首页 / 词典 / good


táng táng
  • great;stately;imposing;grand;magnificent;have high aspirations and holdness of vision;dignified or impressive;formidable
堂堂 [táng táng]
  • (1) [grand;magnificent;stately;great]∶形容盛大

  • 人狮惊岳岳,王庙忆堂堂。--郭沫若《访埃杂吟》

  • [齐景公]曰:寡人将去此堂堂国者而死乎!--《晏子春秋》

  • (2) [dignified]∶形容容貌庄严大方

  • 仪表堂堂

  • (3) [have high aspirations and holdness of vision]∶形容志气宏大

  • 我们是新一代的堂堂青年,还怕这一点困难吗?

  • (4) [imposing;formidable]∶阵式或气势很大

  • 堂堂的军乐队走过去了

堂堂[táng táng]
  1. 电灯把篮球场照得亮堂堂的。

    Electric lights lit up the basket-ball ground .

  2. 他已失去堂堂仪表。

    He has lost his imposing appearance .

  3. 我早起晚睡,亲手处理一切事情,承担一切风险,在我的一生中,这一次才不愧为堂堂男子汉。

    I was up early and down late , set my own hand to everything , took dangers as they came , and for once in my life played the man .

  4. 周日晚上的金球奖颁奖典礼不只具有高度的娱乐性,可以作为Twitter上的谈资;对于商业人士来说,它还是一堂堂精彩的表演课。

    What we saw on Sunday night was not just highly entertaining and thoroughly tweetable ; it was packed with performance lessons for everyone in business .

  5. 韩国分析人士猜测,金正日之所以选择第三个儿子作为继承人,是因为他壮硕的体格和堂堂的相貌有些像朝鲜国父金日成(Kimil-sung)。

    South Korean analysts speculate Kim Jong-il favoured his third son as successor as he shares some of the imposing physique and physiognomy of Kim Il-sung founder of the nation .

  6. 军队生活使小阿诺德西姆斯成了堂堂男子汉。

    The army made a man out of little Arnold sims .

  7. 在那所大学里,一定能把他造就成堂堂的男子汉。

    It will make a man of him in the college .

  8. 对于商业人士来说,它还是一堂堂精彩的表演课。

    it was packed with performance lessons for everyone in business .

  9. 电灯把礼堂照得亮堂堂。

    The assembly hall was well lit by the electric lights .

  10. 他不高兴堂堂皇皇地把他的失败说出来。

    He did not care to say squarely that he had lost .

  11. 我们的世界全天24个小时都是亮堂堂的。

    Our world is lit up 24 hours a day .

  12. 他们想不通一个堂堂普林斯顿的毕业生,为什么要去好莱坞跑龙套?

    They think impassability a high-profile Princeton graduate , why go to Hollywood ?

  13. 看见你这样的堂堂男子汉这样苦恼,我很难过。

    I 'm sorry to see a great fellow like you in distress .

  14. 堂堂男子死时竟包尿布和穿拖鞋。

    A grown man going to his death in a diaper and slippers .

  15. 我能凭堂堂的相貌和魅力赢得她的心。

    I can use my good looks and charm to win her heart .

  16. 月亮已经把两侧的高地照得亮堂堂的。

    Already the moon shone quite clear on the high ground on either side .

  17. 为什么堂堂暗影行�

    why it took the notorious Shadow Walker

  18. 你是堂堂的学法律的学生!

    You 're a law school student .

  19. 他们想不通为什么堂堂一个超级大国要去迁就一个地区小恶霸。

    They could not really understand why a superpower should compromise with a smaller regional bully .

  20. 这都是堂堂立案注册的学校,自己万万比不上。

    All these were formally accredited and registered schools with which he could never hope to compete .

  21. 我是你爸爸.堂堂美国大总统.只要我想追踪就可以追踪.

    I 'm your father . And the president . I 'll trace whatever I wanna trace .

  22. 丹尼尔刚进大学时已经是个身高六尺、重一百七十磅的堂堂男子汉了。

    By the time Daniel left for college he stood six feet tall and weighed 170 pounds .

  23. 堂堂合众国总统,对自己政党的成员有足够的影响力吗?

    Does the president of the United States have enough clout with members of his own political party ?

  24. 你丈夫有她的血,一定是堂堂的男子汉,你放心。

    Your husband has her blood , he 'll be a stalwart man , I can assure you .

  25. 她可是堂堂临冬城史塔克家族的大小姐,有朝一日还要做王后的呢。

    She was a Stark of Winterfell , a noble lady , and someday she would be a queen .

  26. 祝您的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满!

    I wish your career and life as it phases of the Mid-Autumn Festival , bright bright , festive !

  27. 他看上去真是个堂堂男子汉,这么一个人物竟然向她表示友谊和关怀,使她不胜诧异。

    He seemed quite a figure of a man , and she wondered at his friendship and regard for her .

  28. 推开房门,首先感觉到的是亮堂堂的房子让人神清气爽。

    Push a door , the house that what feel above all is brilliant makes person mind clear enrage bright .

  29. 堂堂男子汉,哭哭啼啼的对着女朋友说:“我永远恨你。”多么难看?

    High-ranking man , the side facing girlfriend said : " I will never hate you . " How ugly ?

  30. 酒店大堂堂皇清逸,弥集商场、务中心和休闲酒吧于一体,给客人以方便周到的服务。

    To gather shop , business center and break bar round the lobby , it will offer guests happy service .