
  • 网络Correcting Ignorance
  1. 湖心亭已经完全看得见了,正蒙着月光和灯光。

    The pavilion on the isle in the centre of the lake was now entirely visible , etched against the moonlight .

  2. 那麽我们自己又如何?我们的言语能否显明我们正蒙改变,成为耶稣基督的形象?

    What about our language ? Does what we say show that we are being transformed into the image of Christ ?

  3. 多媒体设计的存在和发展应验了中国传统学说中的阴阳结合,北宋张载《正蒙·太和》的两不立,则一不可见。

    The existence and development of the Multi-media Design has verified the combination of yin and yang in the Chinese traditional doctrine .

  4. 这正是蒙田(Montaigne)在提醒读者“国王和哲学家都要排便”时所要表达的意思。通过淫秽粗俗或性唤起,将人类之动物本性这一事实永恒而赤裸地公之于众,是民主的一种神能量。

    That is what Montaigne meant when he reminded his readers that ' both kings and philosophers defecate . ' Making public the permanent and leveling truths of our animal nature , through obscenity or evocations of sex , is one of democracy 's sacred energies . '

  5. 乌克兰的紧张局势已经为普遍的正收益报告蒙上了一层阴影,对从亚洲到美国的全球市场造成了波动。

    Tensions in Ukraine have overshadowed generally positive earnings reports - creating volatility in global markets from Asia to the United States .

  6. 苏格兰民族党支持工党的价码想必正是萨尔蒙德所概述的:苏格兰既得到财政自主权,又得到英国其他地区为其提供的财政保险。

    The price of SNP support for Labour would presumably be precisely what Mr Salmond outlines : fiscal autonomy for Scotland along with fiscal insurance for Scotland by the rest of the UK .