
dì zhì diào chá
  • geologic survey
  1. 但对地质调查项目进行社会评价是具有挑战性的课题。

    The social evaluation of geologic survey project is a challenging subject .

  2. 长江中游主要水患区环境地质调查评价

    Environmental geologic survey on main flood disaster area of middle Yangtze River

  3. 长江三角洲环境地质调查评价GIS管理系统建设初探

    Preliminary design of GIS for environmental geology survey evaluation in Changjiang Delta

  4. 在矿区水文地质调查中应用手持GPS接收机

    Use GPS receiver in hydrogeologic investigation of gold mining area

  5. 基于GIS的区域环境地质调查空间数据库数据组织初探

    A discussion on the data texture of regional environmental geological survey on GIS

  6. GIS在环境地质调查中的应用

    GIS and its Application to Environmental Geology Investigation

  7. 美国地质调查局(USGeologicalSurvey)测得初始地震的强度为5.9级,震源深度10公里。

    The US Geological Survey measured the magnitude of the initial quake as 5.9 and the depth at 10km .

  8. 基于GIS技术中小比例尺地质调查成果资料日录检索系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of GIS Technology Based Small Scale Retrieval System for Geological Survey Data

  9. 3S技术在矿山环境地质调查中的应用

    Application of ″ 3S ″ Technology in Mine Environmental Geological Investigation

  10. 这场地震是中国自1976年以来最严重的地震。据美国地质调查局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey)的测定,此次地震震级为里氏7.9级。

    The quake is the most deadly in China since 1976 , measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale , according to the United States Geological Survey .

  11. 本文运用GIS调查方法对晚二叠世含泥炭地层的分布情况进行分析,结合区域地质调查资料,对快速计算泥炭储量的方法进行了初步探索。

    This paper analyzed peat 's distribution in later permian period by GIS and searched a way on quickly calculating peat 's reserves .

  12. 利用GIS技术综合多源地学空间信息,应用于区域地质调查的重要方面&野外空间数据采集。

    The advantage of GIS technology in combining multi sources geoscience information is used in the important aspect of regional geological survey field spatial data collection .

  13. 3S技术整合在区域地质调查研究中的应用初探

    Discussion on integration of remote sensing , gis and GPS technique for regional geological surveying

  14. 据美国地质调查局(USGeologicalSurvey)2006年的一项调查,中国境外有待勘探的稀土储量占全球总储量的43%,但几乎都没有得到开采。

    According to a 2006 survey by the US Geological Survey , 43 per cent of global rare earth reserves are to be found outside China , though few are currently being exploited .

  15. DGPS静态误差测量和在海洋地质调查中的应用

    Static Error Measurement of DGPS Receiver and Its Application in Marine Geological Survey

  16. 总结了应用3S技术进行矿山环境地质调查的工作方法和程序。

    And summed up the methodology and procedure of the ″ 3S ″ technology in mine environmental geological investigation .

  17. 深埋长隧洞前期勘查中工程地质调查与CSAMT异常分析

    Application of CSAMT on the Preliminary Exploration of Deeply-lying Tunnel

  18. 本文基于华北地区的地震地质调查结果,以及最近10年来的GPS观测结果,探讨了华北地区现今地球动力学机制。

    Based on the geological and seismic investigation results in North China , and the measurements of about 10 years GPS surveys , the mechanism of current North China geodynamics is discussed .

  19. 美国地质调查局(U.S.GeologicalSurvey)估计,地球上有大量钾盐——可供人类使用610年,能确保未来多个世纪的化肥生产所需,此外,已知铁矿石储量可供人类使用590年。

    The world has plenty of potash - 610 years worth , which ensures centuries more of fertilizer-making , and 590 years of known iron-ore reserves , according to U.S. Geological Survey estimates .

  20. PRB数据模型技术在吉林省1:25万区域地质调查中的应用

    Application of PRB data model technology in 1:250000 regional geological survey of Jilin Province

  21. 在此基础上,对利用GIS进行上海地区环境地质调查成果管理过程中的有关问题进行了必要的探讨,并提出了对策。

    Based on these , the preliminary plan and the basic purpose of using GIS for management of the data obtained from environmental geology investigation in Shanghai as well as the problems may be encountered .

  22. 前几年,美国地质调查局(USGS)向公共领域发布了一个非常受欢迎的全球DEM数据集。

    The U.S.Geological Survey ( USGS ) released an extremely popular global DEM data set into the public domain several years ago .

  23. MC像片的判读效果优于MSS图像,可以满足中、小比例尺编图的要求,对中比例尺野外地质调查能起到很好的作用。

    The effects of interpretation of MC imagas excells that of the MSS images and can meet the needs of mapping standards at middle scale .

  24. “该地区未来可能发生火山爆发,”论文的第一作者、美国地质调查局Cascades火山观测站的火山学家JohnPallister告诉《自然》杂志。

    " The region may be primed for future eruptions ," the lead author , John Pallister , a volcanologist at the US Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory , in Vancouver , Washington , told Nature .

  25. 这是英国地质调查局的负责人JohnLudden在本周(9月12日)于英国伦敦举行的伦敦地质学会会议上的评论。

    John Ludden , executive director of the British Geological Survey ( BGS ), made the comment at the conference of the Geological Society of London in London , United Kingdom , this week ( 12 September ) .

  26. 欧洲地球化学基准值填图计划于1996年被欧洲26个国家地质调查局长论坛(FOREGS)正式批准。

    The Europe Geochemical Baseline Mapping Program was approved in 1996 by the Forum of European Geological Surveys ' Directors ( FOREGS ) .

  27. 这是英国地质调查局的第二大收藏&在其基沃思(Keyworth)总部,还有200多万件标本。

    It is the second-largest collection owned by the BGS , which has more than 2m additional specimens at its headquarters in Keyworth .

  28. 本文结合吉林省1∶25万区域地质调查实际工作,介绍了PRB数据模型技术在区域地质调查中,从野外到室内,直至最终成果阶段的应用过程。

    The article combines with the practice of 1 ∶ 2 500 000 regional geological survey and produces the application process of PRB data model from field to indoor , and to the stage of final achievement in regional geological survey .

  29. 通过地质调查及大量岩土力学试验,对巴东新城区中三叠统巴东组二段T2b2紫红色泥岩工程地质性质进行了综合研究。

    Based on geological investigation and rock and soil experiments , the engineering geological characters of aubergine mudstone ( T2b2 ) is studied synthetically .

  30. 综合地质调查,发现距地面1100m深处有一条倾向北东的北西向断层,该断层深部发育并形成热源体。

    According to integrated geological investigation , there is a NW-SE strike NE dip fault 1100m below surface , to wit the development of the fault , the heating source was formed .