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chūn xiāo
  • spring night
春宵 [chūn xiāo]
  • [spring night] 春夜

  • 共度春宵

春宵[chūn xiāo]
  1. 于是我回进屋子里,关上门,在森林中度过我的第一个春宵。

    So I came in , and shut the door , and passed my first spring night in the woods .

  2. 你可以花一英镑买我的一夜春宵,先生。

    You could buy my slit for a pound a night , sir .

  3. 刚才我到春宵酒吧找不着你。

    I can 't find you in springtime bar .

  4. 你不跟女模特儿共度春宵吗?

    Shouldn 't you be spending the night with some girl from the show ?

  5. 跟《灵欲春宵》的乔治和玛花一样。

    Like George and Martha in Virginia wooif .

  6. 他心里含蓄着春宵的情味,而什么都不管。

    The freshness of spring evenings was in him , and he did not care .

  7. 吉娜佩戴的是一对镶嵌红宝石与钻石的铂金耳环,她在1961年拍摄的电影《金屋春宵》中也曾佩戴过这对耳环。

    The actress wore earrings in platinum with rubies and diamonds , the same which she would have worn for the film Come September in1961 .

  8. 我们开车去卡利在沙滩上酩酊大醉找到了一个汽车旅馆在床上共度一夜春宵我终于找到了你我遗失的那片拼图我完整无缺了

    We drove to Cali And got drunk on the beach Got a motel and Built a fort out of sheets I finally found you My missing puzzle piece I 'm complete

  9. 只剩下朦胧的夜,这黄昏,像一个春宵的轻梦,不知在什么时候漫了来,在他们心上一掠,又不知什么时候走了。

    Only with the hazy evening remaining , the dusk , like a quiet dream at a spring night , drifts here and sweeps over their minds , and then quietly flies away .

  10. 那人是一个穷汉,一个流浪音乐师,一个好吃懒做的无赖,他打她,春宵既度,便起了厌恶的心,把她丢了。

    He was a miserable scamp , a sort of mendicant musician , a lazy beggar , who beat her , and who abandoned her as she HAD taken him , in disgust .

  11. 伊丽莎白•泰勒出生在英国,在《朱门巧妇》、《埃及艳后》及《灵欲春宵》等电影中的出色表演让她声名鹊起,并且凭借《灵欲春宵》在1967年二度折桂奥斯卡。

    She was79.British-born Elizabeth Taylor came to prominence in films such as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof , Cleopatra and Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ?, for which she won her second Oscar in1967 .

  12. 图灵告诉罗宾:“有时候我坐下来跟别人聊天,我心里就已经知道,45分钟之后,我要么拥有一个欢愉的春宵,要么就会被一脚踹出门外。”

    Alan had told Robin that ' Sometimes you 're sitting talking to someone and you know that in three quarters of an hour you will either be having a marvellous night or you will be kicked out of the room . '