē]
  • [the Internationale] 国际无产阶级革命歌曲。法国欧仁.鲍狄埃(Eugène Pottier)作词,狄盖特(Pierre Degeyter)配曲

国际歌[guó jì gē]
  1. 《国际歌》体现了巴黎公社的革命精神。

    The Internationale embodies the revolutionary spirit of the Paris commune .

  2. 我们以国际歌作为结束。

    We finished by singing the internationale .

  3. 乐队奏《国际歌》。

    The band struck up the Internationale .

  4. 大会最后以高唱《国际歌》结束。

    The rally finished up with the singing of the internationale .

  5. 晚会在《国际歌》声中结束。

    The party ended up with the singing of the internationale .

  6. 整个大厅的人都站起身,高唱国际歌。

    The entire hall rose and sang the Intermtionale .

  7. 爵士乐团、歌曲等.乐队奏《国际歌》。

    A skiffle group , song , etc The band struck up the Internationale .

  8. 他们最后唱《国际歌》。

    They finished by singing the Internationale .

  9. 突然间,有人开始唱国际歌。

    Suddenly someone struck up the international .

  10. 一下车我们就听到了北京电台播送的《国际歌》。

    Getting out of the car , we heard the Internationale being transmitted from Radio Beijing .

  11. 珠江钢琴弹奏国际歌

    Zhujiang Piano Plays International Songs

  12. 突然间,有人开始唱国际歌。会议最后以高唱《国际歌》而结束。

    Suddenly someone struck up the International . The conference ended up with the singing of the Internationale .

  13. 古乐团是香港正式成立及认可的国际歌影迷会,欢迎本地及海外歌迷加入。

    " Louis Koo International Fans Club " is Hong Kong established and approved International Fans Club , welcome local and oversea fans to join .

  14. 1918年,《国际歌》被采用为俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国的国歌,后来也就成了苏联的国歌。

    In1918 , The Internationale was adopted as the official song of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic , later becoming the anthem of the Soviet Union .

  15. 这是广为人知的“国际上床歌”吗?

    Is that the international song for " got laid " ?