
  • 网络contact management;contact managent
  1. 有综合接触管理的每日的、周每月的日历。

    Daily , weekly monthly calendar with integrated contact management .

  2. 我们还是接触管理技术与应用方面的著名供应商。在“罗克维尔第一接触点”的品牌下推广,帮助顾客公司更有效率了管理和他们的顾客之间的互动。

    We are also a leading provider of contact management technologies and applications , marketed under the Rockwell FirstPoint Contact brands that help companies more efficiently manage interaction with their own customers .

  3. 一家信用卡公司率先采用目标接触管理之后,其营业额提高了25%,而成本减少了10%,为整个客户基地赚进2千多万。

    One credit card company , which piloted targeted contact management , identified an increase in sales of25 percent and a reduction in cost of10 percent , worth over $ 20 million when rolled out to its entire customer base .

  4. de域名的注册人名义或者接触或管理必须有一个有效的德国地址。

    DE domain name either the Registrant or the Admin contact must have a valid German address .

  5. 接触高级管理层,了解战略意图。

    Engage with senior management to understand strategic intent .

  6. 接触点管理模式及其传播学透视

    Paradigm of contact point management and its communication

  7. 接触点管理模式(ContactPointManagement)由全球最大的单体广告公司&日本电通公司推出。

    Contact point management ( CPM ) is innovated by Japan 's Dentsu Co , the biggest advertisement company in the world .

  8. 当然,你也可以自己主动去接触这些管理者,不需要你的上司参与其中,但比森却不建议这么做。

    Of course , you could approach those managers on your own , without involving your boss , but Beeson advises against it .

  9. 然后,结合设计企业经常接触的项目管理的理论,结合某设计企业,讨论了项目进度计划关键路径法(CPM)及资源分配管理方法&优先日程图示法(PDM)。

    Thirdly , according to Project Management theory , it discussed Critical Path Method ( CPM ) and Precedence Diagramming Method ( PDM ) in the light of a designing enterprise .

  10. 这是男男性接触者的管理课程硕士学位准备为候选人

    This is what MSM 's Master of Management program is preparing the candidates for

  11. 此方法不为您提供设计不接触客户关系管理的流程的架构。

    It does not provide you the architecture for designing processes that do not touch crm .

  12. 通过整个项目,我广泛了解了石油行业,接触了高层管理人员。

    Throughout the project , I had a broad exposure to the petroleum industry and access to senior-level executives .

  13. 通过与具有实地研究能力且能接触到当地管理层的投资管理公司合作,国际资本可降低这方面的风险。

    The risks in this area can be mitigated by working with an investment manager with on-the-ground research capabilities and access to local management .

  14. 酒店企业属于开放型企业,最早接触国际先进管理技术,并大量吸收国外酒店管理公司的先进管理经验。

    Hotel enterprises are of opening style , which contact the international advanced administrative skill earlier , and have absorbed a large number of advanced experiences of management of foreign hotels .

  15. 第二部分是本篇论文的重点,着重阐述了服务运营管理几个重要的组成部分,包括服务接触、质量管理、能力与需求管理和排队管理。

    Part 2 is the core of this paper . It describes the key components of service operation management , such as service contact , quality management , competence and requirement management and queuing management .

  16. 被强硬的盔甲呵护着,也从未入世,更别提接触生活和管理个人事务了,从来没人让它承担首当其冲的责任。

    It 's been protected by the efficient armour , it 's never participated in life , it 's never been exposed to living and to managing the person 's affairs , it 's never been given responsibility for taking the brunt .

  17. 做出了京津城际接触网维修管理系统的需求分析,包括系统的总体功能模块设计,性能要求和系统架构结构的设计。

    And also the analysis process of reliability of catenary system has been given . ( 2 ) The demand analysis of maintenance management system of catenary system of Beijing-Tianjin inter-city express has been accomplished , including the system function module design , performance requirements and its system architecture design .

  18. 现在,要接触到AIX用户管理的核心了。

    Now you 're getting into the meat of AIX user administration .

  19. 它还能捕捉画像,将数据写入MIFARE非接触智能卡以及管理卡片的安全钥匙。

    It can also capture portraits , write data to MIFARE contactless cards , and manage card security keys .

  20. 基于品牌价值体现的接触点一致性管理探讨

    Touch - Point Consistency Management Research Base on Brand Value Proposition

  21. 城市公共交通非接触式IC卡收费管理系统

    City Public Traffic Contactless Smart Card in Automated Fare Collection System

  22. 非接触智能卡校园管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Campus Management System with Noncontact Intelligent Card

  23. 机房非接触IC卡自动收费管理系统的开发及应用

    Development and application of untouched IC card automatic charging management system in computer room

  24. 非接触IC卡停车场管理系统

    Non-Contact IC Card Parking Management System

  25. 主要介绍非接触IC卡在考勤管理系统中的应用和实现。

    A application of the non-connected IC card in the management of checking on work attendance is introduced in this paper .

  26. 对客户服务中心最为核心的客户接触系统、知识管理系统、销售管理系统进行相应的开放模式的技术架构设计。

    Customer care center for most customer contact systems , knowledge management systems , sales management system appropriate technical architecture design open mode .

  27. 城市居民和社会团体每天都要接触都市环境,管理和使用城市林业资源,因此,城市林业与市民的关系是非常密切的。

    Many diverse individuals and groups own , manage and use urban forest resource , they interact daily with the urban forest environment and each other .

  28. 如果能在导言中加入更多的统计数据和设备图片以至于能进一步帮助那些初次接触办公自动化的管理者就更好了。

    It might have been better to include more punchy statistics and photos of equipment in the introduction , to further assist first-time office automation managers .

  29. 介绍一种非接触式IC卡物流管理系统的设计方案,该系统推动了企业信息管理的进一步发展。

    This paper introduces a design scheme about the logistics management system based on contactless IC card , the system promotes the information management of enterprise to more progress .

  30. 良好的接触者追踪和管理有助于确保当向其他人传播的危险最大时在症状出现之前将可能病例隔离。

    Good tracing and management of contacts helps to ensure that possible cases are isolated prior to the onset of symptoms , when the risk of transmission to others is highest .