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kāi chuànɡ zhě
  • founder
  1. 鲁迅是中国现代乡土文学的开创者。

    Lu Xun is the founder of modern Chinese rural literature .

  2. 在西方哲学史上,亚里士多德是体系化的形而上学的开创者。

    In the history of Western philosophy , Aristotle was the founder of systematic metaphysics .

  3. 我迫切希望能变成个开创者而不是跟随者。

    I aspire to be an innovator not a follower .

  4. 其中一个就是所谓的卡内基效应(carnegieeffect):即下一代的能力可能不及企业开创者。

    One is the so-called Carnegie effect : the next generation may prove less able than the founding entrepreneur .

  5. 奥曼(Aumann)在权威的《帕尔格雷夫大辞典》中的《博弈论》条中对这门学科的历史,它在八十年代中叶以前的发展成果作了精辟的介绍。继博弈论的开创者冯。

    Aumann gave incisive introductions to development results before middle period of 1980s and to history of the subject in 《 Game theory 》 of authoritative 《 Webster dictionary 》 .

  6. 美丽的人的意义上的人的命运的伟大开创者。

    In beautiful person 's significance person 's destiny great pathfinder .

  7. 鲁迅与胡适是新文学的开创者与奠基人。

    Luxun and Hushi are explorer and founder of Chinese modern literature .

  8. 威廉。华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗歌的开创者。

    William Wordsworth was a British pioneer of romantic poetry .

  9. 1994年建立的升达就是一个开创者。

    Shengda , which was founded in1994 , was an early pioneer .

  10. 对于开创者们来说,这是从来没有发生过的事情。

    But for starters , it 's never happened before .

  11. 近现代陶渊明研究的开创者梁启超

    Liang Qichao , Forerunner of Modern Tao Yuanming Study

  12. 鲁迅是中国现代小说及现代小说理论的开创者,他的小说理论开创性特色主要表现在:小说观念的创新&“为人生”的启蒙主义小说观;小说本体艺术的典型化理论;

    Luxun was the pioneer of Chinese modern fictions and modern fiction theory .

  13. 他是心脏移植手术的开创者。

    He was a pioneer in heart transplant operations .

  14. 爱德华·马奈是印象主义的开创者。

    Edouard Manet is the forerunner of the Impressionism .

  15. 中国图书馆事业的开创者和奠基者李燕亭论略

    A Study of Li Yanting : The Pioneer and Founder of Chinese Library Services

  16. 但是,漫威并非这个创意的开创者。

    However , Marvel hardly pioneered this idea .

  17. 其伟大的著作《管理的实践》奠定了他作为管理学科开创者的地位。

    His great work the practice of management established his management discipline pathfinder 's status .

  18. 作为田园诗人的开创者,陶渊明对唐代山水田园诗的影响是深刻的,也是明显的。

    As a pioneer of pastoral poets , Tao Yuan-ming greatly influenced mountains-and-waters pastoral poets .

  19. 摩尔根是社区研究的开创者

    Morgan , the Initiator of Community Study

  20. 司马迁理所当然是中国楚辞学和中国赋学研究的开创者和奠基人。

    So we can conclude that Sima Qian is the inaugurator of Chinese Fu study .

  21. 简·奥斯丁是启蒙时代的理性主义者,是英国女性写作的开创者,也是世界女性写作的先驱。

    Austen is a illuminative rationalist , an English writing pioneer , a world-class forerunner .

  22. 我与汽车有个约会&访中国旅游业开创者之一谭国仁先生

    I have an appointment with car

  23. 事业开创者必须有引领众人的自信,如果他们试图颠覆现有格局,那就更是如此。

    Business-builders need to lead with conviction , especially if they are trying to be disruptive .

  24. 作为“社会剖析派”的开创者,茅盾一直被称为“客观”写实的作者。

    As an initiator of the Social Analysis School , Maodun is called an objective realistic writer .

  25. 薛瑄是明代的理学大师,河东学派的开创者。

    Xue Xuan is a master of Neo-confucianism of Ming Dynasty , the pioneer of east school .

  26. 程颢是我国宋、明理学的开创者和奠基人之一。

    Cheng Hao was the founder of the School of Rationality in the Song and Ming dynasties .

  27. 他同样是一名开创者在人造心脏,心脏移植和录制外科手术上。

    He was also a pioneer in artificial hearts , heart transplants and recording surgeries on film .

  28. 我们热忱邀您加入“开创者氏族”,群策群力,筑梦踏实。

    We warmly invite you to join the " pioneer clan ", to bring their dreams into reality .

  29. 她还表示,只有美国才有能力充当这样一种秩序的开创者和维护者。

    America , she says , is uniquely placed to create such an order and to police it .

  30. 社区研究是人类学研究的一个基本和重要的方法,人类学学者多认为其开创者是英国功能主义大师马林诺夫斯基,本文则以为是美国人类学家摩尔根。

    This paper attempts to prove this method , community study , originates with Morgan rather than Malinowski .