
  • 网络conservation law
  1. 这样的OBS系统并不遵从守恒律,因此,不能应用已知的OBS模型进行分析。

    Such systems do not follow the conservation law and cannot , therefore , be analyzed using previously published OBS models .

  2. 利用Hamilton-Jacobi方程求解双曲守恒律组的有限元法

    Finite element methods for solving a set of hyperbolic conservation laws with Hamilton-Jacobi equations

  3. 守恒律偏微分方程的格子Boltzmann方法

    The Lattice Boltzmann Method for Conservative Law Partial Differential Equations

  4. 将Galerkin高次有限元应用于双曲守恒律组的HamiltonJacobi方程形式,得到了求解一维双曲守恒律组的数值格式。

    A class of numerical schemes for solving one dimensional system of hyperbolic conservation laws is obtained by applying Galerkin finite element with high order to Hamilton Jacobi equations associated with the systems of hyperbolic conservation laws .

  5. 利用Jourdain原理研究事件空间中变质量二阶非完整系统的守恒律

    Study of conservation laws of second-order nonholonomic systems of variable mass in event space by means of the principle of jourdain

  6. 本文从对称变换保持系统的动力学方程(以及对易关系)不变出发,推导出量子场论中的连续对称变换所产生的守恒律,而不借助于拉格朗日体制的Noether定理。

    We shall show that continuous symmetery transformation in quantum field theory , which leave the equation of motion invariant , will generate conservation laws without use Noether theorem of Lagrangian formalism .

  7. 以求解双曲守恒律组的FD-WENO格式为基础提出了两类用于求解非守恒可压缩理想流体力学方程组的数值方法。

    Two classes of numerical methods based on FD-WENO schemes were recommended for solving nonconservative compressible ideal fluid dynamics equations .

  8. 通过引入一些适当的Glimm泛函,我们得到一些有用的衰减估计,这些估计对得到非线性双曲守恒律熵解关于时间t的衰减速度非常有帮助。

    By introducing a proper Glimm functional , we obtain some useful decay estimates which are proved helpful in obtaining time decay rates of the admissible solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws .

  9. 事件空间中单面完整约束系统的守恒律

    Conservation Laws for the System with Unilateral Holonomic Constraints in Event Space

  10. 渗流方程第一边值问题解的守恒律

    The Conservation Law of the First Boundary Value Problem of Infiltration Equation

  11. 最后得到了此方程的守恒律。

    Then we give the conservation laws of ZK-MEW equation .

  12. 几类非线性发展方程的精确解及守恒律

    Exact Solutions and Conservation Laws to Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations

  13. 关于经典约束力学系统的守恒律

    On conservation laws of classical Constrained Mechanical Systems

  14. 它的多辛格式具有离散多辛守恒律。

    Its multi-symplectic scheme possess discrete multi-symplectic law .

  15. 对称性·守恒律·牛顿定律

    Symmetry , conservation law and Newton 's laws

  16. 初边值条件下非凸单个守恒律弱熵解的研究

    Study on the structure of the global weak entropy for initial-boundary non-convex scalar conservation laws

  17. 关于力学系统的守恒律

    On Conservation Laws of Mechanical Systems

  18. 可积系统的守恒律

    Conservation Laws of Integrable Systems

  19. 关键词:时间和空间平移对称性;时间反演对称性;守恒律;对称破缺。

    KEY WORDS : time and space translation symmetry ; time reversal symmetry ; conservation law ; symmetry breaking .

  20. 运用取特殊检验函数的方法,建立了渗流方程第一边值问题解的守恒律。

    By using the special test function , we discuss the establishing of conservation law of the first boundary value problem of infiltration .

  21. 然而,多辛算法的大量数值试验表明,局部守恒律在长时间内仍保持完好。

    However , extensive numerical tests have been performed with such schemes , showing that local conservation is well preserved over long times .

  22. 双曲型守恒律物理解的数值计算的难点在于其解会出现强间断。

    The numerical computation for physical solutions of hyperbolic systems of conservation laws is difficult due to the presence of strong discontinuities in the solution .

  23. 本文首先证明,带松弛项的双曲型守恒律组的柯西问题的整体光滑解的存在唯一性;

    Firstly , the thesis proves that there exists a unique global smooth solution for the Cauthy problem to the hyperbolic conservation laws system with relaxation ;

  24. 非保守场守恒定理及某类连续介质力学的守恒律

    The theorem of conservation of non-conservative field and the conservation laws for a certain class of continuum mechanics