
  • 网络incentive system;Motivation system
  1. 围绕股东价值最大化的根本目标,EVA激励体系将在目标类型选择等五个方面对股东和经理人的博弈行为产生影响。

    Around the top objective of " shareholder value maximization ", EVA incentive system has effects upon the game from 5 perspectives .

  2. 但目前,很多类似于V公司的中小企业虽然建立了一套激励体系,但由于制定时考虑不周全、实施时遇到阻碍,大大降低了激励的效果。

    But currently , many small and medium enterprises like V company have set up an incentive system , but due to poor planning and obstruction during implementation , the incentive effect is greatly reduced .

  3. H上市公司激励体系构建研究

    H Company Inspiriting System Establish Research

  4. 引入EVA体系下业绩评价与激励体系,约束代理者短期行为。

    Evaluation and stimulation system under EVA can be introduced to restrict short-term behavior .

  5. LZ园林有限公司知识型员工激励体系设计

    Encouraging System Design of Knowledge-type Employees in the Limited Company of the LZ Parking

  6. 风投基金的激励体系就是这样,在所投资公司IPO后一个合理时间段后,他们将卖出股票,将利润分配给投资者。

    The venture funds incentive system is set up such that they are supposed to sell the shares and distribute the profits to their investors after a reasonable time elapses following the IPO .

  7. 论文构建了基于EVA的高管薪酬激励体系,提出了基于EVA的高管短期和中长期薪酬激励理论模型,为中国上市公司设计高管薪酬方案提供借鉴。

    This thesis constructed top-managers ' compensation incentive system based on EVA , put forward incentive model of bonus and stock option based EVA . These provide theory guidance for designing of top-managers compensation .

  8. TCL集团迫切需要VBM的创新开发与导入,并且已经进行了局部尝试,建立了EVA激励体系,并欲在集团范围重点推行。

    TCL group cries for the creative development and introduction of VBM , and it has had a try in such field , for example , it has established motivating system of EVA which will be pushed through emphasized business units .

  9. 设计营销人员多元薪酬激励体系。

    Multidimensional salary inspiring system for marketing salesmen should be designed .

  10. 民营企业中层管理者目标激励体系的研究

    Objective Encouragement System of the Middle-level Manager in Private Enterprise

  11. 企业知识员工的激励体系研究

    The Study on the Motivating System about Knowledge Type Staffs

  12. 与管理科学化的目标相联系,建立评估和激励体系;

    Setting up the appraisal system and the incentive system ;

  13. 湖南省第六工程公司总部员工薪酬激励体系研究

    Study on Salary Motivation System of the Sixth Engineering Co. in Hunan Province

  14. 国企经营者薪酬激励体系设计

    Design of pay incentive system for state-owned enterprise operators

  15. 基于员工满意的物流企业激励体系研究

    A Study on Motivation Mechanism for the Satisfaction of Employee in Logistics Enterprises

  16. 企业经理人激励体系构架:满足需要视角的分析

    The Research on the Frame of Managers ' Motivation System from Meeting Their Needs

  17. 合理的动态激励体系,包括培训、工作设计、职业生涯规划等。

    Rational dynamic encourage system , including training , job design and career planning etc.

  18. 激励体系在医院人力资源管理中的建立

    Designing incentive mechanism for hospital human resources management

  19. 本文引入动态观点,对企业动态激励体系进行系统探讨。

    From the dynamic view , this paperdis-cusses the dynamic incentive system in detail .

  20. 合适的人员配备、激励体系、技术等级制度和企业文化氛围是该体系有效运作的保证。

    Suitable staffing , incentive system , technology hierarchy and cultural environment are support systems .

  21. 波特&劳勒模式与医院科研激励体系的构建

    Enlightenment of " Porter-Lawler Incitement Model " on the Hospital Stimulating System of Scientific Research

  22. 惠州市国税局公务员激励体系优化对策研究

    Optimization of the Huizhou City , State Administration of Taxation Civil Service Incentive System Countermeasures

  23. 美国公立学校优秀教师激励体系及其评价

    The Incentive System on Excellent Teachers of Public Schools in the USA and Relative Assessment

  24. 跨文化激励体系研究

    Research on Cross - cultural Encourage System

  25. 论人力资本主导下国企经营者的激励体系

    On the Incentive System for State-owned Enterprises ' Managers under the Leading Role of Human Capital

  26. 西部高科技企业员工工作满意度调查与激励体系的重新设计

    A QA Survey of Western High-Tech Enterprises Employee ' Job Satisfaction and Redesign of Motivation System

  27. 我国信息产业人才流动与激励体系研究

    A Research on Encouraging System and the Flow of Talented Persons in the Information Industry in China

  28. 创设奖励平台构建激励体系

    Establishing Incentive Platform and System

  29. 后者通过构建具有竞争力的企业薪酬与激励体系,协调所有者与全体员工的利益,吸引和留住人才。

    The latter can build a competitive incentive issue and coordinate the interests of the employees and employers .

  30. 外资银行拥有先进的管理机制和管理经验,尤其是有一套科学有效的薪酬激励体系。

    Foreign Banks have advanced management mechanism and management experience , especially a scientific and effective salary incentive system .