
  • 网络Topographic survey;topographic surveying
  1. 基于RTK的水下地形测量系统的探讨

    On exploration for underwater topographic survey of RTK

  2. GPS(全球定位系统)在水下地形测量的应用实践

    The Application of GPS ( Global Positioning System ) to Underwater Topographic Survey

  3. 地理信息系统GIS在地籍、地形测量中的运用

    Application of Geography Information System in Land and the Geography Measures

  4. 利用VISUALFOXPRO5.0进行水下地形测量数据处理系统设计

    Application of Visual FoxPro 5.0 to the Development of Data Processing of Bathymetric Surveying

  5. GPS准动态地形测量在特殊环境下的灵活应用

    Quasi-dynamic GPS used for landform measurement in the special circumstance

  6. GPS在水下地形测量中的研究与应用

    Application Research of the GPS on Underwater Topographic Survey

  7. 对地下水环境工程授课方式的探讨GPS在水下地形测量工程中的应用

    Approaches Used in the Course of Groundwater Environment Engineering GPS in the underwater topographic survey engineering

  8. 差分GPS和全站仪在水下地形测量定位精度探讨

    Discussion on the Positioning Accuracy of DGPS and TS ( Total Station ) in Underwater Topographic Surveying

  9. GPSRTK技术在数字化地形测量上的应用实验

    A Test of Use of GPS RTK Technology in Digital Topographic Surveying

  10. RTKGPS与数字测深仪相结合进行水下地形测量

    Survey of Underwater Topography Combine RTK GPS with Digital Echosounder

  11. 基于GPSRTK技术的数字化地形测量

    The numerical topographic surver based on GPS RTK technology

  12. GPS在农田土地平整地形测量中应用的初步研究

    Study on combination of conventional and Laser controlled land grading procedures Application of GPS technology in agricultural land levelling survey

  13. GPSRTK与免棱镜全站仪在地形测量中的应用

    Application of the GPS RTK and the total-station instrument without prism in topographic survey

  14. 水下地形测量中动态差分GPS测定船体姿态的实验研究

    Experimental Research On Measuring the Attitude of Ship in the Underwater Topographic Surveying by Means of Real Time Kinematic Differential GPS

  15. 此外,GPS在工程勘测、地形测量、变形监测及其他方面的应用也最为广泛。

    In addition , GPS in engineering surveying , topographic surveying , deformation monitoring and other aspects of applications are most widely used .

  16. GPS天线在不均匀转动条件下,基线解算精度有较小的下降,但其误差较小,可满足地形测量的精度要求。

    The accuracy of processed baseline reduces slightly when GPS antenna turns irregularly , but still meets the accuracy requirement for topographic survey .

  17. 基于RTK的地形测量工作流程及精度探析

    Study on Workflow and Accuracy of Topographic Survey Based on RTK

  18. 利用RTK技术进行大比例尺水下地形测量

    On Large Scale Underwater Topographic Survey with RTK Technology

  19. 无验潮模式下的RTK水下地形测量

    Underwater Topographic Survey Using RTK Technology Without Tide Gauge

  20. DGPSRTK技术在无验潮水下地形测量中的应用初探

    Preliminary Applying DGPS RTK Technique in Bottom Topographic Survey without tidal Observation

  21. 介绍了GPS无验潮水下地形测量的原理,探讨了其数据采集与处理方法,并对GPS无验潮水下地形测量的精度和特点作了说。

    In this paper the principle of GPS underwater topographic survey without tide gauge is first introduced , then the methods of data collection and processing are discussed .

  22. GPS系统在全球范围内的地形测量、飞行器导航和动态定位、高精度的授时和通信等领域得到了广泛的应用。

    The Global Positioning System ( GPS ) has a wide range application such as topographical survey , navigation and dynamic positioning of aircraft , highly precise timing and communication .

  23. GPS新技术的出现,可以高精度并快速地测定各级控制点的坐标,在地形测量中已得到广泛地应用。

    With the appearance of new technology GPS , the coordinate of different levels controlling points may be surveyed in high precision and it has been applied widely in topographic survey .

  24. 阐述GPSRTK测量技术的一般工作原理,概述其在工程测量、水下地形测量、地形测量、控制测量中的应用。

    This paper introduces the principles of GPS RTK and discusses its application in engineering survey , bathymetric survey , topographic survey and control survey .

  25. 红外测距仪配合PC-1500袖珍机在地形测量工作中的应用

    The application of the infrared Ranger combined with a PC-1500 Pocket Computer in topographic survey

  26. 基于数字地形测量的GPS-RTK技术应用分析

    Analysis of GPS-RTK Technique Based on Digital Topographic Survey

  27. GPS-RTK技术在山东省曹县数字地形测量中的应用

    Application of GPS-RTK Technology in the Digital Topographic Surveying in Cao County of Shandong Province

  28. GPS-RTK技术在桥梁工程水下地形测量中的应用

    The Application of the GPS RTK Technology in the Surveying of the Underwater Topography in Bridge Engineering

  29. 采用图形模板和文本模板技术,设计开发了基于AutoCAD环境的表格模板,利用表格模板可以自动绘制地籍、地形测量中的各种表格。

    Based on AutoCAD system , the table template was researched and developed by adopting the technology of graphics template and text template . With it different tables could be drawn automatically .

  30. 文章以三峡工程重件码头为实例,介绍了RTK技术在水下地形测量中的应用,并得出一些经验性结论。

    This paper introduces the application of RTK technique in underwater topographi survey with an example in the TGP heavy_parts wharf . Some experiential conclusion presented .