
  • 网络Kiichi Miyazawa
  1. (东京路透电)日本财相宫泽喜一昨天受到要他留任的压力。

    ( Reuters report from Tokyo ) Japanese Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa was pressured not to quit office yesterday .

  2. 宫泽喜一的拯救配套对泰国非同小可,因为泰国上个月才展延发行5亿美元全球债券的计划。

    Kiichi Miyazawa 's aid package is of great importance to Thailand because last month Thailand delayed its plan to issue $ 500 million worth of global bonds .

  3. 在这项史无前例的人事异动中,森喜朗将指派宫泽喜一及桥本龙太郎这两位前任首相出任重要的职务,而他们也都在国会中都拥有大批忠实的拥护者。

    In an unprecedented move , Mori assigned key posts to two former prime ministers-Kiichi Miyazawa and Ryutaro Hashimoto , who both have legions of loyal followers in Parliament .

  4. 上周宫泽喜一首相对美国管理部门及工人的轻蔑的批评,反映出与一个耗尽精力的国家做生意极深的挫折感。

    Prime Minister Kiichi miyazawa 's disparaging comments last week on the quality of American management and workers reflect deep frustrations in doing business with a country that seems to be burning the candle at both ends .