
  • 网络Active management;actively-managed
  1. 汇丰全球资产管理公司(hsbcglobalassetmanagement)积极管理部门卓誉(halbis)首席执行官戚浩霖(chrischeetham)认为,投资者兴趣重燃,更像是试水、而非涌入。

    Chris Cheetham , chief executive of halbis , the active management unit of HSBC Global Asset Management , believes renewed interest is more a dipping of the toe in the water rather than a rush .

  2. 岗位轮换&图书馆内部积极管理的最佳策略

    Post-alternating : the Best Tactics of the Internal Active Management of Library

  3. 勒科克表示,将两者结合起来的投资成本,低于积极管理的beta投资组合。

    The resulting combination , says Mr LeCocq , costs less than an actively managed beta portfolio .

  4. 英国博安咨询集团(paconsulting)制造业和供应链专家詹姆斯怀特(jameswright)警告称,几乎没有一家公司具备积极管理风险的框架、政策、技能或文化。

    James Wright , manufacturing and supply chain expert at PA consulting , warns that few organisations have the framework , policies , skills or culture actively to manage their risks .

  5. 上周五,中国人民银行(PBoC)在不到一年的时间内第三次加息,这是日趋积极管理的中国央行的最新一项紧缩措施。

    The People 's Bank of China has lifted interest rates for the third time in less than a year in the latest in a series of tightening measures by an increasingly activist central bank .

  6. 大约十年前,我太太没怎么考虑就挑选了属于积极管理型的Primecap基金。

    A decade or so ago , my wife randomly picked the actively managed Primecap fund .

  7. 凯塞尔和舍曼在Abacus采取的财务规划方式受到了金德的影响,两人表示,他们根据研究,而非“情绪和热门建议”来购买股票和债券。他们一般更喜欢被动型指数基金,而非积极管理型基金。

    Messrs. Kessel and Sherman use a Kinder-influenced financial-planning approach at Abacus , and say they buy stocks and bonds based on research instead of ' emotions and hot tips . ' They typically prefer passive index funds to actively managed ones , and unlike panicked investors who fled equities during the financial crisis ,

  8. 根据持股数据度量投资基金的积极管理程度

    Measuring the Activeness of Management According to the Holding of Funds

  9. 还有一些人青睐积极管理型基金,希望它们能跑赢大盘。

    Others prefer actively managed funds , hoping to beat the market .

  10. 评审是实行该积极管理的媒介。

    Reviews are a vehicle for the exercise of that active management .

  11. 积极管理道路的使用,减少交通挤塞并促进安全。

    Managing road use to reduce congestion and promote safety .

  12. 积极管理包含在实施的各个方面。

    Active management involvement in all aspects of enablement .

  13. 像我这样一个对积极管理持怀疑态度的人怎么会凭借指数基金获得超过平均水平的投资回报呢?

    How does an active management skeptic like me outperform with index funds ?

  14. 但他的公司也推出了一系列私人的积极管理基金。

    But his firm has also developed a set of private actively managed funds .

  15. 我们会积极管理您的投资组合,使您获得最大的投资回报。

    We will actively manage your portfolio to maximise the return on your investment .

  16. 论课堂的积极管理和学生行为的补救措施

    On Constructive Classroom Management and Remedial Control

  17. 我们参与并积极管理几家中外合资企业。

    EKC participates in and actively manages several Sino-foreign equity joint venture enterprises in China .

  18. 超额外汇储备的积极管理策略

    Active Management for Excess Foreign Exchange Reserve On excess foreign exchange reserve and government financing ability

  19. 行政指导是政府积极管理和引导社会生活的重要手段。

    Administrative guidance is avery important means for the government to manage and guide social life .

  20. 对于梅赛德斯的卡农来说,创造精英品牌的关键就是要对个人声誉进行“积极管理”。

    For Mercedes'Cannon , the key to creating an elite brand is to " actively manage " your reputation .

  21. 我们将通过积极管理自己在全球的产能需要,切实转型我们的制造和分销系统。

    We will literally transform our manufacturing and distribution systems by proactively managing our capacity needs around the world .

  22. 自从2007年中国投资公司成立,我国外汇储备的积极管理正式提上日程。

    Since China Investment Corp established in 2007 , active management of foreign exchange reserve has been brought into schedule .

  23. 随着世界各国外汇储备量的增长,各国越来越重视对外汇储备的积极管理。

    With growing of the foreign exchange reserves , countries are increasing paying attention to active management of foreign exchange reserves .

  24. 我们每个人都是自己的首席执行官,积极管理自己的品牌是我们的工作。

    Each of us is chief executive of me , Inc and it is our job to manage our brand actively .

  25. 过去三年里,高盛旗下量化基金的规模增长了一倍多,达1000亿美元,全部为积极管理型。

    Goldman has more than doubled its quantitative money in the past three years to $ 100bn , all actively managed .

  26. 富人积极管理自己的投资,为他们购买的有价证券寻找专门的顾问咨询,并要求充分披露公司经营和财务状况。

    The rich are actively managing their investments , seeking customized advice and demanding full disclosure about the securities they buy .

  27. 伴随这种积极管理直接投资的新理念的,还有一些旨在将战略重心从最初的新加坡和中国移开、转为分散化投资的计划。

    This new philosophy of actively managing direct investments would sit alongside plans to diversify from an initial focus on Singapore and China .

  28. 因此,即使在最好情况下,选择一只积极管理的基金也是在浪费时间(即便不浪费钱)。

    So in the best case scenario , selecting an actively managed fund is a waste of time , though perhaps not money .

  29. 几十年来,个人储户通过共同基金投资股票,这些基金被积极管理,试图获得超过某个指数的涨幅。

    For decades , retail savers have invested in stocks via mutual funds that are actively managed to try to beat an index .

  30. 他认为,收费结构也有助于保持以客观的方式去选择指数还是积极管理,一位资金经理还是另一位资金经理。

    He believes the fee structure also helps to maintain an objective approach in choosing indices or active management or one manager versus another .