
  • 网络Geological hazard assessment;geological disaster assessment
  1. 指出油气管道完整性管理应包括油气管道的GIS和数据库、风险评价、基于风险检测、适用性评价、管道地质灾害评估、管道维护决策及应急响应等关键技术;

    Pipeline integrity management should include several key technologies including GIS and data base , risk assessment , risk based inspection , adaptability assessment , geological disaster assessment , decision-making for pipeline maintenance and emergency response etc.

  2. 地质灾害评估研究是地质工程领域的重要研究方向之一。

    Geological disaster assessment is one of an important research direction in the field of geological engineering .

  3. 基于3S技术的重庆市北碚区地质灾害评估预测系统

    Geological hazard assessment and predicting system of beibei , chongqing based on " 3s " Technology

  4. 上海地区浅层气地质灾害评估

    The Geological Hazard Evaluation By Shallow Layered Natural Gas In Shanghai Region

  5. 工程物探方法在地质灾害评估中的应用

    Application of Engineering and Geophysical Methods in Geological Hazard Assessment

  6. 模糊灰色理论在金属矿山地质灾害评估中的应用

    Application of the Fuzzy-Gray Mathematics Theory Appraises at the Metal Mine Disaster

  7. 海岸带地质灾害评估理论与方法研究进展

    Overviews on theory and approaches of coastal geological hazards evaluation

  8. 地质灾害评估图形图像处理

    The process of figure and image for geological disaster evaluation

  9. 枝柳(枝江&柳州)铁路线张家界段线域地质灾害评估

    Assessment on geology hazard of the Zhangjiajie in Zhi-Liu ( Zhijiang-Liuzhou ) Railway

  10. 地质灾害评估技术研究

    Study on the technique of evaluation of geo-hazards

  11. 应用AutoCAD2000编绘《百色规划用地地质灾害评估图》的方法

    Application of AutoCAD 2000 in Compiling Geologic Calamity Evaluation Map of Baise Planning Land-Use

  12. 积分值法在甘肃农村小城镇地质灾害评估中的应用

    Application of Integral Value Method in Geological Hazard Assessment of Small Rural Town in Gansu

  13. 小型水电站建设用地地质灾害评估技术研究

    Research of Risk Analyses on Geologic Hazards of Land Use of Construction of Small-scale Hydropower Station

  14. 这些成果,可以为宝鸡市的地震影响评价和地震诱发地质灾害评估提供参考依据。

    These results could contribute to the seismic impact assessment and evaluation of geological disasters induced by earthquakes .

  15. 地质灾害评估成果是多种地质背景资料及野外调查分析资料的综合反映,信息种类繁多,使得编图工程量十分繁重。

    The result of geological calamity dangerous assessment is a whole reflection which based on various geological datum and field investigation and analysis .

  16. 宝鸡市区位于渭河盆地中,南有秦岭山脉,北邻黄土高坡,如此地貌类型特征,地震影响的潜在威胁很大,所以地震危险性评价是宝鸡市地质灾害评估中的一项重要工作。

    The landscape type of Baoji features greatly in the potential threat of future earthquakes . The seismic hazard assessment is an important work among the geological hazard assessments of Baoji city .

  17. 在实现过程中,用模糊综合评判方法建立起了地质灾害评估的模型,这种模型能够有效地解决灾害评价的不确定特点。

    In the process of study , the model of geological hazard evaluation is established by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model , which can resolve effectively the indefinite characteris-tics of the disaster evaluation .

  18. 对国土资源开发、地质灾害评估、防洪抢险、地质生态环境保护及管理,具有较高的参考价值。

    It provides foundation for the territory resources exploitation , the geological hazard evaluation , flood protection and rushing to deal with an emergency , geological ecological environment protection and management and has significant consulted value .

  19. 叙述了利用AutoCAD2000制作规划用地地质灾害评估图的方法,结合工程实例,说明了图层设置、要素分层、打样样式管理的作业过程。

    The method to compile geologic calamity evaluation map of Baise planning land-us using AutoCAD 2000 is pictured . The working process , such process as setup of map layer , essential delamination and modality management of drawing a design , is explained combined with the actual engineering example .

  20. 基于GIS的重庆市地质灾害风险评估系统

    GIS-based Construction of Geological Hazards Assessment System for Chongqing

  21. 恩施州地质灾害损失评估方法研究

    Method on Evaluating Loss of Geological Hazards in Enshi Prefecture

  22. 延安宝塔山景区滑坡地质灾害风险评估

    Landslide hazard risk assessment at Baota Mountain in Yan'an city , china

  23. 建设用地地质灾害危险评估

    Danger Assessment of Geological Disaster on Land for Construction

  24. 厦门市某护岸工程地质灾害分析评估

    Analysis and Assessment of the Geologic Disaster of A Revetment Engineering in Xiamen

  25. 中国地质灾害风险评估集对态势分析方法

    Risk Evaluation of Geological Disasters in China on Set Pair Situation Analysis Method

  26. 地质灾害综合评估与区划模型

    Synthetical evaluation and classification model of geological hazards

  27. 茂县大沟生态研究站改扩建工程用地地质灾害危险评估

    The Geological Hazard Assessment of Enlarging the Building for Ecological Research Station at Dagou Gully

  28. 地质灾害经济评估

    Economic evaluations of geological calamities

  29. 区域地质灾害风险评估模型的初建&以广州市崩塌灾害为例

    Establishment of the Model for Regional Geological Hazard Risk Evaluation & A Case Study of Collapses in Guangzhou

  30. 地质灾害风险评估是滨海火电厂地质灾害风险控制的首要任务。

    The risk assessment of geological hazards is the principal task of the risk controlling of geological hazard .