
  • 网络feudal ethical code;the feudal ethics
  1. 封建礼教的无奈奠品&论潘金莲与王熙凤悲剧人生三部曲

    Sacrifices of the Feudal Ethics & On the Tragedy of PAN Jin-lian and Wang Xi-feng

  2. 大胆反抗封建礼教,追求理想生活。

    They bravely rebelled against the feudal ethics and patriarch morals , pursuing their dream life .

  3. 中国古代女性意识&从原始走向封建礼教

    Ancient Chinese Female Consciousness & From the Primitive to Confucian Ritualism

  4. 试论明代封建礼教思想对妇产科学的影响

    Effect of Feudal Ethical Code in Ming Dynasty on Gynecology and Obstetrics

  5. 深刻地揭露封建礼教制度的虚伪和残酷。

    ( b ) Disclose profoundly feudalism system the hypocrisy and cruel .

  6. 中国古代官署衙门,既受封建礼教制度制约,也有衙门建筑功能上的要求,从而形成了严格的建筑形式和建筑规模。

    The ancient administrative offices formed the strict architectural system and scale .

  7. 反对旧式封建礼教,促进了社会风俗的改良;

    The persons of insights opposed against the old feudal ethical code and improved the social custom ;

  8. 通过马五和尕豆的爱情悲剧揭露了中国社会数千年封建礼教的本质。

    It revealed the nature of feudal ethic by the love tragedy between Ma Wu and Ga Dou .

  9. 《西厢记》在抨击封建礼教、主张青年男女婚姻自主的同时,对佛教亦进行了嘲讽与揭露。

    While attacking feudal ethics and advocating freedom of marriage Wang Shi-pu exposed and satirized Buddhism in the West Chamber .

  10. 同时,她们又是封建礼教与封建婚姻制度的受害者,是值得人们深深同情的。

    However , they are also victims of feudal ethical code and marriage system , who deserve the others ' sympathy .

  11. 妻子即使知道丈夫嫖妓因而心怀不满,但郁于封建礼教只有忍气吞声。

    Even his wife knew her husband so disgruntled prostitute , but Alice in feudal ethical code only submit to humiliation .

  12. 它们大都歌颂坚贞不渝的爱情,谴责封建礼教和门阀制度对妇女的迫害,并且经常运用写实手法来刻画人物性格和环境气氛,创造了一系列优美的妇女形象。

    These works create a series of beautiful women images by using realistic skills to depict characters ' personality and the environment atmosphere .

  13. 清朝改土归流以后,受封建礼教和汉文化的影响,传统的土家族自由婚姻演变为许多新的婚姻习俗。

    Since Tujia clan came under the ruling of Han officials , Tujia people 's free marriage has involved into many new marriage customs .

  14. 在刑法方面,仍存在歧视妇女现象;在民法上,法律仍维护封建礼教和封建的婚姻家庭关系。

    Women were still looked down upon in the criminal law and the civil law safeguarded the marriage relations o feudal ethical as well .

  15. 《聊斋志异》中的婚姻爱情观,体现的仍是封建礼教下的男权意识。

    The view of marriage and love in " Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio " still reflects male chauvinism in the feudal society .

  16. 当然,一方面不能沿袭古代迂腐的封建礼教和不合时宜的价值观念。

    Of course , on one hand cannot the feudal the Confucian or feudal ethical code with follow pedantry ancient time and malapropos value sense .

  17. 剧中对于礼节的表现,对于礼俗的演绎,乃至封建礼教下的礼制的弊端都描绘的恰到好处。

    For the performance of the etiquette , for custom deduction , disadvantages and feudal ethical code under the ritual is described be just perfect .

  18. “无物之阵”是由被封建礼教文化浸润入骨的各式各样的人组成的社会。

    ' The array made up of the matter that seems unexisted'refers to the society composed of various persons immerged totally by the feudal dictatorial culture .

  19. 而为了报恩不必受封建礼教对男女交往的束缚,礼法规范被恩报义务所取代。

    And repaying an obligation that needs not restricted by the feudal ethics of male-female friendships , the norms of etiquette and law was replaced by obligations .

  20. 首先,是对中国传统的天命观和封建礼教的批判,这一批判又涉及对孔子的评价。

    First , the criticism was targeted to the view of fatality and the feudalistic ceremony in Chinese traditional thought , which involved the evaluation of Confucius .

  21. 但是由于受历史的局限,她们的思想始终没有完全摆脱封建礼教的桎梏,最终也没有找到真正的女性解放的道路。

    But due to the limitation of history , their thought never completely out of the feudal fetters and finally could not find the real road for female liberation .

  22. 作为明朝写实小说的代表作,《拍案惊奇》真实地反映了当时社会的生活风貌,表现了尊重个性,反抗封建礼教争取个性自由的精神。

    As a representative works of the Ming Dynasty , The Amazing Tales authentically reflected society and showed us new trends in society , favoring individualism over feudal morality .

  23. 白话译诗引发了白话新诗的草创,宣扬了反抗封建礼教、尊重人的价值、个性与尊严的人文主义精神。

    Translated poems in the vernacular helped usher in the new poetry , advocate the struggle against the feudalist doctrines , and strove for human values , individuality and dignity .

  24. 中国妇女在此制度中表现出无我的心态,究其原因主要有三:一,封建礼教的严重束缚和毒害是思想根源;

    Chinese women take the psychology of losing myself on this system , the reasons are following : First , the serious constraint of the feudal Confucian is the ideological root ;

  25. 从封建礼教对妇产科学发展的制约以及医家在此束缚下艰难地取得一定的成就两方面,阐述明代封建礼教思想对妇产科学的影响。

    In this paper , the authors deal with the restricting effect of the feudal ethical code on the development of gynecology and obstetrics , and on the achievement of physicians .

  26. 通过对两部作品女子形象的比较,我们可以感受到随着封建礼教制度的确立,女性地位由独立自主逐步走向封锁禁锢的历史印记;

    By image comparison of two women in the works , we could see that the independent women were gradually shackled by the feudal ethical code with the establishment of feudal ethics .

  27. 晚明产生的王学左派思想和意大利文艺复兴的人文主义思想,都是人们反抗封建礼教的有力武器。

    The production of the left thought led by Wang Yangming in the lately Ming Dynasty and humanitarian thought in Italy , which are the forceful weapon of rebel against feudalist morality .

  28. 情与理主要表现为人的本真生命与道德禁锢的恒久冲突,具体地说就是本真爱情和传统封建礼教的冲突。

    Feeling and reason , human beings and the moral of this true life imprisonment in the permanent conflict , specifically , is this true love and the traditional feudal ethics conflicts .

  29. 他的存在已成为中国封建礼教和旧文化秩序的一个他者性参照系,并体现了鲁迅直面现实和超越现实的双重关怀。

    His existence is an alien referential system of Chinese feudal rite and traditional culture order , and it incarnates Lu Xun 's double solicitude about straight envisaging and transcending the reality .

  30. 小说中王三姑娘的死,集中体现了封建礼教的吃人本质。(三)深刻地反映男权社会中女性的屈辱和痛苦。

    In the novel the death of Miss Wang , and embodies the feudal moral hypocrisy and cruel . ( c ) Reflects profoundly the women pain in the patriarchal society humiliating .