
  • 网络Incentive process;The Motivation Process
  1. 在电脉冲激励过程中,机械压力使得x偏振的光栅波长蓝移,而y偏振的光栅波长红移。

    During the electrical pulse excitation , the grating wavelength is blue-shifted for the x-polarization and red-shifted for the y-polarization due to the mechanical stress .

  2. 该分析仪能使四极质谱计的离子收集器免受从栅网表面发射的X射线的辐射,和从电离器中的离子以及被激发的分子在退激励过程中释放的紫外线的辐射。

    The energy analyzer screens the ion collector of the QMS from the irradiations of the x rays emitted on the grid surface , and of the ultraviolet light released in the de excitation processes of ions and excited molecules in the ionizer .

  3. 公司经营者激励过程的定性模拟技术研究

    Qualitative Simulation of Inspirit Process of Operators of Corporations

  4. 浅析医院对知识型员工激励过程中存在的问题及措施

    Analysis of Problems and the Counter-measures in Encouraging the Personnel of Knowledge Type in Hospitals

  5. 博弈模型在激励过程中的应用

    Game Model Of Stimulation

  6. 需要是激励过程的起点,利用激励,满足编辑需要的特殊性,对调动编辑工作的积极性、主动性、创造性意义重大。

    Encouragement is of great importance to arouse the editor 's enthusiasm , activity and creativity in his work .

  7. 本文分析了医院在知识型员工激励过程中存在的问题,提出了应采取的有效激励措施。

    The author analyzes the problems in encouraging the personnel of learning type and suggests some effective encouraging measures .

  8. 该结论对研究经济主体的激励过程与机理提供了一个新的分析视角。

    This conclusion provides a new perspective to the research of process and mechanism of incentives on economic subject .

  9. 方差放大系数法直接通过激励过程的特性给出重要抽样密度函数的具体表达式。

    The second approach presents detailed importance sampling density function through amplificatory factor of variance and character of the excitation .

  10. 参量激励过程中三波耦合的一般色散关系(Ⅱ)一般色散关系以及泵场阈值和增长率

    General Dispersion Relation for the Three-Wave Process of Parametric Excitation (ⅱ) The Basic Formula , the Field Threshold and the Growing Rate

  11. 固体推进剂具有粘弹性和近似不可压缩性,其材料参数和外激励过程通常不能精确给出。

    However , solid propellant is viscoelastic and nearly-incompressible , and the material parameters and load process can 't be given accurately in general .

  12. 在中央政府对部门信息共享进行的激励过程中,政府部门不同活动努力成本的边际替代率至关重要。

    The key point is the marginal substitution rate of different activities cost when the central government is on the process of information-sharing incentives .

  13. 本文建立了模拟铅蒸气激光器激励过程的计算机模型,计算结果与实验结果一致。

    A computer model has been built to simulate the excitation process of a lead vapor laser results obtained from the model agree with experiments .

  14. 基于对激励过程的分析可得出结论,最有效的激励工具是公平的绩效付酬机制和良好的工作环境。

    It results from analyzing the process of motivation that the most effective motivation tools are the fair function of paying reward on worker 's achievement and the suitable work conditions .

  15. 我国企业在推行股票期权激励过程中,应该注意到这只是激励经理人员的一种模式,注意到股票期权的采用是对经理人员薪酬结构的调整。

    We must notice that stock option is only one of incentive modes for senior managers , and is an adjustment of compensation composition of managers when we consider applying the stock option incentive mechanism .

  16. 分析了无形资产与人力资本的关系,指出无形资产资本化的实质是人力资源资本化和对人力资本的激励过程;

    This paper analyses the relationship between the intangible asset and the human capital , indicating that the essence of the capitalisation of intangible assets is the capitalisation of human resources and the driving process of human capital .

  17. 在实施成功激励的过程中,自我锻炼始终起着最关键的作用,一切培养目标,都必须通过学生的自我锻炼才能真正发挥作用。

    During the training , it must really go into effect through the self-training of students .

  18. 当前,探讨股权激励实施过程中高管人员的信息操纵问题并对症下药,是我国理论界与实务界都面临的一个紧迫课题。

    Currently , it is an urgent task to discuss top executives ' information manipulation and right both in theory and practice field .

  19. 此阶段主要通过激励搜索过程远离起点,对解空间进行相当程度的探索。

    In this stage , by stimulating the search area moving away from the initial solution , the solution space is explored in a certain degree .

  20. 基于模态综合分析方法,建立了跑车激励全过程的三维空间车-桥耦合振动分析模型。

    Based on modal synthesis analysis method , an analysis model of three-dimensional space vehicle-bridge coupled vibrations in the whole process of vehicle excitation is established .

  21. 第五部分为结论总结,先对前文中的研究进行总结,然后提出股权激励实施过程中应注意的问题和相关建议,最后进行了研究展望。

    The fifth part first summarizes the previous research and then puts forward relevant suggestions as well as attention-getting problems of the implementation of equity incentive system .

  22. 这部分总结前面的结论和对实证结果进行解释和分析,针对股权激励实施过程中存在的问题,提出几条可行性的建议。

    In this part , the author summarizes the study results of the above every part and proposes several feasible suggestions for solving these problems in the implementation process .

  23. 但我认为,薪酬激励的过程应该是:薪酬-员工受到激励的因素-员工(心态)行为-组织绩效。

    But I think that the process of incentive compensation should be : pay - the factors that motivated staff - staff ( mentality ) behavior - organizational performance .

  24. 最后,结合研究结论,指出目前中小板上市公司在实施股权激励的过程中存在的问题,并提出相应的研究建议。

    Finally , based on the conclusion , the thesis presents some problems about these listed companies in SME board in the process of implementation of equity incentive , and proposes appropriate recommendations .

  25. 这些治疗的目的在于增强免疫系统,激励循环过程其中包括淋巴和血液循环,加速细胞活性,扩张血管和组织,自发地激活自身康复能力。

    The aim of these treatments are to enhance the immune system , stimulate circulatory process including lymph and blood circulation , accelerate cell activity , dilating tissue and vessels activating the self healing potential naturally .

  26. 这一互动的形成,是贸易比较利益的内生增进过程,也是贸易为本国森林资源的发展提供源源不断经济激励的过程。

    The process of the establishment of the positive interaction is the process that the comparative advantage interests of trade is enhanced , and the process that trade provides sustainable economic incentives for the development of domestic forest resource .

  27. 地震激励用随机过程表示。

    Earthquake excitation is represented by random process .

  28. 因此在如何激励员工的过程中,薪酬体系扮演着重要角色。

    Therefore in the process of how to motivate employees compensation system , plays an important role .

  29. 分析计算表明,该算法具有较高的精度,适用于处理存在弱阻尼或负阻尼模式时由随机扰动激励的振荡过程。

    Digital simulation shows that the approach can give good resolution and suitable analysis of weak or negative mode with random disturbance stimuli .

  30. 在建设图书馆的激励机制的过程中,应遵循物质激励和精神激励相结合的原则;

    So during the process of developing the library incentive mechanism , the following principles are necessary : combine the material incentive with the spiritual incentive ;