- Frontal battlefield;frontline battlefield

The Frontline Battlefield in Medium Period of Anti - Japanese War
As a component of the Anti-Japanese War literature , the literature of frontline battlefield undoubtedly should become the object of literary research , its research , can make the system Anti-Japanese War literature more perfect , and it also play an important role to the development of Chinese literature .
Anti-Japanese War Literature 's Representation of the Frontal Battlefields & A Study on Anti-Japanese Literature and the Frontal Battlefields
A cunning strategist , Swain was decorated after every battle he fought , regularly hobbling in contemplation at the front of the assault .
Former researches of Anti-Japanese War literature paid little attention to the literature about the frontal battlefield , and sometimes contradict with the literary history .
Because of the predominant geographical position , Sichuan became the center in the front battlefields politically , militarily , financially , and economically after the fall of Wuhan .
The changes of victory or defeat of intelligence fight direcdy influenced the outcome of frontal battlefield , influenced the developing tendency of song and Xia dynasty 's relationship .
In order to defend national sovereignty and protect national independence , they participated in and directed nearly all the vital battles on positive battlefield and made a great dedication .
The united nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats in open battle , men to men . Our air offenses have seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground .