
  • O'Neill;Shaquille O'neal;Jim O'Neill;Ed O'Neill
  1. 夏奎尔?奥尼尔和科比?布莱恩特终于在星期一晚获得了他们的第一个NBA总冠军。

    Shaquille O'Neal and Kobe Bryant won their first NBA championship Monday night .

  2. 第一位,就是1999-2000赛季的大鲨鱼奥尼尔,彼时他差一票就能成为史上第一位全票MVP。

    Player A is Shaquille O'Neal in the 1999-2000 season , when he came one vote shy of winning unanimous MVP .

  3. 科比和奥尼尔在地板上在同一时间,死灰复燃的回忆有好有坏

    Bryant and O'Neal on the floor at the same time , rekindling memories both good and bad .

  4. 姚明与奥尼尔在NBA比赛效率的比较研究

    Comparison Research on Playing Efficiency between Yao Ming and O'neal in NBA

  5. 现年55岁、掌管超过8000亿美元资产的高盛资产管理(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)董事长奥尼尔依然乐观。

    O'Neill , the 55-year-old chairman of Goldman Sachs asset management ( GS ) , which oversees more than $ 800 billion , remains optimistic .

  6. 请记住:《笑傲股市》(HowtoMakeMoneyinStocks)作者、《投资者商务日报》(InvestorsBusinessDaily)的比尔•奥尼尔(BillO'Neill)说,市场的上行周期平均为3.75年,下行周期平均为九个月。

    Please remember : Investors Business Daily 's Bill O'Neill , author of ' How to Make Money in Stocks , ' says market cycles average 3.75 years up , nine months down .

  7. 但沃尔顿、NBA高级官员及球探认为,姚明目前还不是NBA最好的中锋。奥尼尔“第一中锋”的位置还无人可以取代。

    But according to Walton , league executives , and scouts , Yao Ming is not the best center in the NBA .

  8. 勇士一直想要骑士老中锋伊尔戈斯卡斯,但骑士不愿意,因为他们需要大Z做奥尼尔的替补。

    Golden State wants Zydrunas Ilgauskas from Cleveland , but the Cavs aren 't willing to give him up because they need him to back up Shaq .

  9. 美国乔治城大学奥尼尔国家和全球卫生法律研究所,地址:600NewJerseyAvenueNW,Washington,DC,20001,UnitedStatesofAmerica。

    A.O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law , Georgetown University , 600 New Jersey Avenue NW , Washington , DC , 20001 , United States of America .

  10. 因此当保罗•奥尼尔(PaulO'Neill)在上世纪80年代末接管美国铝业(Alcoa)的时候,他决心将事故发生率降至零。

    Thus when Paul O'Neill took over at Alcoa in the late 1980s he resolved to cut accidents to zero .

  11. 他现在是弗拉托女儿的教父。弗拉托是从他父亲那里学到有关建筑师/客户关系方面的知识的,他父亲与人称德克萨斯现代主义(TexasModernism)鼻祖的奥尼尔・福特(O'NeilFord)是密友。

    Mr. Lasater learned about the architect / client bond from his father , who was intimate friends with O'Neil Ford , known as the grandfather of Texas Modernism .

  12. 通过对美国职业篮球联赛的技术指标进行比较分析,研究了姚明与奥尼尔在NBA中防守效率、投篮效率、进攻效率等比赛效率方面的实际状况。

    Through research of the technology index of NBA , this paper compares the defence efficiency , shot efficiency and offence efficiency between Yao ming and O ' neal .

  13. 奈金特建议奥尼尔/麦古奥组合做“全美百老汇”(BroadwayAcrossAmerica)巡演,这是规模最大的巡演体系,编剧和导演都同意,他们就开始行动了。

    Ms. Nugent suggested the O'Neal / MacGraw pairing to Broadway Across America , the largest presenter of touring shows , and with the O.K. 's of the playwright and director , they got to it .

  14. 奥尼尔将TechValidate的同名产品描述为B2B公司软件即服务的内容自动化平台。

    O'Neill describes TechValidate 's namesake product as a software-as-a-service content automation platform for B2B companies .

  15. 但奥尼尔却一直在与同事们讨论这个概念,到2003年,他的团队拿出了一个新成果一份名为与金砖四国一起梦想:通往2050年的道路(DreamingwithBrics:ThePathto2050)的报告。

    But O'Neill kept discussing the concept with colleagues and in 2003 his team produced the next offering : a paper called Dreaming with Brics : The Path to 2050 .

  16. 要想让他接替斯坦•奥尼尔(StanO'Neal)出任美林董事长兼首席执行官,美林可能需要收购他在这家投资集团持有的4亿美元股权。

    If he is to succeed Stan O'Neal as chairman and chief executive , the bank may need to buy out his $ 400m stake in the investment group .

  17. 在星期二播出的NBC的采访中,奥尼尔,68岁,对维埃拉公开了他与福塞特的最后时刻,她62岁,死于肛门癌。

    In the interview airing Tuesday on NBC , O'Neal , 68 , opens up to Vieira about his final moments with Fawcett , who died at age62 after battling anal cancer .

  18. 根据周四提交的控告书,阿兰•L•奥尼尔2001年曾与一名女子结婚,2009年他搬了出去,改了名字后再次结婚,但没有和原妻离婚。

    According to charging documents filed Thursday , Alan L. O'Neill married a woman in 2001 , moved out in 2009 , changed his name and remarried without divorcing her .

  19. 奥尼尔是一位拥趸众多的市场策略师,他最出名的就是在10多年前创造了“金砖四国”(BRIC)一词,用来描述巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国经济的兴起。

    O'Neill , a widely followed market strategist , is best known for coining the term BRICs more than a decade ago to describe the growing emergence of the economies of Brazil , Russia , India and China .

  20. 里约热内卢市长顾问费利佩戈埃斯(FelipeGes)表示:奥尼尔创造的金砖四国概念变成了非常强大的品牌。

    The Brics concept that O'Neill created has become such a strong brand , says Felipe Ges , adviser to the mayor of Rio de Janeiro , who is organising the first Brics think-tank .

  21. 已退役的大块头篮球球星、39岁的法亚德(FaresFayad)现在是迪拜的一名顾问。他说,华为的这款手机应该配上宣传语“为大鲨鱼奥尼尔(Shaq)定制”。

    Far è s Fayad , a 39-year-old consultant in Dubai , says the Huawei phone should carry the marketing tagline , ' designed for Shaq , ' the retired supersize basketball star .

  22. 与更专注于中国国内市场的安踏不同,李宁一直在努力提升在国外的形象,曾签下沙奎•奥尼尔(ShaquilleO'Neal)和西班牙国家篮球队为其代言。

    Unlike Anta , which is focusing more on the domestic market , Li Ning has been trying to raise its profile abroad , reaching deals with Shaquille O'Neal and Spain 's national basketball team .

  23. 为了安抚一些人的不满情绪,2005年,奥尼尔试图解释为何韩国与墨西哥没有被纳入他的重大理念(听上去相当武断的理由是,它们是经合组织(OECD)的成员)。

    In an effort to soothe some ruffled feathers , in 2005 O'Neill tried to explain why Korea and Mexico had not been included in his big idea ( the rather arbitrary-sounding reason was that they were members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ) .

  24. 新闻发布会后,我们到旁边的餐厅去吃晚饭,有奥尼尔、他的编剧朋友兼巡演助理查理·马塔拉(CharlieMattera)、麦古奥和我。

    After the news conference , we go to dinner at a nearby restaurant - Mr. O'Neal and Charlie Mattera , a screenwriting friend who is acting as his fixer on the road , Ms. MacGraw , and me .

  25. Dantonio引用他的结论的一些原因,其中的一些回应了通过我的分析而得出的结论,这些结论早在6个周以前发表在奥尼尔的专栏上。

    Dantonio cited several reasons for his conclusion , some of them echoing points I made in my analysis published in O'Neill 's piece six weeks earlier .

  26. 设想。”奥尼尔将TechValidate的同名产品描述为“B2B公司软件即服务的内容自动化平台”。奥尼尔表示,自设内容已成为受欢迎的营销手段,但企业团队很忙,难以提供足够的定向内容来保证有效性。

    O'Neill describes TechValidate 's namesake product as a " software-as-a-service content automation platform for B2B companies . " Custom content has become a popular approach to marketing , but corporate teams are too busy to create content targeted enough to be effective , O'Neill says .

  27. 奥尼尔表示,TechValidate有35%的客户同时使用Eloqua和TechValidate,整合能简化他们的工作,也能让TechValidate通过EloquaAppCloud软件枢纽到达更多受众。

    O'Neill describes the deal as a way to make it easier for the 35 % of his customers who use Eloqua and TechValidate together , but the arrangement also exposes his company to a larger audience through its presence in the EloquaAppCloud software hub .

  28. 他也和奥尼尔不同,奥尼尔已近暮年。

    Unlike Shaq , he wasn 't on his last legs .

  29. 奥尼尔与曹禺剧作有许多相似之处。

    There are many similarities between O'neill 's play and Caoyu 's.

  30. 我能请奥尼尔先生来参加我的生日宴会吗?

    Ali : Can I invite Mr.O'Neil to my birthday party ?