
fěn mò
  • powder;dust;smalls;flour;stive
粉末 [fěn mò]
  • [powder] 由纤细微粒组成的物质,如粉状的干土或分解了的物质

粉末[fěn mò]
  1. 芥末是以粉末状出售的。

    The mustard is sold in powder form .

  2. 雪像粉末一样。

    The snow was like powder .

  3. 可把液体加入粉末,或者相反,把粉末加入液体。

    You can add the fluid to the powder , or , conversely , the powder to the fluid .

  4. 木头在他指间会变成粉末。

    The wood turns to powder in his fingers .

  5. 把少量粉末放入容器,加水混合。

    Put a small amount of the powder into a container and mix with water

  6. 她把头发上的粉末刷掉了。

    She brushed the powder out of her hair

  7. 空气中充斥着柴油烟雾和煤尘粉末,黑乎乎的,我几乎什么都看不见。

    The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust , I can barely see .

  8. 第一步是把粉末和温水搅拌在一起。

    The first step is to mix the powder with warm water .

  9. 以印花粉印用印花粉末转印(镂空模板花样)来自互联网

    To transfer ( a stenciled design ) with pounce .

  10. 为什么体操运动员在每次比赛前要在手上抹白色粉末?

    Why do gymnasts rub that white powder on their hands before a routine ?

  11. 因草片会干裂成粉末所以古埃及的文件很少保存下来。

    Since papyrus dries up and crumble , very few documents of ancient Egypt have survived .

  12. 用途:本品主要用作药物固体制剂,全粉末直接压片的干燥粘合剂,胶囊填充剂,崩解剂,湿法造粒粘合剂和着色的延展剂。

    Use : That is a padhesive with the powder Diecty , Compress tablets and replenisher , Disinteante , adhesive of the capsula .

  13. 工蜂将那些从花朵中采集的花粉(粉末状的黄色微粒)储存在这两个“篮子”里面。

    In these two baskets the working bee stores up the pollen6 , or yellow grains like dust , which it gets from the flowers .

  14. 这种粉末能吸收运动员手上的汗水,帮助他们更好地抓握双杠,减少手与杠之间的摩擦。

    It absorbs the sweat off their hands , helps them keep a better grip on the parallel bars and decreases the friction between the hands and the bars .

  15. 如果你用炖锅来煮沸咸水,等到所有的水分都以蒸汽的方式蒸发之后,咸水中溶解的盐分就会变成锅底上一层白色的粉末。

    If you boil salt water in a small saucepan until the water has all passed away as steam , the salt that was dissolved in it will all be left behind as a white crust on the bottom of the saucepan .

  16. 位于华盛顿州的美国西北太平洋国家实验室和本顿清洁空气机构的官员称,已采集了“牛奶雨”的样本。这种雨水给两个州很多地区的汽车上蒙上一层粉末状残留物。

    Officials at both the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Benton Clean Air Agency , both in Washington state , said they had collected samples of the rain , which left a powdery residue on cars across a wide swath of two states .

  17. 铬尖晶石类阳离子成分和位置分布的X射线粉末法研究

    X-ray powder research on cation composition and distribution of chrome spinellides

  18. 热管炉加热气相还原法制备Fe/N超细粉末

    The Fe / N UFP Preparing by Vapour Phase Deoxidation of Pipe Heater Irradiation

  19. TEACO2激光制备碳化硅超细粉末

    TEA CO2 laser synthesis of SiC ultrafine powders

  20. 纳米晶Ti(C,N)固溶体粉末的制备及组织结构研究

    A study of preparation and microstructure of nanocrystalline Ti ( C , N ) solid solution powders

  21. 用X射线荧光光谱法分析粉末的Ti含量。

    The Ti content of the coated powder was analyzed by X ray fluorescence spectrometry .

  22. SiCw/6061Al铝基复合材料粉末夹层瞬间液相扩散焊接工艺

    Pulverous interlayer transient liquid phase bonding craft of Al-based composite SiC_w / 606Al

  23. 热分解法制备α-Al2O3超细粉末

    Preparation of α - Al_2O_3 Ultrafine Powder by Pyrolytic Process

  24. 多次曝光X射线粉末摄影机

    Multi-exposure X-ray powder camera

  25. 采用IR、粉末XRD分析方法确定了包结物的形成。

    The formation of inclusion compound was confirmed by means of IR and powder XRD .

  26. 用X射线结构分析(粉末法)及差热分析研究了均匀化的样品。

    The homogenized specimens were studied by means of the X-ray ( Debye-Scherrer ) method and differential thermal analysis .

  27. 在10℃~130°的2θ扫描角范围内,在室温下进行粉末X射线衍射。

    Over the 2 θ range of 10 °~ 130 °, the powder XRD was performed at room temperature .

  28. 铁钼粉末冶金抗磨材料次表面亚稳相的XRD分析

    XRD Analysis of Fe-C Metastable Phase in Subsurface Layers of Fe-Mo Powder Metallurgy Antiwear Material

  29. Lu2O3∶Tb纳米粉末的光致发光特性

    Photoluminescent Properties of Nanocrystalline Lu_2O_3 ∶ Tb

  30. Si3N4/SiC复合陶瓷粉末的研制

    Preparation of Si_3N_4 / SiC Composite Ceramic Powder