
  • 网络Deposit Insurance Fund
  1. 健全存款保险基金运行机制的几个问题

    Question about Improvement of Deposit Insurance Fund Operating Mechanism

  2. 目标比率是衡量存款保险基金规模的一个重要参数。

    DDR is an important parameter denotes the size of deposit insurance fund .

  3. FDIC发言人说,限制存款保险基金的潜在风险始终是贝尔优先考虑的问题。

    An FDIC spokesman said'limiting the potential exposure of the deposit-insurance fund is always a high priority for Chairman Bair . '

  4. 首先,银行需要更多资本,以确保联邦存款保险基金不受侵蚀。

    First , banks need more capital to protect the Federal Deposit Insurance Fund .

  5. 日益增长的银行倒闭已消耗了数亿万美元存款保险基金。

    The growing bank failures have sapped billions of dollars out of the deposit insurance fund .

  6. 派拉蒙破产预期花费存款保险基金$90.2百万美元;

    The failure of Paramount Bank is expected to cost the deposit insurance fund $ 90.2 million ;

  7. 国有银行业监管的现状是:国有清算资金和国家存款保险基金并不奏效。

    The status quo of national bank supervision , national bank resolution and national deposit-insurance funds is not working .

  8. 此外,其中还包括一两个出色念头,例如动用一部分收费来加强存款保险基金。

    And there is the odd nice touch , such as using a portion of fees to bolster deposit insurance funds .

  9. 巴西降低了银行储备金要求并且为其鼓励银行和存款保险基金收购小型银行的贷款资产组合。

    Brazil reduced reserve requirements and gave banks and its deposit-insurance fund incentives to buy up the loan portfolios of smaller banks .

  10. 中国央行将管理存款保险基金,该基金可以投资政府债券、央行票据和其他高评级债券。

    The central bank will manage the deposit insurance fund , which can invest in government bonds , central bank bills , and other high-rated bonds .

  11. 最终决定可能在几周内做出,它将取决于能否找到一种合适的结构,为存款保险基金带来足够回报。

    A final decision , which could come in weeks , will depend on finding a structure to provide a sufficient return to the deposit insurance fund .

  12. 本文具体研究了我国存款保险基金的设立模式选择、存款保险基金的规模水平确定、存款保险的费率厘定基础和保费计收方式选择以及存款保险基金的管理运营等几个主要问题。

    Here , this paper studies the found model choices , scale level , pricing basement and collecting model choices of deposit insurance fund , and deposit insurance fund management . Many countries ' government has regarded for insurance fund management .

  13. 因此,美国政府启动了另一项引人注目的举措,将存款保险扩展至基金。

    This would have been disastrous ; so , in another radical departure , the US extended deposit insurance to the funds .

  14. 是指负责对银行提供存款保险的一种基金,隶属美国联邦存款保险公司。

    A unit of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) that provides deposit insurance for banks excluding thrifts .

  15. 外国存款人发现,尽管受冰岛存款保险基金保护,但如果银行果真倒闭,雷克雅未克(注7)根本无力补偿他们所受的损失。

    Depositors in other countries , who were entitled to compensation from the Icelandic deposit-insurance fund , found that the pot in Reykjavik was too small to pay them when the banks went bust .

  16. 赋予存款保险机构代位受偿优先权有利于存款保险基金的安全和稳定,更好地发挥存款保险制度所具有的保护存款人利益、维护金融稳定等职能。

    To award the deposit insurance institution the right of subrogation is beneficial to the safety and stability of deposit insurance fund , and to fulfillment of functions of the deposit insurance system , which is very helpful to protect depositors ' interest and maintain financial stability .

  17. 在保护存款者利益方面,引入存款保险制度,建立存款保险公司吸收银行或其它金融机构缴存的保险费,建立存款保险基金,对存款者进行赔偿。

    At the deposit holder 's protection , besides all the means above , in supervising law we must construct deposit insurance mechanism , A deposit insurance company can hold the insurance fee of banking as deposit insurance fund to compensate .