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táng mèi
  • cousin sister;younger female cousin
堂妹[táng mèi]
  1. 八月16日是Abbie和Jack开学的第一天。八月末,我们庆祝了Jack的6岁生日,还有去密苏里参加了我堂妹Amy的婚礼。

    At the end of August , we celebrated Jack's6th Birthday and attended my Cousin Amy 's Wedding in Missouri .

  2. 之后她又穿着这件衣服出席她丈夫的堂妹扎拉公主在七月份的婚礼,这次她利用一顶非常传统的GinaFoster帽子以及她最信任的L.K.Bennett的高跟鞋来装扮自己。

    She then gussies it up for the July nuptials of her husband 's cousin Zara Phillips by adding a custom Gina Foster hat and her trusty L.K. Bennett pumps .

  3. 我通过电话与她和她的堂妹取得了联系,便问她,这些年Ashrafi都是怎样打发日子的。

    I asked her , and a cousin of hers whom I reached by telephone , how she spent her days .

  4. 她很爱她的堂妹,她知道她堂妹素日品行端正。

    She loved her cousin , and knew her virtuous principles .

  5. 甚至我来自北京的十二岁的堂妹都在贡献她的那一分力量。

    Even my twelve-year-old cousin from Beijing is doing her part .

  6. 那么再见吧,给我做了四个月时间的堂妹&再见!

    ' Then good morning , my four months'cousin-good-bye ! '

  7. 杰克&他叫她堂妹啦!

    Jacky he called her Coz ! 'cried Joan to her husband .

  8. 她叫什么名字?是不是我的那个胖堂妹琳德赛?

    What was her name ? Is it my fat cousin lindsay ?

  9. 爱因斯坦抛弃了妻子和堂妹结婚。

    Einstein dumped his wife and married his cousin .

  10. 我必须同我的堂妹在一起。

    I just have to be with my cousin .

  11. 他鲁莽地爱上了他的堂妹。

    He fell headlong in love with his cousin .

  12. 就像你和你堂妹那样?

    The way you do now with the cousin ?

  13. 我堂妹和堂弟是我叔叔的孩子。

    My cousins are my uncle 's children .

  14. 很好,让我介绍你给我的堂妹,克莱尔。

    Richard : Geart ! Let me introduce you to my cousin , Claire .

  15. 她是琳达。帕梅拉的堂妹。

    That 's Linda . Pamela 's cousin .

  16. 她比她的堂妹受优待;出生于受优惠的阶层。

    She is more advantaged than her cousin ; born into the favored classes .

  17. 詹妮弗和乔是我的堂妹和堂弟。

    Jennifer and Joe are my cousins .

  18. 我的堂妹和我是同班同学。

    My cousin and I are classmates .

  19. 且说埃利奥特先生听到他堂妹安妮订婚的消息,不禁大为震惊。

    The news of his cousins Anne 's engagement burst on Mr Elliot most unexpectedly .

  20. 她打算照顾她的小堂妹。

    She 's babysitting her little cousin .

  21. 她是我堂妹凯特。

    She is my cousin Kate .

  22. 堂兄的堂妹提到的?

    The cousin the sister mentioned ?

  23. 是不是有一丁点“把我想成是你的堂妹艾瑟儿”的意思?

    Isn 't that a tiny bit " think of me as your cousin Ethel " ?

  24. 第二堂妹,隔了两辈关系的。

    Second cousin , twice removed .

  25. 哦&他叫我堂妹。

    Well-he called me Coz .

  26. 他都叫她小堂妹啦!

    He called her Coz !

  27. 父亲的兄弟的女儿被称为堂姐或堂妹。

    The daughter of one 's father 's brother is called " tangjie " or " tangmei " .

  28. 某个夏天,卡罗维搬到纽约拜访他的堂妹黛西(凯瑞穆里根饰演)。

    Carraway moves to New York for the summer to visit his cousin Daisy ( Carey Mulligan ) .

  29. 我不想和我的堂妹打架,因为她是我最好的朋友。

    I don 't wanna fight with my cousin , because she is my one of my best friends .

  30. 一个堂兄还是堂妹从来没见过我,甚至没打过电话直到他们在电视上看到我。

    A half-brother and sister who never seen me , or even bothered to call me until they saw me on TV .