
  • 网络lost generation
  1. 四处都是关于“失落一代”的大标签,首相指出,选民对削减赤字的方案是否支持将受检验。

    Amid headlines about a " lost generation ", voter support for deficit reduction may be tested , suggests the minister .

  2. 我们是失落的一代人。

    I am lost , we are lost .

  3. 美国人口普查局的这些年度数据表明,美国中产阶级正渐渐成为失落的一代。

    The annual Census Bureau figures demonstrate what has gradually become a lost generation for the American middle class .

  4. 海明威的小说《太阳照常升起》被誉为第一次世界大战后失落的一代的代表文学作品之一。

    Hemingway 's novel The Sun Also Rises is regarded as one of the representative " Lost Generation " novels .

  5. 我知道曾有一代青年人被标榜为失落的一代,但是在我们的文化中另外一代人可能也已经遭到冷落。

    I know that there has been a younger generation that has been labeled the lost generation , but could there be another generation that has been lost in our culture .

  6. 确实有一代人是失落的一代,并且他们体现在许多方面,然而还有另外一代人,那就是老年人。

    Yes , there is a lost generation and though it may be a young generation in a lot of ways there is another generation that remains just as lost , it is the elderly .