
  1. 几天之后,哥萨克们攻打奥伦堡。

    Several days later the Cossacks attacked Orenburg .

  2. 年轻人到达奥伦堡,向司令官报到。

    The young man reached Orenburg and presented himself to the general in command .

  3. 他们在途中遭到截击并被带到普加乔夫那里,彼得说服了这位叛乱首领让玛利亚到奥伦堡去。

    Intercepted and taken before Pougatcheff , Peter persuaded the rebel to give Maria safe conduct to Orenburg .

  4. 奥伦堡终于解围了,部队开始追剿叛乱者。

    The siege of Orenburg was finally lifted , and the army began its task of tracking down rebel units .

  5. 这位叛乱者劝说彼得加入哥萨克一伙,但尊重了他的意愿,让他回到奥伦堡自己的队伍中。

    The rebel tried to persuade Peter to join the Cossacks , but respected His wish to rejoin His own forces at Orenburg .

  6. 上尉夫妇决定把玛利亚送回奥伦堡,但第二天一早她还没来得及动身,进攻就开始了。

    It was decided that Maria should be sent back to Orenburg , but the attack came early the next morning before she could leave .