
  • 网络Tata Motors
  1. 福特也无法让路虎重振雄风,只好在2008年将它卖给了印度的塔塔汽车公司(TataMotors)。

    Ford struggled with Land Rover before selling it to Tata Motors of India in 2008 .

  2. 就在一周前,大众汽车(Volkswagen)和塔塔汽车公司(TataMotors)也对个别品牌采取了类似的降价措施。

    Volkswagen and Tata Motors made similar price cuts for certain brands a week earlier .

  3. 印度塔塔汽车公司对陆虎和捷豹品牌的辛苦收购就是最近一个不如人意的例子

    Tata Motor 's travails with Land Rover and Jaguar spring to mind as recent less-than-favorable examples .

  4. 印度塔塔汽车公司在为旗下的NANO汽车加工基地选址的时候,西孟加拉省的官员向塔塔公司大力游说,并为这项众所瞩目的计划从当地农民手里征集了一千顷土地。

    When Tata Motors was looking for a site to establish an automobile plant to manufacture the Nano car , the West Bengal State government wooed the company and acquired one-thousand acres of land from farmers for the high-profile project .

  5. 印度的塔塔汽车公司正在考虑是否在泰国(东南亚最负盛名的汽车工厂)或是印尼建立自己的工厂。

    India 's Tata Motors is pondering whether to set up shop in Thailand-South-East Asia 's established motor workshop-or Indonesia .

  6. 塔塔汽车有限公司(TataMotorsLtd.)旗下的捷豹路虎(JaguarLandRover)目前也在寻求大举进入中国市场。

    Tata Motors Ltd. 's Jaguar Land Rover is seeking to meaningfully enter the market .

  7. 在印度的西孟加拉省,当地政府和抗议者开始对话。这些抗议者反对塔塔(TATA)汽车公司在这里设厂制造世界最便宜的汽车。

    Controversy About Automobile Plant in India Grows In India 's West Bengal State , authorities have started talks with protesters opposing an automobile plant proposed by Tata Motors to manufacture the world 's cheapest car .