
  • 网络Deposit Liabilities
  1. 事实上,商业银行作为一个金融机构,是一个通过贷款作为其资产以及存款作为负债,来经营货币业务的企业。

    In reality , a commercial bank , as a financial institution , is an enterprise that deals in money with loans being its assets and deposits being its Liabilities .

  2. 在中国,年底通常是流动性紧张的时节,因为此时企业对现金的需求会有所增加,而银行则急于将存款计入资产负债表中以满足监管要求。

    Liquidity is traditionally tight in China at the end of the year as corporate demand for cash rises and banks rush to book deposits on their balance sheets to meet regulatory requirements .

  3. 以居民储蓄存款为主体的负债结构正在不断加大流动性风险的可能性。

    The liability structure , the main body of the inhabitant 's saving deposit is increasing the probability of liquidity risk .

  4. 规定储备金指存款机构针对具体存款类负债而必须保留的基金数额。

    Reserve requirements are the amount of funds that a depository institution must hold in reserve against specified deposit liabilities .