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fēng yī
  • front cover;recto
封一 [fēng yī]
  • [front cover] 书刊中指封面

封一[fēng yī]
  1. 我们不需要象波兰那样封一个刊物,我们只要党报发一两篇社论就行了。

    There is no need for us to ban a journal as was done in Poland , all we have to do is to publish a couple of editorials in the Party newspaper .

  2. 这封信从一个人转手到另一个人直到每个人都看过。

    The letter passed from one to another until everyone had read it .

  3. 特朗普的代表上周五给纽约州总检察长埃里克•T•施耐德曼(EricT.Schneiderman)发了一封只有一段文字的信函,表示这项和解协议的资金不会来自任何慈善基金会或其他慈善机构。

    Representatives for Mr Trump sent a one-paragraph letter on Friday to Eric T. Schneiderman , the New York State attorney general , stating that no funding for the settlement would come from any charitable foundation or other charitable entity .

  4. 相比之下,当巴克莱(Barclays)首席执行官杰斯?斯特利(JesStaley)命令员工追查是谁寄出了两封批评一位新聘员工的信件时,他们没有积极执行他的命令。

    By contrast , when Jes Staley , Barclays " chief executive , ordered staff to find out who had sent two uncomplimentary letters about a newly hired employee , they did not run off to do his bidding .

  5. 她一封接一封地给他寄信解释推迟的原因。

    She sent him letter after letter to explain the delay .

  6. 密封推荐书三封包括一份中国语文教师推荐书

    Letters of recommendation including one by an instructor of Chinese language

  7. 这是一封通过一家公司进行的资信调查信。

    This is a letter of credit enquiry through a firm .

  8. 第一封就是一位叫祝溧的朋友写来的。

    The first letter was written by a friend called Zhu li .

  9. 玛丽的男朋友一封接一封地给她写信,请求她的原谅。

    Mary 's boyfriend wrote letter after letter to ask for her forgiveness .

  10. 每一封只是一个时间和地址。

    Each one was just a time and location .

  11. 他一封接一封地给我写信,请我去他家。

    He sent me letter after letter to invite me to his home .

  12. 你要求我销毁那封信一事。

    Your request that I should destroy the letter .

  13. 今天我收到了一封元月一日发出的信。

    I received today a letter dated january1st .

  14. 他一封接一封地发求职信去应聘各种招工广告,直到他再买不起邮票为止。

    He answered advertisements until he could not afford to buy any more stamps .

  15. 然后,这个人拿出我的信,那封给一个女孩儿的情书。

    Then the man took out my love letter which I sent to a girl .

  16. 小村被雪封了一个多月。

    The mountain village was cut off by the snow for more than a month .

  17. 母亲把信一封接一封地从英文翻成意大利文读出来。

    Mum read the letters one by one and translated them from English to Italian .

  18. 她被封了一个贵族头衔。

    She was given a peerage .

  19. 这封邮件一开头就写道:虽然我们未曾谋面,但我非常希望能有机会与您见面。

    The e-mail began : We haven 't met yet , but I hope we will .

  20. 他把二十封信一翻,发现全是一处来的。

    He skimmed through the twenty envelopes and discovered it was the same on all of them .

  21. 我转传这封来自一位佛友的电邮,让大家分享佛不可思议的加持。

    I am forwarding an email from a Buddhist so we all share the great blessing of Buddhas .

  22. 第一封是一位恐慌的同事发过来的,向她救助一个非常紧急的问题。

    The first was her colleague in a panic , looking for an answer to an urgent question .

  23. 更明确地说,这种测试方法适用于在通常使用时能够封起一个干燥空间的所有包装物。

    More specifically , the method is applicable to packages that in normal use will enclose a dry environment .

  24. 在黑客公开的邮件中,有一封来自一名索尼高管,讨论要出售索尼/ATV。

    Among the emails released by hackers was one from a senior Sony executive that discussed selling Sony / ATV .

  25. 一封信一位紧张的母亲特别着急,因为她还没有收到她住寄宿学校的儿子的信。

    The nervous mother was worried because she hadn 't heard from her son who was away at boarding school .

  26. 黛博拉·伯克斯博士发表此番言论时,美国部分地区在政府封城一个月后寻求重新开放。

    Dr. Deborah Birx said this as parts of the US seek to reopen after a month of government lockdowns .

  27. 没有理由它们看上去那么差,它们只应该被打包和封箱一次,并尽量少地经手。

    There is no reason why they should look bad ; they should only be packed and sealed once , and handled minimally .

  28. 所以他一封接一封地给美国各大学写信,直到有人从某个地方回应了他对更美好生活的祈祷。

    And so he wrote letter after letter to universities all across America until somebody , somewhere answered his prayer for a better life .

  29. 这些台阶曾经跑过欢笑着的情侣,在庭外碎裂的圆满婚姻下封着一个吻。

    These steps once rang to the sound of lovers'footsteps , and beneath that broken dome marriages beyond count were sealed with a kiss .

  30. 他(布什总统)应该把他的幕僚长叫进来,递给他一封只有一句话的信:亲爱的约翰:辞职吧。老头子。

    He ( President Bush ) should call in his chief of staff and hand him a one-sentence letter : Dear John : Please quit .