
  • 网络incentive control
  1. 包括制度控制系统、预算控制系统、考评控制系统和激励控制系统四大部分。

    The framework includes the system control system , and budget control system , evaluation control system and framework of incentive control system . 6 .

  2. 本文从对国有企业改革的思考入手,通过对股份公司激励控制兼容模式的分析,切入了代理成本问题。针对这一问题,分析论述了激励控制原理。

    This paper has studied the reform of state-owned enterprise and the mode of incentive control over stock companies and introduced the agent cost problem on the basis of which analyses are made to illustrate the principle governing this mode .

  3. 等离子体气动激励控制激波的机理研究

    The mechanism investigation on shock wave controlled by plasma aerodynamic actuation

  4. 合资企业资产增值的激励控制模式

    The mode study on increasing assets in joint venture based on Incentive tactics

  5. 等离子体气动激励控制平板边界层的仿真研究

    Simulation investigation on boundary layer of a plate flow control by plasma aerodynamic actuation

  6. 利用声激励控制颤振的实验研究

    Experimental investigation on active acoustic flutter control

  7. 振动校准中的激励控制

    The Excitation Control in Vibration Calibration

  8. 论企业经营者的业绩评估和激励控制

    On Evaluating and Stimulating Enterprise Management

  9. 周期外激励控制采用微小周期控制项,但难以有好的控制效果。

    The small control is adopted in the periodic external excitation control . It is difficult to get good effect .

  10. 行为受激励控制,因此,达到不同目的的途径就在于对支付的审慎取舍。

    Since behaviour is governed by incentives , the way to achieve different outcomes is to alter the pay-offs carefully .

  11. 细长体大迎角流动的非对称特性及声激励控制研究

    Investigation of characteristics of asymmetry flows and control of acoustic excitation on a slender revolutionary body at high angle of attack

  12. 为了加强对企业集团的财务控制,必须从加强资本控制、重视目标控制、创新实施控制、强化监督激励控制几方面入手,建立和完善企业集团的财务控制机制。

    It can be consummated through enhancing the capital control , the target control , the performance control and the supervising and motivation control .

  13. 二元后台阶低速风洞实验表明,用内部声激励控制脱落旋涡能够获得有利的增升效应。

    A low-speed wind tunnel test shows that beneficial effects on enhancing lift can be obtained by using internal acoustic excitation to control the shedding vortices .

  14. 在这种背景下,本文从江苏移动渠道建设的功能定位、结构模式、激励控制三方面入手,给出了江苏移动在进行渠道整合时的具体意见与建议。

    Under the circumstance , the paper gives the suggestion about marketing distribution management Jiangsu Mobile , from the aspect of function position , structure pattern and stimulation controlling .

  15. 通过合理的股权设置,使有着行政级别的国企领导人变成了真正的企业家,建立了卓有成效的激励控制机制;

    Set up through the rational stock right , make the leader of state-owned enterprise with the administrative rank become a real entrepreneur , have set up fruitful encouragement controlling mechanism ;

  16. 对一小展弦比扩压器内的分离流的声激励控制进行了实验研究,并对此类声控的机理进行了初步探索。

    An experimental study on acoustic suppression of flow separation has been conducted on a low aspect diffuser , and the mechanism of three-dimensional flow separation control of such device has been explored .

  17. 基本结论是:乌江公司的管理控制结构必须由单一刚性的制度控制向柔性的全面预算控制和绩效评价控制、激励控制转变。

    The basic conclusion is : The electricity generation business management control structure must control by the rigid system to the flexible as comprehensive budget control and the achievements appraisal control , the motivate control transformation .

  18. 其次,研究基于评价结果变化影响的评价值改进,利用双激励控制线方法,分别确定正、负方向改进点和改进量,引入正负改进因子对轨道维修工各时刻的评价值进行动态改进。

    Secondly , research the improvements of evaluation value though the change of evaluation results . The dual incentive to the line of control methods is used to determine the improvement points and improvement value in positive and negative direction .

  19. 要将其资产负债表规模增加可能导致的低效率和不当激励控制在最小程度,同时减少对手方风险,就应该让欧洲央行在协调和监督欧元区银行监管事务方面发挥更大的作用。

    To minimise the inefficiencies and perverse incentives that may result from the increase in its balance sheet , and to reduce counter-party risk , the ECB should be given a greater role in co-ordinating and overseeing supervision of the eurozone banking system .

  20. 本文针对声光双稳系统中的浑沌态,提出了外周期激励控制方法,数值模拟表明,适当选择注入信号强度,可以实现对浑沌系统的控制。

    In this paper , chaos control in an acousto optical bistable system is investigated by adding an external periodic stimulation signal to the system . Results of numerical simulations show that the chaotic system can be controlled by properly selected intensity of input signal .

  21. 针对项目管理的成本控制,本文提出了可控成本、不可控成本、人费率控制的观点。并认为激励控制与可控成本控制综合运用,能够对项目成本进行有效的控制。

    For the cost control of the project management , the paper proposes the viewpoint of controllable cost , uncontrollable cost and personal cost rate , and considers that by comprehensively applying the stimulation control and controllable cost control , the project cost can be effectively controlled .

  22. 所得结果表明,可以通过对激励的控制,实现阵列的宽角扫描能力,这对短波LPDA相控阵的设计具有一定的指导意义。

    The results obtained prove that wide angle scanned arrays can be realized through controlling the excitations . And the results can be instructional on designing short wave phased LPDA arrays .

  23. 流体动力激励法控制射流结构的初步研究

    A preliminary investigation on controlling jet structure by hydrodynamic excitation

  24. 薪酬激励是控制内部人控制的重要手段。

    Salary-incentive is an important way to manage the controlling of employees .

  25. 外部性激励与控制的经济效率分析

    The analysis of the efficiency of externalities incentive and regulation

  26. 随班就读对特殊儿童的激励与控制;

    Classroom integration is encouragement and control to children with speical needs ;

  27. 对经营者激励与控制的一些思考

    Thinking Of How To Encourage And Control the Proprietor

  28. 多轴随机激励振动控制技术研究

    Research on Multi-axes Vibration Control Technology with Random Exciting

  29. 灰色文献的激励与控制思考

    Consideration of Encouragement and Control of Gray Literature

  30. 公司治理的内容包括激励与控制。

    Corporate governance includes incentive and control .