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  1. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:“你把牛牵到哪儿去啊?”

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked : " Where are you taking the ox ? "

  2. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:“你把牛牵到哪里啊?”

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked , " Where are you taking the ox ? "

  3. 大门堂下将会有两起丧事。

    That will make two funerals under the same carriage gate .

  4. 堂下所跪何人,报上名来。

    What 's your name , the man kneeling there ?

  5. 香港拥有香港――除约翰座堂下的土地以外的全部土地。

    Hong Kong owned Hong Kong-all the land except what was under the Anglican cathedral .

  6. 一天,梁惠王坐在庙堂上,看到堂下有一个人牵着一头牛走过,便问道:

    One day , seated in the ancestral hall , King Hui of Liang saw a man leading an ox pass by . He asked :

  7. 我们已将亲爱的艾米莉安葬在教堂耳堂下的墓地里,让她依傍着我的母亲,两个早已去世的姐姐,和我那不幸的弟弟。

    We have laid her cherished head under the church aisle beside my mother 's , my two sisters ' - dead long ago - and my poor , hapless brother 's.

  8. 气的白发倒竖说:“我虽然老了,但两臂能开三石之弓,浑身还有千斤之力。”只见黄忠大步走下堂,取下架上大刀,舞动如飞,拿下墙上硬弓,一连拉断两张。

    He said , " Old as I am , I am able to open two bows and am full of vitality . " Huang went down and got a big sword off the rack and performed with it . He took two hard bows off the wall and pulled them broken .

  9. 从北卡罗来纳州查珀希尔到加利福尼亚理工学院的实验室,到密歇根州安阿伯的中心地带,数以百计的研究员和科学家聚集一堂,全力研制下一代互联网。

    From Chapel Hill North Carolina to the labs of caltech , to the nerve center in Anarber michigan , hundreds of researchers and scientists are banding together , to craft the next generation of the internet .