
  • Hayao Miyazaki;Studio Ghibli;Miyazaki Hayao
  1. 现代主义与后现代主义观照下的宫崎骏动画世界

    The Hayao Miyazaki Animated Cartoon World in Light of Modernism and Post-Modernism

  2. 这种神话意象与宫崎骏动画中的东方神秘性有着千丝万缕的联系。

    This myth imagoes connected with Oriental mystery of Hayao Miyazaki animation .

  3. 宫崎骏从不宣传成果,只是探索可能性。

    Mr. Miyazaki does not promote outcomes ; he explores possibilities .

  4. 宫崎骏对年轻女性的看法是如何形成的呢?

    How did Miyazaki come to have his view of young females ?

  5. 德行修养这个重要主题贯穿了宫崎骏作品始终。

    A significant theme of moral formation runs through Miyazaki 's work .

  6. 水是宫崎骏用来摆脱地心引力的又一方式。

    Water is another way for Miyazaki to defy gravity .

  7. 宫崎骏很少描写简单的善与恶。

    Miyazaki rarely traffics in simple good and evil .

  8. 在其动漫画家生涯里,宫崎骏曾远赴各地旅行寻找灵感。

    Throughout his career , Miyazaki has traveled widely in search of inspiration .

  9. 宫崎骏小学毕业后,母亲便生病了。

    After primary school , his mother became ill .

  10. 空间设计中的诗意&安藤忠雄与宫崎骏

    Poetic Flavor of Space Design Tadao Ando Hayao Miyazaki

  11. 从宫崎骏的动画片看日本人的自然审美观

    Japanese Aesthetic Views on Nature in Miyazaki 's Cartoons

  12. 北美一直没有机会去发现宫崎骏的电影。

    North America hasn 't had a chance to discover Miyazaki 's films .

  13. 1941年宫崎骏出生于日本东京。

    Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941 .

  14. 宫崎骏的不少电影中都有坚强的女主角。

    Many of his movies have strong female leads .

  15. 因此宫崎骏又是一位折衷的悲观主义者。

    Therefore Hayao Miyazaki is an eclectic pessimist .

  16. 宫崎骏动画风格探议

    Preliminary Study of Animation Style of Hayao Miyazaki

  17. 我告诉宫崎骏我喜欢他电影里的“无缘无故的动作”;

    I told Miyazaki I love the " gratuitous motion " in his films ;

  18. 宫崎骏作品中的主角通常是儿童或青少年,大多数情况下是是小女孩。

    Miyazaki 's protagonists are usually children or teens , more often young girls .

  19. 日本卡通之王&宫崎骏

    The King of Japanese Animators & Hayao Miyazaki

  20. 多年来,宫崎骏一直在诸多电影作品中发挥着他那别具一格的想象力。

    Miyazaki 's vision has remained unique throughout his many films over the years .

  21. 宫崎骏的电影《千与千寻》是一个关于成长与救赎的暖心故事。

    Miyazaki 's film Spirited Away is an inspirational story of growth and salvation .

  22. 它着重于宫崎骏刻画的一个看破红尘和愤世嫉俗的个人化的自画像。

    Its focus on Marco as disillusioned and cynical is a personal self-portrait by Miyazaki .

  23. 如今,作为一位启发他人灵感的人,宫崎骏已确立了其不可动摇的地位。

    Now , he is firmly established as a figure who provides inspiration to others .

  24. 一个很好的例子就是宫崎骏电影《龙猫》中的那个11岁女孩。

    A famous example is the 11-year-old girl from Miyazaki 's film My Neighbor Totoro .

  25. 高畑勋与宫崎骏同为吉卜力工作室的导演,比较他们在塑造孤儿形象方面的异同显得很必要。

    It is very necessary that compare their similarities and differences in shaping the orphans image appears .

  26. 宫崎骏作品当中除了一些进步主义题材之外,观众经常会看到以下一些元素:

    Besides their progressive themes , in Miyazaki 's films , viewers frequently encounter the following elements :

  27. 早在上个世纪八十年代,宫崎骏就已经在全球动画界奠定了大师级地位。

    Since 1980s , Hayao Miyazaki has been one of the great animation directors in the world .

  28. 毫无疑问,宫崎骏已在漫画家的名人堂中赢得一席之地。

    He has , without a doubt , earned his place in the animators hall of fame .

  29. 这两张照片是宫崎骏在音乐会上向他送花表示恭喜时拍摄的。

    These two photos were taken in the concert when Gong Qijun presented flowers to him for congratulations .

  30. 尽管他在非亚洲国家的名气并不响,但在他的国家,宫崎骏可是家喻户晓。

    Though he is not well-known outside Asia , Hayao Miyazaki is a household name in his homeland .