
xiǎo mài fěn
  • wheatmeal
小麦粉[xiǎo mài fěn]
  1. 应用正交Fuzzy试验优选小麦粉烘焙品质指标的研究

    Optimum seeking of wheat flour baking quatity indexes by means of cross fuzzy experiment

  2. 主要研究小麦粉中加入不同比例的抗性淀粉(RS)后,对面团流变学特性以及焙烤食品(面包)品质的影响。

    The resistant starch was added to wheat flour and its influences on paste rheological characteristics were studied .

  3. ICP-MS法对国标小麦粉中15种稀土元素的定值研究

    Determination of 15 rare earth elements in wheat powder certified reference material by ICP-MS

  4. 各小麦粉的RVA粘度仪和Brabender粘度仪各指标发生显著变化。

    Indexes of RVA viscosity meter and Brabender viscometer change significantly .

  5. BPO小麦粉漂白剂的研究和应用

    BPO-the research and application of wheat flour bleach

  6. 谷朊粉、黑麦AX对小麦粉粉质特性、焙烤品质有重要的影响作用。

    Gluten and rye arabinoxylan play an important role on the wheat flour farinograph properties and bread baking quality .

  7. 利用ESR波谱技术能够鉴别出含淀粉类辐照食品(玉米粉、小麦粉和糯米粉)是否经过辐照。

    It is concluded that ESR technique could be used to detect whether the starch food ( maize powder , wheat powder and glutinous rice powder ) was irradiated or not .

  8. 馒头回复值变化速率常数KR与小麦粉蛋白质品质呈显著正相关,与馒头比容、小麦粉淀粉品质没有相关性。

    KR had a significant positive correlation with the wheat protein quality , and had no correlation with the specific volume and wheat starch quality .

  9. 实验结果表明:牛乳粉和小麦粉混合后其限制性氨基酸得到了互补,提高了营养价值,PER值明显高于单一小麦粉或单一牛乳粉及酪蛋白。

    The compositions of amino acid of the feed were determined at the same time . The experimental results indicate that its amino acid were supplemented after milk powder mixed with wheat flour , the PER is higher remarkably than the PER of wheat flour or milk powder .

  10. 配料:小麦粉、植物起酥油、白砂糖、山梨醇、全脂奶粉、碳酸钙、膨松剂、香兰素、维生素D3。

    Ingredients : Wheat flour , Vegetable Shortening , Refined Cane Sugar , Sorbitol , Whole Milk Powder , Calcium Carbonate , Baking Powder , Vanilla Flavor , Vitamin D3 .

  11. 通过权衡添加BPO的利弊可知,应当禁止小麦粉中添加使用BPO,以保留小麦粉的天然固有色泽和营养。

    By weighing the pros and cons of BPO added in wheat flour , BPO should be prohibited in wheat flour to preserve the natural color and nutrition of wheat flour .

  12. 方法已用于小麦粉,玉米粉,VB12和人尿液等样品中痕量钴的测定。

    The method was used to determine trace cobalt in VB_ ( 12 ), wheat flour , corn flour and person urine samples with satisfactory results .

  13. 面粉企业的标准化是企业推行ISO9001质量认证的基础,其标准化工作要以满足市场需要的质量稳定的小麦粉生产为重点;

    The standardization of flour enterprises is the basic for the enterprise to implement ISO 9001 Quality Certification System . The standardization issue should focus on production of good and stable quality flour which conforms to the market requirement .

  14. 研究了糯小麦粉添加比例对中国干白面条(DWCN)品质的影响。

    The quality of dry white Chinese noodles ( DWCN ) made from wheat flour blended with waxy wheat flour was determined .

  15. 对重量浓度μ<10、输送距离为30~90m的小麦粉、小麦麸稀相气力压运系统两相流加速压损进行了研究。

    This paper researchs into the acceleration pressure loss of the two phase flow of the thin phase positive pressure pneumatic conveying system of flour and bran whose concentration is u < 10kg / kg and whose transporting distance is between 30 and 90 meters .

  16. 从小麦粉中提取植物酯酶,用70%饱和硫酸铵对植物酯酶进行纯化,酶催化反应温度在45℃、pH4.5~5.5时酶活性最大,酶催化反应动力学显示10min内反应呈线性关系。

    The plant-esterase extracted from wheat flour was purified by 70 % saturated ammonium sulfate . The obtained plant-esterase exhibits its maximum activity at 45 ℃ and pH 4.5 ~ 5.5 , and exhibits a line relation of reactive velocity vs reactive time within 10 min.

  17. 试验结果表明,与小麦粉相比,荞麦粉的粘度很高,β-淀粉酶活性很低,降落值大于1000s。

    The results show that compared with wheat flour , the viscosity of buckwheat flour is high and the β amylase activity of buckwheat flour is very low . The failing number value of buckwheat flour is higher than 1 000 s.

  18. 结果表明:小麦粉碱性水保持力(AWRC)取决于籽粒硬度和可溶性戊聚糖(WEAX)含量,与蛋白质含量和面筋强度也密切相关;

    The results indicated that there were remarkable differences among the samples in quality of each cultivars . The correlative analyses showed that Alkaline water retention capacity ( AWRC ) was strongly correlated with grain hardness , water-soluble arabinoxylan ( WEAX ) content and mix tolerance ;

  19. 测定小麦粉中增白剂所用色谱柱的制备

    Preparation of Chromatographic Column for Determining Brightening Agent in Wheat Flour

  20. 在含粗小麦粉的生长育成期猪日粮中添加植酸酶的效果

    The Effects of Phytase Supplementation to Growing-Finishing Diets Containing Wheat Middlings

  21. 影响优质小麦粉质量和出率的因素

    Factors influencing the quality and the extraction rate of refined flour

  22. 高精度小麦粉提高出率的工艺路线及关键技术措施

    Process Route and Key Technical Measures for Improving High-Accuracy Flour Yield

  23. 小麦粉复合品质改良及营养强化的研究

    Study on compound quality improvement and nutrition fortification fo wheat flour

  24. 专用小麦粉生产及添加剂的应用

    The Production of Tailored Wheat Flour and the Application of Additives

  25. 国产脂肪酶改良小麦粉品质的应用研究

    Application of Domestic Lipase for Improving Quality of Wheat Flour

  26. 小麦粉过氧化苯甲酰含量与小麦粉白度值关系

    Relation of Benzoyl Peroxide Content and Whiteness Value of Flour

  27. 小麦粉粒度研究综述

    Overview of a Study on Particle Size of Wheat Flour

  28. 专用小麦粉及其生产中若干问题的探讨

    An Approach to Several Problems in the Production of Tailored Wheat Flour

  29. 制粉工艺对小麦粉粉质特性和糊化特性的影响

    Effects of Milling Technologies on Quality and Gelatinizing Characteristics of Wheat Flour

  30. 小麦粉组分特点和馒头品质的关系

    The Relationship of Wheat Flour Composition and Steamed Bread Quality