
  • 网络Deposit insurance institutions;deposit insurance agency;Deposit Insurance of Vietnam
  1. 存款保险机构与四大资产管理公司的出路

    Way Out for Deposit Insurance Agency and the Four Asset Management Companies

  2. 笔者认为,应该设置一个由政府、央行和商业银行共同出资组建一个全国性的、非营利性的、专门的存款保险机构,来为我国金融系统的安全稳定运行保驾护航。

    The wrier believes that our country should establish a national , non-profit and specialized deposit insurance agency which is invested by government , central bank and commercial banks , which can protect and escort the financial system of our country .

  3. 上一世纪末,美国的存款保险机构FDIC的一次大规模的圆桌会议可以说是一个阶段性的总结。

    In the end of last century , the deposit insurance institution of US , FDIC , held a roundtable conference to thoroughly discuss further reforms .

  4. 存款保险机构代位受偿优先权立法探究

    Legislation Research on Subrogation Priority for De-posit Insurance Institutions

  5. 论存款保险机构在银行破产程序中的地位

    A Research on the Role of Deposit Insurers in the Bank Insolvency Proceedings

  6. 存款保险机构对银行和存款人的保护可能会出现道德风险,这是存款保险制度的消极作用。

    The protection of the agency may results in moral hazard , which is its negative feature .

  7. 存款保险机构在向存款人做出赔付之后,并不享有保险法上的代位权,但享有追偿权,可以向银行进行追偿。

    The bank , after its indemnity to the depositor , enjoys the right of recourse instead of the right of subrogation .

  8. 从法理角度考察,存款保险机构代位受偿优先权具有坚实的法理基础。

    From the perspective of the jurisprudence , the subrogation priority of the deposit insurance institution has a solid legal theoretical foundation .

  9. 在考虑到存款保险机构的专业特点后,决定由其担当破产管理人无疑是最佳的。

    Considering the professional character of deposit insurance organization , there is no doubt that deposit insurance organization is the best insolvency administrator .

  10. 纵观世界发达国家和地区的银行破产立法经验,部分国家的存款保险机构在银行破产程序中扮演了重要角色。

    Looking at the bank insolvency legislation in the developed countries , the deposit insurance agencies play an important role in the bank insolvency procedures .

  11. 第二章存款保险机构对投保银行和存款人的保护银行从其诞生之日起就存在制度性的缺陷。

    Chapter ⅱ The Protection Provided by the Agency to the Insured Bank and the Depositor The bank since its coming-into-being has a deficiency in its system .

  12. 存款保险机构对银行破产的参与使银行破产的效率得到大幅提升,并且最大限度地保护了存款人利益并降低银行破产所造成的不良影响。

    Deposit insurers greatly increase the efficiency of bankruptcy proceedings and maximize the protection of the interests of depositors as well as reduce the adverse effects caused by bank failures .

  13. 这四个国家和地区的存款保险机构的功能涵盖了世界各国存款保险机构职能的主要类型,因此具有广泛的代表性和较大的考察意义。

    The functions of the deposit insurers in the four countries and regions cover the main types of deposit insurance agencies around the world which have broad representation and study significance .

  14. 作为转轨国家,金融机构倒闭、破产事件的发生,使中国意识到建立存款保险机构的重要性和迫切性。

    The collapse of financial institutions and such bankruptcy events happened in the transitional countries enable China to be aware of the importance and urgency of the establishment of deposit insurance institutions .

  15. 从国际经验看,在存款保险机构内设立专门的资产处置组织,能够最大限度地回收债权,降低损失,提高问题银行资产处置的速度和效率。

    Seen from the international experience , establishing specialized assets-disposing departments within the deposit insurance institutions can reclaim creditor 's rights to the maximum extent , reduce losses , accelerate speed and efficiency in dealing with problem banks .

  16. 地方政府以存款保险机构为载体,参与对地方金融机构的日常监控和风险处置,使其在防范、化解地方金融风险上的责任和权利相对应。

    The local governments may use the deposits insurance organizations as the carriers to participate in the general supervision and risks disposition of the local financial institutions , and match the obligations and rights in the prevention and dissolve the local financial risks .

  17. 我们应从立法体例和目标、存款保险机构、投保金融机构、存款保险资金以及存款保险费率等五个方面来构建我国的存款保险制度。

    Lack of a series of bank credit ranking system . Therefore , we shall establish a deposit insurance system from the perspectives of legislative format and purpose , deposit insurance institutions , insurance financial institutions , deposit insurance funds and deposit premium rate .

  18. 赋予存款保险机构代位受偿优先权有利于存款保险基金的安全和稳定,更好地发挥存款保险制度所具有的保护存款人利益、维护金融稳定等职能。

    To award the deposit insurance institution the right of subrogation is beneficial to the safety and stability of deposit insurance fund , and to fulfillment of functions of the deposit insurance system , which is very helpful to protect depositors ' interest and maintain financial stability .

  19. 赋予我国存款保险机构代位受偿优先权与我国现行法的思想与规定具有兼容性,但还需要与我国现行的《商业银行法》和《破产法》协调。

    To give the deposit insurance institution priority is in compliance with the thoughts and provisions of the current legal system , however , it also needs to be coordinated with Commercial Banking Law Of People 's Republic of China and Enterprise Bankruptcy Law Of People 's Republic of China .

  20. 许多经济学家相信,金融市场中的失灵行为完全是扭曲的动机造成的,比如:存款保险、机构太大而不能倒闭的观念,以及其他众多显性和隐性补贴。

    Many economists believe that dysfunctional behaviour in financial markets is due solely to distorted incentives : deposit insurance , the perception that institutions are too big to fail and a host of other explicit and implicit subsidies .

  21. 许多经济学家相信,金融市场中的失灵行为完全是扭曲的动机造成的,比如:存款保险、机构“太大而不能倒闭”的观念,以及其他众多显性和隐性补贴。

    Many economists believe that dysfunctional behaviour in financial markets is due solely to distorted incentives : deposit insurance , the perception that institutions are " too big to fail " and a host of other explicit and implicit subsidies .

  22. 本文从日本农水产业协同组合存款金保险机构的组织结构、运营委员会的管理模式、存款金保险机构的业务内容及范围,分析了日本农水产业协同组合存款金保险制度。

    This paper is to analyse Japanese agricultural and aquatic products industry joint association deposit insurance regulations through introducing the structure of the deposit insurance agency , the management patterns of the operating committee , the business content and scope of the agency .

  23. 几乎所有人都同意,英国需要效仿美国建立一个存款保险与金融机构破产体系。

    As almost everybody agrees , the UK needs a system of deposit insurance and bankruptcy for financial institutions similar to that of the US .

  24. 1986年,日本政府赋予存款保险公司对倒闭机构进行购并的职能,增加赔付额度,提高保险费率,从而充实了保险基金的基础。

    1986 , the Japanese government gives Deposit Insurance Corporation to close down the functions of institutions acquisitions , to increase the amount paid to raise rates , thereby enrich the basis of the insurance fund .

  25. 实践中看,监管不力的存款保险制度可能引发存款机构的道德风险,设计不佳的费率制度会导致逆向选择,不明确的制度目标又将激发存款保险机构本身的代理问题。

    Practically , Deposit insurance , without strict supervision will cause severe moral hazard . Badly-designed schemes are always accompanied with adverse selection .

  26. 此外,本章还介绍了存款保险制度和存款保险机构在银行破产程序中的作用。

    In addition , this chapter also highlights the introduction of deposit insurance system and role of deposit insurance agencies in the bank insolvency proceedings .

  27. 该文从存款保险体制、存款保险机构的设置、存款保险机构的职能、存款保险的参保方式和保险范围、存款保险费率、理赔标准等多方面为我国建立存款保险制度提出了立法建议。

    This article puts forward some legislative suggestions in the aspects of deposit insurance system , establishment and function of the deposit safety unit , insurance coverage and deposit insurance premium rate , etc.

  28. 联邦存款保险公司-美国负责管理银行存款保险的管理机构。

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC )

  29. 存款保险法律关系的主体有三个:存款保险机构是保险人;银行是投保人、被保险人;存款人是受益人。

    There are three subjects of the deposit insurance , namely , the agency of the deposit insurance ( hereinafter called agency ) is the insurer ; the bank is the insurant ; the depositor is the beneficiary .

  30. 存款保险制度的建立和完善需要权衡各相关方利益,扩大存款保险机构的风险管理职能,并且,存款保险制度只有在金融安全网中才能有效发挥作用。

    It 's compulsory for establishing and perfecting deposit insurance system to measure the interest of the related parties , enlarging the risk management function of deposit insurance institutions , and it 's in the finance safety net that deposit insurance system can play an effective role .