
ē nuó
  • graceful
婀娜 [ē nuó]
  • [graceful] 轻盈柔美貌

  • 四角龙子幡,婀娜随风转。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 华容婀娜,令我忘餐。--曹植《洛神赋》

  • 一个女子婀娜的背影

婀娜[ē nuó]
  1. 它摇曳婀娜,袅袅生情西窗外。

    It swaying graceful , curling students love the West out of the window .

  2. 她将以更健康、婀娜的姿态迎接您的每一次到来。

    We will present more intense and graceful vitality to greet your arrival every time .

  3. 她舞姿婀娜。

    She danced with much grace .

  4. 她是那么婀娜,那么白皙,那么热切!

    She was so slim , so white , so eager !

  5. 她是如此美丽,身材如此婀娜。

    She was so beautiful : her stature was slim ;

  6. 那些明媚婀娜、乳白色、玫瑰色的花朵。

    Of luxuries bright , milky , soft and rosy .

  7. 他喜欢观赏舞蹈演员婀娜的身段。

    He enjoyed watching the sinuous bodies of the dancers .

  8. 歌舞醉人。姑娘们的婀娜舞姿,编织出一幅秀美壮丽的丹霞画卷。

    The graceful dancing performed by girls knit a beautiful picture of magnificent Danxia .

  9. 回首一顾兮,影婀娜。

    With one look I play every part .

  10. 她经常游泳,并因每天练瑜枷功锻炼自己而始终保持着婀娜轻盈的身材。

    She swam often and her trim body was well-disciplined with daily Yoga exercises .

  11. 在那天之前,我一点儿也不知道女人婀娜的步伐里还有这么多讲究。

    Before that day , I had no idea of the complexity of the female walk .

  12. 我感觉她移动了,自然的婀娜的走向海边。

    I am feeling that she moved , with her casual hips , towards the seaside .

  13. 好莱坞似乎充满了曲线动人的金发女郎;身着紧身衣的体态婀娜的年轻女郎。

    Hollywood seems full of curvaceous blondes ; a curvy young woman in a tight dress .

  14. 她那梦一般的眼睛,玫瑰色的脸颊,性感的嘴唇和婀娜的身躯,世间无人能比。

    Nothing can be compared with her dreamy eyes , rosy cheeks , sexy lips and supple knees .

  15. 中国唐朝崇尚丰膄婀娜之美,以杨贵妃为典型。

    Women chubby beauty was adored in ancient Tang Dynasty in China , and the typical girl was Yang Guifei .

  16. 本系列晚装的细节体现了女人婀娜的身段和优雅的韵律;

    The details I applied in my collection give an expression of the women 's beautiful figure and graceful movement .

  17. 婀娜的椰风、湛蓝的海水、独特的环境,滋养了纯净的菜肴原料。

    The graceful breeze , the azure blue sea water and the unique environment nourish the clean raw materials for dishes .

  18. 她是如此美丽,身材如此婀娜。她长长的头发卷曲着,遮住她精美的耳朵。

    She was so beautiful : her stature was slim ; her long golden hair lay back in curls over her delicate ears .

  19. 睁开眼&闭上眼,我脑海里闪现的全是婀娜的身影、你跳动的画面。

    Open or close my eyes , your graceful figure and the tableau of you flash before my eyes and in my mind .

  20. 还记得冰心奶奶的那篇《观舞记》吗?那古老而神秘的印度舞,尽展婀娜。

    Do you still remember Grandma BingXin 's article watching the dance which reminds us of the ancient but mysterious and graceful Indian dance ?

  21. 苏茜是一个到海滩来显示她的婀娜身段的女郎;她老是来怀基基海滩的皇后冲浪区,但我从未见过她下水游泳。

    Susie is a beach bunny ; she always comes to the queen 's surf on Waikiki but I 've never seen her swim .

  22. 他继承了苏轼“平淡天真”、董其昌“淡然无味天人粮”的思想,确立了“刚健婀娜审真伪”的审美原则,具有重要的理论价值。

    Furthermore , he established the aesthetic principle of " vigor and grace identify reality or falsity " which is of important theoretical value .

  23. 动作游戏里,看腻了神勇威武的男性忍者形象,今天要带给各位的,是一位身材婀娜的女性忍者。

    Action games , tired of looking fabulous mighty male Ninja image , to bring you today , body is a graceful female ninjas .

  24. 聚聚散散,又哪来弹不尽的曲子,你那婀娜的舞姿也终化做一撮尘土。

    Get together to spread , again which to play a not exhausted song , your that graceful dance also turns to do a dust eventually .

  25. 倦倚姹紫嫣红婀娜的春色,家门口,更多奇花异草沁香流露。

    Tired of the beauties of spring , graceful and purples relies on the doorstep , more rare flowers & grasses musical group ooze incense reveal .

  26. 她爱不释手地把那件比基尼取了出来,抚摸着它的面料,想象着自己在海滩上,穿着比基尼,炫耀着自己婀娜的曲线。

    She removed it admiringly , stroked the fabric , and visualized herself on the shore of a beach , flaunting her curves , bikini clad .

  27. 她令他着迷&苍白的脸色,婀娜的身影,珠灰色的衣裙,颈子上挂着的珍珠项链。

    He was charmed by the pale face , the lissome figure , draped in pearl grey , with a coiled string of pearls at the throat .

  28. 女人之美,不在其华衣锦裳,不在其婀娜身姿,也不在其挽髻之法。

    The beauty of a woman , Isn 't in the clothes she wears , The figure that she carries , Or the way she combs her hair .

  29. 也喜欢久久地凝视你,在雨后黛青色的远山里,在雨后欢畅清澈的小溪里,在雨后那朵婀娜动人的云朵里;

    Like a long time to look at you , Dai blue mountains after the rain , in the rain mischievously clear stream , in the rain clouds moving in graceful tis ;

  30. 昆曲的动作绵柔细腻,演唱时需要身姿挺拔,体态婀娜,“练过昆曲的人,走在路上肯定精神奕奕”。

    With soft and subtle movements as well as towering figure and graceful postures in singing , a Kunqu Opera practicer is sure to have a great spirit walking on the road .