
  1. 该算法重点研究经典LPC分析后基音激励方向向下的语音,对这种浊音LPC残差进行后滤波以取代预增强的方法使其逼近语音激励。

    Firstly we analyze the speech with reversed polarity and present the idea of post-filtering of the LPC residual of these voiced speech frames .

  2. 激励方向改变对抗震性能影响很大;

    Excitation orientation has a great influence on seismic resisting ;

  3. 研究了曲率半径、墩高差、地震激励方向和行波效应对高墩大跨曲线连续刚构桥地震响应的影响。

    Research into the influence of radius of curvature , height difference of piers , direction of earthquake excitation and traveling wave effect to the seismic response of high-pier long-span curved continuous rigid frame bridge .

  4. 在此基础上,重点研究了曲线连续刚构桥曲率半径、地震激励方向、桥墩墩高等结构参数对曲线连续刚构桥地震响应的影响。

    On the basis of above-mentioned analysis , the thesis principally researched on the parameters ' effect to the curved continuous rigid frame bridge seismic response when they changed , which included curvature radius the directions of earthquake action and pier height .

  5. 将城市室外电波传播模型、手机天线本征激励方向图以及信号合并方式相结合,建立了分析在具有共道干扰的多径衰落环境中手机双天线系统的性能模型。

    A simulation approach is presented , which combines the outdoor radio propagation model and the eigen-driven patterns of handset antenna elements and combining schemes of receiving signals , to investigate the performance of a dual antenna handset under co-channel interference ( CCI ) and multi-path fading environment .

  6. 每个产业都有着影响者,那些人们急于从他们身上寻找激励和方向的领导者。

    Every industry and discipline has its influencers thought leaders to whom others look for inspiration and direction . The Internet makes it easy to connect with these leaders and even form relationships with them .

  7. 对地震的烈度、地震激励的方向、围岩的类别、围岩的约束等情况进行了较为详细的计算和讨论,认为结构的动力行为和以上因素密切相关。

    Calculating and discussing the earthquake intensity , the earthquake exhortative orientation , the type of the rock , and the rock 's constraint and so on , the underground structure dynamic behavior is correlated with all the above closely .

  8. LED8×96矩阵适用于构成微型计算机仪表的显示模件,LED矩阵单元寻址采取水平方向顺序激励和垂直方向选通。

    The LFD 8-by-96 Matrix is used folr building up the video module of computer instruments Address to LED matrix unit assumes horizontal drive in regular sequence and vertical gating .

  9. 而不同贴片,以及在不同模式下激励的辐射方向图,亦存在许多差异,根据不同的特性可用于不同的用途。

    The different types and excitation modes can also make the antennas be used to different purposes .

  10. 提出一种用矩量法对平面波激励来自任意方向的细线天线的电磁散射的分析方法。

    A solution of electromagnetic scattering from arbitrary oriented thin-wire excited by an incident electromagnetic plane wave by using method of moment is presented .

  11. 金融工具的创新和经济的快速发展为银行业提供了更广阔的发展空间,多样化的监管方式也必将朝着激励相容的方向不断前进。

    The rapid development of innovative financial instruments for the banking industry and the economy to provide a broader space for development , diversification in the direction of regulation will also continue to advance incentive compatibility .

  12. 主要内容如下:1.结合MSK基本原理与方向调制技术,提出了一种基于异频激励的双波束方向调制信号。

    The main contents are as follows : 1 . Combining the principle of MSK and directional information modulation technology , a signal with dual-beam carrying directional information is proposed .

  13. 我们需要了解激励的程度和方向。

    We need to know how much , and in which direction .

  14. 提高外部市场环境的效率和完善经营者选择机制是今后激励机制改革的方向。

    Therefore , the next incentive reformation objects are the efficient improvement of outer market and manager choice mechanisms .

  15. 作者只是指出了从人格研究激励方法的新方向,并提供了人格对激励方法偏好的现实数据和分析。

    Author only point out the new way to analyze incentive method , and analyze the theory and data .

  16. 基于国有企业特殊的产权背景和管理模式,国外以物质激励为重要研究方向的传统研究范式在我国受到限制。

    Owing to the special ownership background and management model of SOEs , the foreign traditional paradigms that based on the research direction of material incentives , does not work properly in China .

  17. 纵肋的高度、宽度增大都使低频声辐射中两端平底板的贡献量增大,而使研究频域内的高频声辐射在激励力的反方向上增强。

    The increase in the height or the width of the stiffeners causes the contribution of low frequency acoustic radiation from two end plates to increase , and causes high frequency acoustic radiation to increase in the direction opposite to the driving force .

  18. 在不同场合所受激励不同,激励的方向既可能与轴向垂直,也可能成一定的角度。

    Subject to different excitation in different occasions , both the direction of excitation may be related to the vertical axis may also be a certain angle .

  19. 二是我国技术创新政策整体发展正在从个体创新激励为主转向机制创新激励方向,技术创新政策受到多个关键政府部门的关注,需要多个政府部门协调促进;

    2 , China 's tech-innovation policy is switching from individual-incentive to the mechanism innovation incentive . At the same time , the tech-innovation policy is paid attention by several key governmental sectors , therefore the coordination of these sectors is necessary ;

  20. 组织结构通过改变自身构成要素的方式来改善激励环境,调整激励信号的方向、内容与强度,从而增加激励作用的强度,提高研发人员技术创新的积极性。

    The change can ameliorate incentive environment by improving factors of organizational structure , and adjust incentive signals to elevate incentive effect and positivity of R & D staff .

  21. 对安装在振动台上的系统进行白噪声随机激励,得到燃料组件响应-激励关系不同方向、不同介质、不同振级共42种工况的系列曲线。

    The system which was installed in vibration table under 42 environments was excited by white noise , and a series of curves about relationship between fuel assembly 's response and excitation under different direction , different medium , different excitation magnitude were obtained .

  22. 并通过对宽带随机载荷激励下结构动响应和灵敏度的推导,初步探索了宽带随机载荷激励下的双方向结构渐进优化(BESO)优化准则及算法。

    Third , by use of deriving the dynamic response and its formula for the structure under wide-band random excitation , a new bi-directional evolutionary structural optimization criteria considering static loads and wide-band dynamic excitations , and its algorithm are researched .

  23. 这种新的对薪酬的构思与设计,可以激励员工提升符合企业所需的人力资源价值,将企业发展战略通过薪酬的激励方向体现出来。

    As a new concept and design for pay , it can encourage employees to increase the human resources value that enterprises need , and can reflect enterprises ' development strategy through incentive pay .

  24. 针对圆形阵列中单元间相互耦合作用引起单元水平面方向图的畸变这一问题,分析了未激励单元的互耦作用以及这些单元端接电缆的加载作用对激励单元阵中方向图的影响。

    Aberrance of the horizontal pattern of pole was concerned , which was caused by the mutual coupling in antenna array . During the analysis of pole pattern , mutual coupling caused by un-excited elements and loading caused by cable connected to them were considered .

  25. 股权激励与企业绩效的关系、股权激励的影响因素是目前学术界对于股权激励的主要研究方向。

    The relationship between its performances of the company and influencing factors is the major study of incentive stock options .