
cún kuǎn bǎo xiǎn
  • deposit insurance
  1. 联邦存款保险公司-美国负责管理银行存款保险的管理机构。

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC )

  2. 其次,拓展联邦存款保险公司(FederalDePositInsuranceCorporation)对银行债务的担保范围。

    Second , expand the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 's guarantee for bank debt .

  3. 创建非银行金融机构债务的最后担保,类似于通过联邦存款保险公司(FederalDePositInsuranceCorporation)为银行提供的担保。

    Create a backstop for non-bank financial firm debt that mimics the guarantee provided via the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for banks .

  4. 此外,改革方案还提议效仿联邦存款保险公司(FederalDePositInsuranceCorporation)对普通银行运行的方案,建立一个涵盖所有这些机构的新的干预机制。

    In addition , a new intervention regime should cover all such firms , modelled on the scheme run by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for ordinary banks , says the plan .

  5. 但一旦设在了这里,它们为何不向商业银行领域扩张,以充分利用存款保险公共保障制度与美联储(Fed)的贴现窗口呢?

    But once here , why would they not expand into commercial banking , to gain full access to the public safety net of deposit insurance and the Federal Reserve discount window ?

  6. 这些存单由美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)提供保险,按照相应国家的通行利率支付利息。

    The CDs are FDIC-insured and pay interest based on the rates prevailing in each relevant country .

  7. 由于与联邦存款保险公司接管和本地银行的贷款的悬而未决的问题,GMP暂停运行直到进一步消息。

    Due to unresolved issues related to the FDIC take over and sale of our local bank , GMP is suspending operation until the future notice .

  8. 本文作者分别是美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)主席和英国央行负责金融稳定事务的副行长

    The writers are chairman of the FDIC and deputy governor for financial stability at the Bank of England , respectively

  9. 上周,原本应向投资者提供资金以购买银行泡沫时期贷款的联邦存款保险公司(federaldepositinsurancecorporation)宣布,推迟一次试点销售的计划,声称此举已不如当初想象的那么紧迫。

    Last week , the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , which was supposed to provide finance for investors to purchase bubble-era bank loans , postponed plans for a pilot sale , saying it was less urgent than had been thought .

  10. 1933年,为了有效抑制银行挤兑和由此诱发的银行恐慌,美国《格拉斯&斯蒂格尔法》通过了建立联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的法案。

    In 1933 , Federal Government established Federal Deposit Insurance Company ( FDIC ) in order to restrain Bank Runs effectively .

  11. FDIC发言人说,限制存款保险基金的潜在风险始终是贝尔优先考虑的问题。

    An FDIC spokesman said'limiting the potential exposure of the deposit-insurance fund is always a high priority for Chairman Bair . '

  12. 美国运通公司(Amex)和沃尔玛(Walmart)周二表示,他们共同推出的蓝鸟(Bluebird)金融服务,如今已有联邦存款保险。

    American Express and Walmart said on Tuesday that their Bluebird venture for financial services now has federal deposit insurance .

  13. 压力转到了摩根士丹利(morganstanley)和高盛(goldmansachs):最好是建议它们与一家拥有稳定存款保险基础的大型银行合并,就像美林一样。

    The pressure moved to Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs : both would be well advised to merge like Merrill with a large bank that has a stable base of insured deposits .

  14. 例如,一个正在讨论的观点是,美国联邦存款保险公司(fdic)应该帮助陷入困境的银行将一批资产证券化。

    One concept being mooted , for example , is that the FDIC should help troubled banks securitise a swathe of assets .

  15. 来自联邦存款保险公司(fdic)的长期行业数据显示,上一次美国大银行的净利差降至眼下的低水平发生在50多年前。

    Longer-term industry data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shows the current low level was last reached more than 50 years ago .

  16. 本文采用Logit回归方法对61个国家1980~2002年间存款保险制度对金融稳定的影响关系进行了实证分析。

    This paper adopts logit regression and data from 61 countries from 1980 to 2002 to empirically investigate the relation between the deposit insurance system and financial stability .

  17. 不过,提议对风险高度集中的大型金融机构实施附加资本金和新的联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)费用评估却是另一回事。

    The proposed capital surcharge and new FDIC fee assessments on the largest institutions with high risk concentrations , however , are a different matter .

  18. 该报告发现,有15家银行用Tarp资金收购了较弱的竞争对手,往往是在联邦存款保险公司的鼓励之下或者从联邦存款保险公司那里收购资产。

    The report found that 15 banks used funds to buy weaker rivals often completed at FDIC 's encouragement or ... the assets were acquired from FDIC .

  19. 上一世纪末,美国的存款保险机构FDIC的一次大规模的圆桌会议可以说是一个阶段性的总结。

    In the end of last century , the deposit insurance institution of US , FDIC , held a roundtable conference to thoroughly discuss further reforms .

  20. 工业团体认为,联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)曾提议的一项修订机制(现在搁置了)会将这个篱笆(指“安全港”规则)凿开一个洞。

    Revisions proposed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) on hold for now would punch holes in this ring fence , say industry groups .

  21. 他们表示,欧元区共同债券(eurobond)和联合存款保险计划在当前气候下不具备政治可行性,然后他们努力寻找一些让人难以信服的次优方案。

    They say that eurobonds and joint deposit insurance are politically impractical in the current climate , and are instead searching for implausible second-best solutions .

  22. 这些规则目前仅适用于受联邦存款保险公司(fdic)监管的银行,伯南克正在推动将其扩大到所有重要机构。

    Mr Bernanke is pushing to broaden the rules , which currently apply only to banks regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , to include all significant institutions .

  23. 取而代之他们提出只需要银行拿出60亿美元(通过提高存款保险费率),其余资金通过提前关闭问题资产援助项目(TARP)来解决。

    They proposed instead that only $ 6 billion come from banks ( from higher deposit-insurance fees ) and the rest from winding down the Troubled Asset Relief Programme ( TARP ) early .

  24. 原货币审计官约翰·杜根扮演联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)的董事长,他表示即使是清算也有四种方式,一是完全清算,跟破产相差无几。

    John Dugan , a former comptroller of the currency , played the role of chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC ) and said resolution actually made four options possible .

  25. 联邦存款保险公司(fdic)的数据显示,1995年美国银行有形股本与有形资产的平均比率为7.5%,而危机来袭前,这一比率下降了近1个百分点。

    According to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation data , the average tangible equity to tangible assets ratio was 7.5 per cent in 1995 and dropped almost a percentage point before the crisis hit .

  26. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)此前曾援引其他国家的经验表示,存款保险制度的推出可能导致存款流出中小银行,因为它凸显了银行倒闭的现实可能性,并明确地将部分存款界定为不受保护。

    Citing the experience of other countries , the International Monetary Fund has previously said that the rollout of deposit insurance could lead to deposit outflows from smaller banks , as it highlights bank failure as a realistic possibility and explicitly defines some deposits as unprotected .

  27. 为了研究存款保险设计,本文使用两阶段选择模型:我们将用赫克曼(Heckman)的两阶段选择模型通过包括缺乏显性存款保险的国家,来说明选择偏好。

    In order to study the design of deposit insurance , the paper using two-stage selection model : we will use Heckman ( Heckman ) of the two-stage selection model by including the lack of explicit deposit insurance countries , to explain preferences .

  28. 保险合同语言陷阱初探存款保险性质解析

    The Analyze of the Insurance Contract On Property of Deposit Insurance

  29. 浅析美国存款保险制度对中国的启示

    Simply on Enlightenment of American Deposit - safety System to China

  30. 美日存款保险制度的分析及对我国的启示

    An Analysis of American and Japanese Deposit Insurance System Their Revelation