
zhènɡ miàn zhàn chǎnɡ
  • Frontal battlefield;frontline battlefield
  1. 论抗战中期的正面战场

    The Frontline Battlefield in Medium Period of Anti - Japanese War

  2. 正面战场抗战文学是抗战文学的重要组成部分,无疑应该成为文学界研究对象,对其研究,能够完善抗战文学研究体系,对中国文学的发展也有着重要作用。

    As a component of the Anti-Japanese War literature , the literature of frontline battlefield undoubtedly should become the object of literary research , its research , can make the system Anti-Japanese War literature more perfect , and it also play an important role to the development of Chinese literature .

  3. 抗战文学对正面战场问题的表现&抗战文学与正面战场研究

    Anti-Japanese War Literature 's Representation of the Frontal Battlefields & A Study on Anti-Japanese Literature and the Frontal Battlefields

  4. 一个狡猾的谋略家,通常在正面战场上一瘸一拐的踱步沉思,每一场战斗之后都受章封赏。

    A cunning strategist , Swain was decorated after every battle he fought , regularly hobbling in contemplation at the front of the assault .

  5. 以往抗战文学研究对正面战场文学缺少应有的关注,且多有与文学史实相悖的判断。

    Former researches of Anti-Japanese War literature paid little attention to the literature about the frontal battlefield , and sometimes contradict with the literary history .

  6. 由于其重要的地理位置,自武汉失守以后,四川成了正面战场的政治、军事、财政、经济的中心。

    Because of the predominant geographical position , Sichuan became the center in the front battlefields politically , militarily , financially , and economically after the fall of Wuhan .

  7. 情报战的胜负优劣,直接影响了正面战场的胜败和宋夏关系的发展态势。

    The changes of victory or defeat of intelligence fight direcdy influenced the outcome of frontal battlefield , influenced the developing tendency of song and Xia dynasty 's relationship .

  8. 他们参与指挥了正面战场几乎所有的重大战役,为捍卫国家主权和维护民族独立做出了不朽贡献。

    In order to defend national sovereignty and protect national independence , they participated in and directed nearly all the vital battles on positive battlefield and made a great dedication .

  9. 联合国在正面战场予以德军迎头痛击空军削弱了德军的空中力量和陆上战斗能力;

    The united nations have inflicted upon the Germans great defeats in open battle , men to men . Our air offenses have seriously reduced their strength in the air and their capacity to wage war on the ground .