
  1. 在形式上淡马锡模式与英美模式、日德模式和家族控制模式都有相似点,但在运行和细节设置上又都有所区别。

    There are formal similarities but different operation details on the comparison of Temasek model , UK-US model , Germany-Japan model and family-control model .

  2. 本文对金字塔型家族控制模式的进行了理论研究,并以2005年中国132家中小上市公司中的61家家族企业为样本进行实证研究。

    This paper makes an academic research on the pyramid model Family Controlled Enterprises , and takes 61 Family Controlled Enterprises of the 132 listed SMEs as a sample for empirical research .

  3. 本文首先阐述了公司治理模式的主要类型,如英美的市场监控模式、日德的内部监控模式、东亚的家族控制模式和内部人控制模式。

    The paper expounds the main types of corporate governance model firstly , such as English-America market supervision model , Japan-Germany internal supervision model , East Asia family supervision model and internal persons control model .

  4. 本文主要研究了香港公司治理的英美模式、家族控制模式、香港中资企业模式,论述了其特点及存在的问题,并对这些特点和问题做了比较分析。

    Based on case studies , the paper mainly discusses the features and problems of the British & American Model , Family model , and Chinese State-owned enterprise model of Hong Kong Companies , and makes analytical comparison between models above .

  5. 在分析现状的基础上,对我国家族企业控制权传承模式存在的问题及产生问题的原因进行了论述和概括,旨在为下文提出有针对性的对策做铺垫。

    Based on the analysis of the current situation of Chinese family enterprises , this paper discusses and summarizes the problems and causes of problems in control inheritance model , aims to put forward effective measures to solve these problems accordingly .