
  • 网络Performance Principle
  1. 随着现代预算制度的不断发展和进步,逐渐形成了一系列经典的预算原则。这些原则主要包括年度性原则、公开和透明性原则、完整性原则以及预算绩效原则等。

    With the development of modern budget system , a series of classic budget principles was come into being , which includes annual principle , open and transparency principle , integrity principle and performance principle .

  2. 论质量职能设计的经济绩效原则

    Study on the Principle of Performance in Designing Quality Function

  3. 按照科学发展观的要求,寻求政府在经济法中的准确定位,必须贯彻法定原则、比例原则、绩效原则,实现控权与保权的有机结合。

    According to the requirement of scientific concept of development , the exact positioning of government authority in economic law should follow the principles of constitution , proportion , and performance so as to combine organically the preservation and the control of the government authority .

  4. 高校图书馆数字资源采访绩效评价原则及指标体系研究

    Research on the Principles and Index System of the Performance Appraisal of the Acquisition of Digital Resources in Academic Libraries

  5. 文章从校院两级管理体制下学生工作的实际情况入手,从提高学生工作绩效的原则出发,在更新观念、指导服务、评价激励、提高学生工作绩效的基本思路等方面提出了新的见解。

    To improve the students management , this paper states some opinions of the changing ideas , instructing service under new circumstances .

  6. 之后,在教师绩效考核原则下构建高校教师绩效考核指标体系,并确定考核方案。

    Afterward , has constructed the university teacher achievements inspection indicator system under the teacher achievements inspection principle , and has determined the evaluate program .

  7. 在德克萨斯州,我们建立了第一个配送中心,配备了全新的员工,所有的主管和经理从一开始就接受了绩效管理原则的培训。

    In Texas , we have our first distribution centre established with completely new staff , and all the supervisors and managers were trained from the start in Performance Management principles .

  8. 本文提出以人为本的企业财务绩效评价原则包括合法性原则、公平性原则和卡尔多-希克斯改进原则,是在反思传统财务分析评价弊端的基础上提出的,具有理论创新性和实践指导性。

    The principle of legality , equality and Kaldor-Hicks improvement in people-oriented enterprise financial performance evaluation are put forward on the basis of traditional financial analysis insufficient introspection and thus has theory innovation and practice guidance .

  9. 本文探讨了科学发展观指导下的政府绩效评估原则和指标体系,并分析了国外政府绩效评估及对我国的启示。

    Assess the principle and index system in government performance that this text has been probed into under the guidance of the scientific development view , have analyzed performance assessing and enlightenment of our country of foreign government .

  10. 本文通过对技术引进环境、影响因素、技术引进的理论等的分析研究,提出了技术引进有效机制和技术引进的有效模式。并建立了技术引进的绩效评价原则和评价体系。

    After analyzing the influential factors , the environment and the theories of technology introduction , this thesis puts forward the effective mechanism and mode of technology introduction and build up a set of evaluation system about technology introduction .

  11. 针对个性化的教学,在改革中应当服从教学目标的需要,依据绩效的原则选择合适的教学媒体,方能不断提高大学英语教学水平,增强学生英语综合应用能力。

    Only by aiming at individualized subjects , meeting the demands of teaching objectives in the reform and selecting proper teaching medium according to the principle of performance , can we improve college English teaching continuously and strengthen students ' comprehensive ability to use English .

  12. 我国自上世纪90年代末期实行部门预算改革以来,在2003年就首次提出编制预算要讲求绩效性原则,绩效预算构成了今后相当长一段时期深化部门预算改革的重要主题。

    Our country since the late 1990s implement department budget since the reform , first put forward in 2003 budget wants be particular about performance sex principle , performance budgeting constitute the future for quite a long time deepening reform of department budget important topics .

  13. 按照绩效考核的原则、考核目标的确定、绩效指标和权重的确定等步骤来制定考核标准,建立一个系统的、科学的、公正透明的适合SC公司发展的绩效考核体系。

    It is based on the principle , target , index , weight , and other steps , to set up a systematic , scientific , fair and suitable performance assessment system of SC Group Company .

  14. 提出了城市经营绩效评价的原则;

    The principles of the performance appraisal is put forth .

  15. 现代物流企业绩效评价的原则和方法初探

    Elementary Research of Principle and Method on Performance Evaluation of Modern Logistics Companies

  16. 绩效管理的原则是效率优先,公正透明。

    Performance management is the principle of giving priority to efficiency , fair and transparent .

  17. 图书馆绩效评估的原则

    On the Principle of Evaluating Library Achievement

  18. 按照职位明确化、薪酬社会化、奖金绩效化的原则,以人为本,开发人力资源。

    " Positions clear and society pay , performance bonuses " to the principle that the people-centered development of human resources .

  19. 提出山西省农产品加工业绩效评价的原则、方法和指标体系。

    Give out the method for evaluating the performance degree of Shanxi agricultural Processing Commodity Industry , including the principle and target . 3 .

  20. 然后遵循培训项目绩效评估的原则,建立了模糊综合评估的数学模型,构建了一个较为科学的基层部队军事主官岗位培训项目绩效评估体系。

    Secondly , according to the principle of the evaluation of central military officers of basic unit , the paper founded a mathematical model of fuzzy synthetic evaluation .

  21. 结论良性的竞争及考评机制,体现了能级及绩效对应的原则,从而使护士工作积极性和护理质量不断提高。

    Conclusion The appropriate competition and appraisal system reflected energy and performance corresponding principle , and promoted the improvement of nurses ' working enthusiasm and the quality of nursing .

  22. 文章依据绩效分析的原则,选取了耕地数量保护、质量保护和执行力等方面的多个指标进行了系统的定量分析,作出科学判断。

    The principles of articles based on performance analysis , select the amount of cultivated land protection , quality , protection and execution of multiple indicators of the quantitative analysis of the system to make a scientific judgment .

  23. 在此基础上,依据绩效考评的原则,从财务维度、客户市场维度、内部营运维度和社会效益维度这四个维度全面构建适用于电力企业高管的绩效考评指标体系。

    Basis on this , according to the principle of performance evaluation , from financial dimensions , customer market dimensions , internal operating dimensions and social benefits dimension this four dimensions comprehensive building a suitable performance evaluation index system for power enterprise executives .

  24. 依据人力资源中绩效评估的原则,将外部人力资源管理绩效评估专家引入评估主体,分析绩效评估的意义,重构并完善了评估指标体系&素质绩效、过程绩效、结果绩效、环境绩效四部分。

    According to purpose and principle of performance appraisal in human resource , Performance appraisal subjects are added from outer experts of human resource performance appraisal and reconstruct and perfect the index system with including diathesis performance , process performance , result performance , environment performance .

  25. 然后,提出设立证券投资基金绩效评价标准的原则。

    Secondly , The paper put forward the principles of performance measurement criterion .

  26. 论政府绩效评估的基本原则

    On the Basic Principles of Government Achievement Assessment

  27. 在遵循核心员工绩效考核体系构建原则的基础之上,进行了绩效考核指标的选取。

    In complying with the core principles of employee performance appraisal system , we select the important indexes .

  28. 提出了商业银行经营绩效综合评价的原则,建立了商业银行经营绩效综合评价模型。

    The thesis puts forward comprehensive evaluation principles of operating performance for commercial bank , and establishes comprehensive evaluation model of operating performance for commercial bank .

  29. 并在上述理论以及国际营销绩效评价指标设计原则的基础上,建立了一套包含财务绩效指标与非财务绩效指标的企业国际营销绩效综合评价指标体系,构建了企业国际营销绩效评价的模型。

    We established an assessment system that including both finance and non-finance index for the international marketing of firms based on principle of the designing of the index system , and built the assessment model as well .

  30. 本文根据森工林业局的工作目标,主要从其在生态效益、经济效益、社会效益三方面展开评估,这就要求绩效评估指标设计原则也是以符合公共利益为根本目标和前提。

    Through the objectives of the forestry bureau , we primarily assess in three aspects ( namely ecological benefits , economic benefits and societal benefits ), which are in line with the fundamental objectives of public benefits .