
dà xiāo tiáo
  • the Great Depression
  1. 北部的许多地区在第一次大萧条中损失惨重。

    Many areas in the North were knocked for six by that first recession .

  2. 他永远不会忘记20世纪30年代经济大萧条时期他所亲眼目睹的困苦情形。

    He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s .

  3. 大萧条使得不同集团在友爱互助的气氛中如兄弟般亲密往来。

    The recession has created an atmosphere where disparate groups fraternise in an atmosphere of mutual support .

  4. 我一直在研究这些自称专家的人们在大萧条时期对于失业问题发表过哪些看法。

    I 've been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression .

  5. 一个在二战后经历了共同增长的国家开始分裂,以至于当2007年末大萧条来袭时,人们再也不能忽视决定着美国经济格局的分歧。

    A country that experienced shared growth after World War Ⅱ began to tear apart , so much so that when the Great Recession hit in late 2007 , one could no longer ignore the division that had come to define the American economic landscape .

  6. 经济大萧条(以及适度的经济复苏)也与居住在家中的年轻人增多有关。

    The Great Recession ( and modest recovery ) has also been associated with an increase in young adults living at home .

  7. 2020年第二季度美国GDP暴跌31.4%,创下大萧条时期以来的最大降幅,随后第三季度反弹33.4%。

    The economy contracted at a post-Depression record 31.4 % in the second quarter then rebounded to a 33.4 % gain in the following three months .

  8. 首先,全球工业产值下降的轨迹与大萧条期间惊人地接近

    First , global industrial output tracks the decline industrial output during the Great Depression horrifyingly closely .

  9. 不,今天的灾难不能比作大萧条,甚至也不能比作二十世纪八十年代的农业问题。

    No , today 's calamities2 don 't compare to the Great Depression or even to the agricultural troubles of the 1980s .

  10. 该片讲述了1930年大萧条中,邦妮·派克在得克萨斯州达拉斯市西小镇的母亲家中看到克莱德·巴罗正在偷自己母亲的汽车。

    The film tells the story of Bonnie Parker , who saw Clyde Barrow stealing her mother 's car at her mother 's home in the west town of Dallas , Texas , during the great depression of 1930 .

  11. 记住上世纪30年代大萧条(greatdepression)时期所发生的事情吧。

    Remember what happened in the Great Depression of the 1930s .

  12. 这是可能的,大萧条(GreatDepression)过后出现过这种情况。

    It is possible . It happened after the Great Depression .

  13. 有人惊呼可能出现第2次大萧条(GreatDepression)。

    Some were warning of a second Great Depression .

  14. 而与大萧条(GreatDepression)相比较时,我也同样会如此。

    The same applies to the Great Depression .

  15. 当时,亚洲金融危机被视为大萧条(GreatDepression)以来最为严重的一场危机。

    Then , the Asian crisis was viewed as the worst since the Great Depression .

  16. 大萧条(GreatDepression)在很大程度上为二战创造了政治条件。

    The Great Depression did much to create the political conditions for the second world war .

  17. 积极的一面是,他表示发生另一次大萧条(GreatDepression)的风险已经消退。

    On the positive side , he says the risk of having another Great Depression has receded .

  18. 纵然本轮经济危机的严重程度不及大萧条(GreatDepression),但也将产生划时代的后果。

    Even if this economic crisis is not as bad as the Great Depression , it will have epoch-moulding consequences .

  19. 一战没能完成的事情,大萧条(GreatDepression)、纳粹主义和二战替它完成了。

    What the first world war had not done , the Great Depression , Nazism and the second world war did .

  20. 因此,尽管全球经历了“大萧条”(greatdepression)以来最严重的经济衰退,油价却依然高企。

    As a result , oil has stayed expensive , in spite of the worst economic downturn since the great depression .

  21. 我们的父母和祖父母经历了两次世界大战和大萧条(greatdepression),我们则享受了几十年的和平与繁荣。

    Our parents and grandparents lived through world wars and the great depression . We have had decades of peace and prosperity .

  22. 如果按照在全部工作岗位中占据的份额来衡量,这一轮衰退甚至比制造业在大萧条(GreatDepression)期间遭受的打击更加严重。

    As a share of total jobs , that decline is worse even than the one manufacturing suffered during the great depression .

  23. 其它评论员称没有这些行动和G的管理,大萧条可能会更糟糕。

    Others say without these moves and his stewardship , the Great Recession would have been far worse .

  24. 大萧条(greatdepression)和日本“失落的10年”(lostdecade)的经验表明,通缩会带来巨大痛苦。

    Experiences of deflation in the great depression and the " lost decade " in Japan suggest it causes great hardship .

  25. 然而,尽管全球经济正从自上世纪30年代“大萧条”(greatdepression)以来的首次萎缩中复苏,决策者决不能放松警惕。

    But even though the world economy is emerging from its first contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s , policymakers cannot relax .

  26. 在大萧条(greatdepression)年代,这个策略对斯坦利鲍德温非常有效,让保守党执政了14年。

    This worked beautifully for Stanley Baldwin in the teeth of the great depression , effectively putting the Tories in power for 14 years .

  27. 今年3月,人们确曾担心会出现第二次大萧条(GreatDepression),自那以来,股价出现了强劲反弹,这似乎是合理的。

    A strong recovery for share prices since March , when there was a real fear of a second Great Depression , seems reasonable .

  28. 大萧条(greatdepression)过后,私人资本流动受到了抑制,公共资本(包括国家之间的收入转移)的作用有所增强。

    After the great depression , private capital flows were inhibited , and public capital took on a greater role , including income transfers between countries .

  29. 如果政府尝试过结束财政赤字正如它们在上世纪30年代所尝试过的那样那么,我们可能已身陷另一场大萧条(GreatDepression)之中。

    If governments had tried to close fiscal deficits , as they attempted to do in the 1930s , we would be in another Great Depression .

  30. 但其中有6个发生在大萧条(greatdepression)之后,有3个卖出期权的行权价格低于合同溢价的未来价值。

    But of these , six followed the great depression and three would have seen a lower payout on the puts than the future value of the premium .